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Mount Argus; Finances;

Mount Argus: Finances:
Printed letterhead, folded: MS from Messrs Rook Chadwick & Arnold, Solrs.., 6o Carey Street, Lincoln Inn, London, to Fr. Dominic O,Neill, Rector, St Paul's Retreat, Harold's Cross, Dublin
Has been able to manange to take back the £1,500 on certain terms. Will expect a draft for this amount on the Thursday + interest = £1506.18.0. No news about the £ 6950 Or £1037 yet.

Mount Argus; Absence from Retreat:

Mount Argus: ABsence from Retreat: Copy letter from the Provincial, Vincent Grogan, to the Rectors of the Province: Religious forbidden to remain even one night eirher with relatives or friends without written permission.
Where reat or change is needed, provincial will designate retreat of rest and while there the visitor is subject to the local superior

General Chapter::

General Chapter: Letter from the Provincial directing (on orders from Rome) that a triduum be held in preperation for the General Chapter 27/29 January and the Chapter Prayers for 15 days from receipt pf this letter.

Mount Argus: Finances:

Mount Argus: Finances: Letter frm F. Broughton, Solicitor, 48, Finsbury Square, London, to Dominic O'Neill, C.P. re the Rook estate (see previous items under seriial numbers 425/ 429 and 442).. Jas received DOminic's promissory note for £444 and P.O. for £1-1-0. He will arange the advance.


letter from J.J.McCarthy, Charleston House, Rathmines, Dublin to the Rector of Mount Argus, Fr. Dominic O.Neill, C.P.

Explains that what he wanted to do was to show just how much work had been done, not to put a price on it, but Dominic had asked for the billl! It is all now past. Would Bro. John call for the plans now in the office? When he is better he will call on Dominic. If Dominc is better first, perhaps he will call on him.

Mount Argus; Comminity Annual Retreat: Missions and Retreats:

Mount Argus: Community Annual Retreat: Missions and Retreats: Copy letter from the Provincial, Fr. Vincent, Highgate to all members of the Province.
Is making out mssion list. He advances the time of our own Annual Retreat by a week. He reminds them of 4 points:
(1) the advanced date,
(2) Silence and solitude,
(3) The Retreat fathers should prepare well,
(4) The students are to take part for their benefit,
A PS asks appointments to work be acknowledged; a note to the Prov. at begining and end of Missions: the Superior (first in list) to write to PP.;

1852009 Paul Mary Pakenham Cavendish

Paul Mary Pakenham: Death - letter from Charles W. Cavendish, Burlington Gardens, London to Paul Mary. Expresses his sorrow at hearing of Paul Mary's illness. Sorry he has left Paul Mary's letter so long unanswered. Keeps him in his prayers and puts him under Our Lady's protection.

Paul Mary Packenham

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