Reference code
IE / CMI/X/H/AHC/(1)/4/5
AHC Prospectus; AHC talk; AHC Mission Statement 1840 and 1990
- 1990 - 1992 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
4 items
Name of creator
Administrative history
The Irish province of the Vincentian Community was founded in 1833, inspired by the work of Vincent de Paul, who had founded the Vincentians in France in 1625. https://vincentians.ie/who-we-are/the-history-of-the-irish-vincentians/
Archival history
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Scope and content
Folder with four items:
Prospectus booklet: 'All Hallows Institute for Mission and Ministry: Outline of courses 1992 – 1993'.
Talk typed on A4 sheets: ‘Trends and developments in the life of All Hallows’, by Rev. Eugene Duffy, July 1992.
John Hand’s first mission statement on an A4 page, originally from 1840; this copy was printed in the 1990s.
All Hallows mission statement 1990 on an A4 page.