Item 3/3/15/4 - 1867017 Watts-Russell, C.P. Michael

Código de referência

IE CP 2020-04-01/38/3/3/15/4


1867017 Watts-Russell, C.P. Michael


  • 05/11/1877 (Produção)

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Âmbito e conteúdo

1867017 Watts-Russell, C.P. Michael: photocopy of Ordination Certificate to the priesthood at Maynooth College on 20 May 1871 of Fr. Michael Watts-Russell. Attached to this photocopy is a note in the hand of Fr, Declan O'Sullivan, C.P., to the effect that Michael was assisted at his first mass by his own father who, hinself, had shortly before that been ordianed a priest.

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Archival documents are catalogued in the following way : Shelf number, box number, file number and item number. Thus, 45/1/1/4 means shelf forty-five, box one, file one and item four. In addition to this each item has an individual serial number. This is attached to the catalogue as an alternative identifier.

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If this item is available on the public catalogue website, then it can be viewed physically in person. Please contact the archivist at archivesmtargus (at), or phone +35314992048. Archive is accessible one day a week, and by appointment only.

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All material, unless otherwise indicated is copyright of the Passionist Order. Permission is needed to copy anything from the archive. In addition, the reason for copying must be made clear to the archivist.

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  • inglês

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Passionist Order - CP

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ISAD (g)


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