Carroll CM, John, 1899-1987, Vincentian Priest

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Carroll CM, John, 1899-1987, Vincentian Priest

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John Carroll was born in 1899 in Dromkeen, Co Limerick and educated at Castleknock College.
He joined the Vincentian community in 1918 and was ordained in 1926.
He had two appointments in Castleknock, with Strawberry Hill in between.
He then went to Cork and in 1934 was lent, with Fr Willie McGlynn, to Australia to help with missions.
In 1940 he volunteered as a chaplain with the Australian army, and served until 1945, when he returned to Ireland.
He was in Phibsboro twice, with superiorship in Lanark, Scotland, in between. His main work was missions.
He went to Castleknock in 1968, and spent his final eleven years there in retirement, but not idle.
He died there in 1987 aged 87:


Estatuto jurídico

Funciones, ocupaciones y actividades

Father John Carroll CM was a Vincentian priest.
He also served as an army chaplain from 1940 until 1945.

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