Textual record



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Textual record

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1852009 Pakenham, Fr. Paul Mary: His books

1852009 Pakenham, Fr. Paul Mary: His books
The Confessions Of S. Augustine Revised From a Former Translation By The Rev. E.B. Pusey, D.D being a volume in the series "A Library Of The Fathers Of The Holy Catholic Church anterior to the division of the East and West: translated by members of the English Church".

1852009 Pakenham, Fr. Paul Mary: His books

1852009 Pakenham, Fr. Paul Mary: His books
Esprit Des Institutions Militaires by Marechal Marmont. It contains a typed note as follows: "Military Manual in French, It is autographed 'Charles Reginald Pakenham'. Evidently it was purchased in the same year as it was published which shows that the young Pakenham who was then a Lieutenant in the 72nd Regement, kept himself up to date on subjects pertaining to military history".

Paul Mary Packenham

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