1916 Rising

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              13 Archival description results for 1916 Rising

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              IE CA IR-1/2/6 · File · 29 July 1916
              Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

              A record by Fr. Columbus Murphy OFM Cap. of events between 30 April and 4 May 1916. Most of the memoir refers to his interaction with British military officers and his efforts to minister to the rebel leaders prior to their executions in Kilmainham Jail. The memoir begins: ‘I have been asked repeatedly to write out a detailed and connected account of my personal experiences, what I actually saw and did during the Rising. At length I have decided to comply with the request. I do so however not with the intention of ever publishing this report. … As I sit then at my desk here in the silence and solitude of my monastic cell in Dublin, fourteen weeks have elapsed since those eventful days. I take up my pen. …’.

              1916 Rising
              IE CA IR-1/1/1 · Subseries · 1916
              Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

              The sub-series comprises papers relating to the ministries performed by Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap. to republicans detained after the 1916 Rising. The section includes authorisations from British armed forces allowing Fr. Albert to visit detainees and extracts from various prison letters.

              Bibby, Albert, 1877-1925, Capuchin priest
              1916 Rising
              IE CA IR-1/3/1 · Subseries · 1916-1950
              Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

              The sub-series comprises papers relating to the ministries undertaken by Fr. Aloysius Travers OFM Cap. to various republicans detained after the Easter Rising. The section includes authorisations and passes from British forces allowing him to visit Kilmainham Jail and extracts from various letters written by republican prisoners in the immediate aftermath of the Rising.

              IE CA IR-1/7/1 · Subseries · 1915-1929
              Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

              A collection of pamphlets and reports covering the national movement principally from c.1915-1921. The sub-series comprises printed ephemera such as fliers, handbills, and other publications.

              IE CA IR-1 · Subfonds · 1898-1981
              Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

              The fonds consists of the correspondence and papers of Capuchin friars detailing their involvement with participants in the national struggle. The majority of the material dates from 1916-1925 and includes many records highlighting the roles played by Irish Capuchins in ministering to republican leaders and their relations. Of particular interest is a large collection of prison letters including the correspondence of some of the leading figures of the Irish Revolution. The fonds also contains a large collection of republican publicity material, newspapers and miscellaneous items of ephemera and artefacts mostly relating to the military and political campaign organised by nationalists for Irish independence. A smaller collection relating to the repatriation of the bodies of Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap. and Fr. Dominic O’Connor OFM Cap. from the United States to Ireland in 1958 is also extant.

              Irish Capuchin Franciscans
              IE CA CP/1/5/1/18 · File · 1934-1962
              Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

              Correspondence file relating to Christopher J. Brady who along with Michael J. Molloy and Liam Ó Briain, compositors, were responsible for printing the 1916 Proclamation. The Proclamation was composed in Liberty Hall, the headquarters of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union. Liberty Hall was also the location of the printing press, an antiquated Wharfdale Double Crown, used to print Connolly’s ‘The Worker’s Republic’ newspaper. Brady used this press to print the Proclamation on Sunday, 23 April 1916. The file includes a photographic print of Christopher J. Brady and letters mainly regarding requests that he authenticate original copies of the Proclamation. One of the letters (17 June 1934) is from Nellie Gifford-Donnelly to Brady requesting that he and Michael J. Molloy and Liam Ó Briain visit Dr. Kathleen Lynn to authenticate and sign a copy of the 1916 Proclamation in her possession. Both Gifford-Donnelly and Kathleen Lynn were committed nationalists and feminists who had participated in the Rising. Gifford-Donnelly was later instrumental in securing historical documents and objects associated with the Easter Rising. The Proclamation signed by Brady is now on display in the National Museum of Ireland.

              Mass Account Book
              IE CA CS/1/1/3/3 · File · 7 Oct. 1912-6 Aug. 1916
              Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

              Cloth-covered notebook containing a list of masses and retreats undertaken by an unidentified Capuchin friar in Church Street. Figures (possibly attendance) are given for each Mass. Occasional reference is made to attendant events. On 7 Sept. 1913 it was noted that ‘there was an office for the dead in the Church for the people killed by the falling houses in Church Street’. The entries for Easter Week 1916 simply read ‘Rising’, and later ‘in [South Dublin] Union, Rising’.

              IE CA CP/1/14/1 · File · 1917-1922
              Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

              Newspaper clippings relating to the Irish Revolution assembled by the editors of 'The Capuchin Annual'. Many of the clippings relate to the role played by the Catholic clergy (particularly the Irish Capuchins) during this period. The file includes:
              • An article referring to remarks made by Rev. W.P. Burke in relation to the moral justification of wars. It reads ‘who can call the wretched Dublin business a war? It was backed neither by the mind nor strength of the country’. 'Nationality', 9 June 1917.
              • ‘A German Plot’. 'Cork Examiner', 18 May 1918.
              • ‘Sinn Feiners and the German Plot’. 25 May 1918.
              • ‘Salute the Heroes / Back from the Gates of Death’. The article refers to the release of republican prisoners from Mountjoy Jail and to the roles played by Fr. Augustine Hayden OFM Cap. and Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap. The article reads ‘The association of these two much loved Irish Franciscan Friars with the last moments of some of the men who died after the Insurrection of 1916 was recalled by their presence yesterday. … Father Augustine appealed to the crowds whom his voice could reach to be calm. He reminded them that the prisoners were very weak, and he appealed to his hearers to maintain order while they were passing through and to obey their Volunteers’. 'Freeman’s Journal', 15 Apr. 1920.
              • ‘The Prisoners Released’. The article refers to the role played by Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap. in securing the release of sixty-eight republican prisoners in Dublin. 'Catholic Times', 17 Apr. 1920.
              • ‘Ireland a Nation / The Government’s Perfidies and Outrages’. The article refers to Fr. Augustine Hayden OFM Cap. and Fr. Matthew O’Connor OFM Cap. 'Freeman’s Journal', 11 May 1921.
              • ‘Obsequies of Rev. James O’Callaghan’. 28 May 1921. A clipping of a photograph showing the funeral of Fr. James O’Callaghan who was killed on 15 May 1920. 'Cork Examiner', 28 May 1921.
              • ‘Miltown Park Raid’ / Large Forces Surround Jesuit House of Studies’. 'Freeman’s Journal', 21 Feb. 1921.
              • ‘The Priest Killers / Mrs De Roiste describes night of murder / Father [Seamus/James] O’Callaghan’s Assassin’. 'Catholic Herald', 4 June 1921.
              • ‘Priest Arrested / President of St. Flannan’s College in Custody’. 'Evening Herald', 6 July 1921.
              • ‘One way to peace / Stop Repression & Recognise Ireland’s Rights / Irish Bishops’ Statement. 'Evening Telegraph', 22 June 1921.
              • ‘The Men of 1916 / Impressive march through streets of Dublin / Graveside tributes’. The article refers to a Memorial Mass offered for the leaders of the 1916 Rising at St. Mary of the Angels, Church Street, Dublin. 'Freeman’s Journal', 25 Apr. 1922.

              IE CA IR-1/8/1/10 · File · 29 Apr. 1916-24 June 1916
              Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

              The file includes the following editions from mainly national newspapers reporting on the Rising and on subsequent events:
              'Cork Examiner', 24 June 1916
              'Irish Weekly Independent', 29 Apr. & 6 May & 13 May 1916
              'Weekly Irish Times', 29 Apr. & 13 May 1916
              'Irish Times', 18 Apr.-1 May 1916; 12 May 1916 (p. 5 only)
              'Saturday Herald', 27 May 1916
              'Cork Examiner', 6 May 1916
              'Freeman’s Journal', 11-13 May 1916; 2 June 1916 (13 May 1916 has pp 5-8 only).
              'Irish Independent', 15 May 1916