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General Visitation:

General Visitation: Bernard MAry of Jesus, General to the members of St. Joseph's Province on the conclusion of the Genral Visitation. At the time of chronologicalcomputerisation, this item was missing.


letter from Office of Commissioners of Rathmines and Rathgar, to Fr, Bernard O'Loughlin, C.P. informing him that the surveyor is to begin the connection of fhe monastery with the water mains on Kimage Road from monday next.

General Chapters: Laybrothers:

General Chapters: James of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Secretary General, to the Provincial of St. Joseph's Province: General Consulta decision: Laybothers ought conform to Westminster decree re mode of dress. Confessors are told privilege of absolving from censures reserved to the Pope are withdrawn.

Mount Argus: Miscellaneous: General:

Mount Argus; Miscellaneous: General: communication from Provincial and his consultors to Dominic O'Neill. C.P. Rector. Better administrative practice necessary. so rectors and superiors are to meet to discuss it, bringing account books etc., and an accurate statement of debts etc., so that incoming rectors will not have to grouse as to teing in the dark about this

1852009 Pakenham, Fr, Paul Mary, C.P., His Books:

1852009 Pakenham, Fr, Paul Mary, C.P., His Books:
A bound note book with a metal clasp containining quotatioins or thoughts in the handwriting of Paul May Pakenham. A note on the inside of the cover states that it was given by Paul Mary to "Alphonsus of the Blessed Virigin Mary, Passionist". This was Fr. Alphonsus O'Neill, C.P., who in turn gave it to his sister, Sr. Mary Alphonsus of the Passion, on 5 July, 1873. She evidently, donated it to the Passionists. Alphonsus was sent to Rome in 1853 to pursue his studies for the priesthood and remained there until 1857. (He was ordained in 1856) Paul Mary was Spiritual Director of the Students from St. Josph's Province in Rome from October, 1855 until June 18560, when he was recalled to take up positiin as first Rector of Mount Argus, so he could have given the bok to Alphonsus. (CAVE: discuss with Briam Mulcahy whether the writing is in fact Paul Mary Pakenham's - in view of MS letter at the back, dated as 1875 Writng seem similar to the other entries!!!)

Paul Mary Packenham

1867017 Watts-Russell, C.P. Michael

1867017 Watts-Russell, C.P. Michael: photocopy of Ordination Certificate to the priesthood at Maynooth College on 20 May 1871 of Fr. Michael Watts-Russell. Attached to this photocopy is a note in the hand of Fr, Declan O'Sullivan, C.P., to the effect that Michael was assisted at his first mass by his own father who, hinself, had shortly before that been ordianed a priest.

Mount Argus: River Poddle: Flooding:

Mount Argus: River Poddle: Flooding: Letter to the Rectpr from the Engineer's Office, City Hall (signature not legible) concerning the flooding of Mount Argus lands from breach in the banks of the River Poddle in the field owned by Nolan-Whelan. Suggests the installatiion of a small drain and building up the bank would solve the problem Glad to learn that this is to be done.

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