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Notes on the history of the Capuchins in Kilkenny

Assorted notes by Fr. Angelus Healy OFM Cap. on the history of the Capuchins in Kilkenny. Most of the notes are loose and fragmentary. The more substantial records include:
• ‘The Capuchins in Kilkenny / 1643-1937 / The Capuchins in Walkin Street’.
• Notes on the ‘names of Friars who died in Kilkenny, with the dates of death, place of burial, and inscriptions on tombstones’. The list covers circa 1647-1930.
• Manuscript extract from 'The Kilkenny Journal', 30 Oct. 1875, referring to the first reception of novices in Kilkenny.
• Extract from 'The Kilkenny Journal', 18 Mar. 1876, on the ‘impressive ceremony of the clothing of four novices … at the Church of St. Francis, Walkin Street … celebrated by Fr. Albert Mitchell OSFC’.
• Extract from 'The Kilkenny Journal', 4 Nov. 1876, referring to the celebration of the Feast of All Saints at the Capuchin Friary, Kilkenny.
• Transcripts of Latin documents referring to Capuchins connected with Kilkenny (primarily in the seventeenth century) including extracts from Fr. Robert O’Connell’s 'Historia Missionis Hibernicae Capucinorum' (Bibliothéque de Troyes, MS 706); a eulogy on Fr. Sebastian Butler OSFC (d. July 1647); a eulogy on Fr. Thomas Tuite OSFC (d. 12 Sept. 1649).
• Newspaper cutting referring to Fr. John Brenan (d. 1847) of Kilkenny, author of the 'Ecclesiastical History of Ireland'.
• Note asking the question ‘Was the Capuchin Convent closed after the death of Father Peter Joseph Mulligan OSFC in 1853’?
• Biographical notes on Fr. Peter Joseph Mulligan OSFC: ‘His life in Ireland was spent entirely in Kilkenny where he died on December 4th 1853’.
• Obituaries for Fr. Felix Duggan OSFC (d. 22 June 1847); Fr. Augustine Dunne OSFC (d. 19 Mar. 1860); Fr. Aloysius Hennessy OSFC (d. 2 Dec. 1879). Copy obituary articles taken from 'The Kilkenny Journal'.
• ‘The Capuchins in Kilkenny’. Copy text from 'The History and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory'.

Healy, Angelus, 1875-1953, Capuchin priest

Correspondence of Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. and Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap.

Correspondence of Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. and Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap., mainly regarding orders for various editions of 'The Capuchin Annual' (particularly from the United States) and for permission to reproduce content from the publication (including the artwork of Richard King). The file also includes letters from contributors with some references to financial problems in the Capuchin Periodicals Office, and to Fr. Senan’s ill-health, and later to his resignation from the editorship of the 'Annual'. The file includes letters from the following correspondents: Fr. Colman Griffin OFM Cap., Provincial Minister, Ruth Axe, Jack Lane, Seumas MacManus, Frank Duff, Robert Monteith, Denis O’Shea, travelling sales representative for 'The Capuchin Annual', Fr. John Cardiff, Holy Cross Rectory, Chicago, Fr. John J. Carroll, Saint Clement Parish House, Sheboyan, Wisconsin, Br. Francis Propser OFM Cap., Garrison, New York, Martin J. Fenelon, Katherine Edelman, Doran Hurley, Monsignor Martin C. Murphy, Columbia, South Carolina, Robert Ostermann, Archbishop Pietro Sigismondi, Martin Cullen, St. John’s Seminary, Minnesota, Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap., Devin A. Garrity, Paul Martin-Dillon, Fr. Terence L. Connolly SJ, Fr. Carthage Ruth OFM Cap., the Most Rev. James M. Liston, Bishop of Auckland, Fr. Colga O’Riordan OFM Cap., and Fr. William Coughlan OFM Cap.

Calendar of Irish Capuchin Missionaries in Africa

Calendar of Irish Capuchin missionaries in Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) and South Africa from 1929-38 giving details of where each friar was stationed and the time spent at each mission station. Includes a clipping of an article on the Irish Capuchin mission in Barotseland, Northern Rhodesia, taken from 'The Father Mathew Record'. The extract is extant on pp 42-5 in the volume compiled Fr. Albeus McQuillan OFM Cap. (1912-1989).

Missionary Bulletin

Missionary Bulletin leaflet, No. 11 (Oct. 1979). The bulletin notes the Golden Jubilee of the arrival (4 Feb. 1929) of the Irish Capuchins in Cape Town and gives a brief history of landmarks in the South African mission

Copy Report on the Mission of Livingstone-Barotseland

Copy report by Fr. Killian Flynn OFM Cap. on the mission of Livingstone-Barotseland in the Prefecture of Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia. The report is divided into the following sections:
I. Situation, area, population etc.
II. Historical Survey
I. Prior to the coming of the Capuchin Fathers
II. Coming of the Capuchin Fathers
Loanja Out-Schools
III. Applications for New Stations
Translations of Catechisms
IV. Details and Statistics
Babemba Church and School, Livingstone
Church of the Little Flower, Livingstone
Barotse Church and School, Livingstone
V. Sphere of Influence of each Station
VI. Method of Converting the Locals
Results Secured
VII. Working of Schools
Babemba school, police camp, Livingstone
Zambesi Saw-Mills Compound School, Livingstone
School at Loanja Mission
School at Saw-Mills Compound, Mulobezi
VIII. Difficulties Hampering Work
Influence of Protestant Missionaries
Poverty of Districts
IX. Prospects for the Future
X. Tribes
XI. Languages
XII. Financial Outlay of Mission from Beginning
A manuscript note by Fr. Edwin Fitzgibbon OFM Cap. reads: ‘This amount does not include monies spent in building church and schools in Athlone parish and church in Parow parish, South Africa, amounting to over £7,000’.

Flynn, Killian, 1905-1972, Capuchin priest

Letter from Dermot MacIntyre

A letter from Dermot MacIntyre to Fr. David Kelleher OFM Cap. referring to the history of the former Stewart-Bam residence in Ards. An extract from the letter reads:
'In regard to Ards and Ards House, I have just found an old notebook of my father’s. He used to jot down bits and pieces on anything to hand and in this old notebook he has an entry dated, Friday, December 30, 1910. He writes: "Was at a dance in Ards House last night given by Sir Pieter Bam. Charlie Coll and I played for them. Bam came in about 9 o’clock. I did not like it all but would rather be in the poorest thatch house in Doe, with the Gaelic sounding round me, than in the midst of it all. Bam does his best to unbend, but it is plainly an effort and he seems to know himself that it won’t be successful. His wife is outrageously proud. She sat all the time like an incarnate goddess and noticed no one. Such pride is a sin against Heaven. You would think the ordinary people were less than dogs to her. Her sister is not one whit better"'.
Further extracts from his father’s journal refer to the landlord’s relationships with the workers and tenants on the Ards estate, to the histories of various local churches, to a Feis at Doe Castle in 1910, and to the building of the Lough Swilly railway in Donegal.

In Memoriam Roger Casement … Died 3rd August 1916 / Specially written by Benmore

A pamphlet dedicated by the author to Casement’s ‘dearest surviving friend on earth his loving sister Mrs Newman’. The text was written by John Clarke (1868-1934), a County Antrim-born nationalist and journalist who wrote numerous articles on Gaelic cultural revivalist subjects, frequently using the penname ‘Benmore’.

Report on Housing Improvements on Church Street

A report titled ‘housing in Dublin’ by Fr. Angelus Healy OFM Cap. referring to the corporation-sponsored Church Street and Beresford Street Improvement Schemes. Fr. Angelus refers to the history of Capuchin involvement in the campaign for housing improvement in the areas around Church Street. He wrote: ‘The Capuchins were directly responsible for the improvements that began in 1890, when Father Columbus [Maher] erected the Father Mathew Hall. Later on Father Nicholas [Murphy] obtained possession of the area extending from the Hall down to the Church. This was a very insanitary area, with a number of courts and alleys of ill-repute. It is now occupied by an extension of the Hall and by the garden attached to the Capuchin Friary. Reference is also made in the report into the Church Street Tenement Disaster of September 1913. This article was published in 'The Father Mathew Record', Vol. 27, No. 8 (Aug. 1934), pp 407-16.

Healy, Angelus, 1875-1953, Capuchin priest

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