Showing 467 results

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Irish Vincentian Archive
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36 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

‘House Book’
‘House Book’
‘Minutes of the Students Literary & Debating Society of St Joseph’s Blackrock'
‘Minutes of the Students Literary & Debating Society of St Joseph’s Blackrock'
‘Prayers to be known by all Seminarists’
‘Prayers to be known by all Seminarists’
‘Prayers to be learned by the Seminarists II’
‘Prayers to be learned by the Seminarists II’
‘Prayers to be learned by the Seminarists’
‘Prayers to be learned by the Seminarists’
‘Seminaire Period of Formative Activity’
‘Seminaire Period of Formative Activity’
‘Various Formulas to be learned by Heart II’
‘Various Formulas to be learned by Heart II’
‘Various Formulas to be learned by Heart’
‘Various Formulas to be learned by Heart’
100 years of Vincentian Administration (1992): Items relating to the celebration.
100 years of Vincentian Administration (1992): Items relating to the celebration.
43-51 Temple Road
43-51 Temple Road
Results 1 to 10 of 467