Item 14 - Draft abstract of title to premises on Church Street and Bow Street

Código de referência

IE CA CS/2/2/1/14


Draft abstract of title to premises on Church Street and Bow Street


  • 15 Mar. 1884 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


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2 pp; Manuscript

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Draft abstract of title of the Capuchin friars to several properties and premises on Church Street and Bow Street. The houses and plots include Nos. 22, 23, 133, 134 and 142 Church Street. The abstract notes that the Church of St. Mary of the Angels is held in fee from Lord De Vesci. The entry for House No. 142 reads: ‘Lease dated 2 June 1834 from Mary Murray to Joseph Nolan containing in breadth in front to Church Street 25 feet 11 inches in the rear 35 feet 7 inches and in depth from front to rear 170 feet 11 inches bounded on the south by the Church St. Chapel, on the east by Church Street, on the west by the Church Street Charity School and on the north by John [ ] house, at a yearly rent of £12 … to hold for 99 years from 1834’.

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