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Death of George Noble Plunkett

A clipping of a report on the death of George Noble Plunkett (d. 12 March 1948). The article was published in the ‘Irish Independent’ (13 March 1948).

Admission Ticket for Parnell Demonstration, Edinburgh

An admission ticket to an event honouring Charles Stewart Parnell in Edinburgh. The public demonstration (organised by a local Liberal association) was held on 20 July 1889 and marked the bestowal upon Parnell of the freedom of the Scottish city.

Irish History / Bound Photographic and Document Volume

A bound volume with a manuscript title on the spine which reads ‘Irish history’. The content of the volume is varied and includes newspaper clippings, photographs, printed fliers, and original ephemera relating primarily to the Irish Revolution. The volume is not paginated. The volume includes clippings, documents, photographs, ephemera, and references to the following:
• The anti-conscription campaign (1918).
• Nationalist and republican fliers and later anti-Treaty publicity material.
• Election filers and ephemera (1919-1922).
• Election flier titled ‘Put Him In To Get Him Out / vote for Griffith: the man in jail for Ireland’ (1918).
• A certificate of membership of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons, Dublin (1859).
• Original newspaper clippings relating to the 1916 Rising and the War of Independence.
• Sinn Féin bulletins (1924).
• South Armagh By-Election Handbill, 1918.
• Fianna Fáil election material.
• Newspaper clippings relating to Ireland’s policy of neutrality during the Second World War.
• Photographic print of Tom Kettle.
• ‘Comóradh i n-onóir Mhichíl Ui Chléirigh ... 25ú lá de mhí Meithimh, 1944’ (Dublin: Printed at the Sign of the Three Candles, 1944) with an enclosed invitation to Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap.
• Original newspaper clippings re the Plan of Campaign (1886).
• Copy photographic prints of portraits of various Irish nationalist leaders including Theobald Wolfe Tone, Robert Emmet, Daniel O’Connell, William O’Brien, and Michael Davitt.
• Copy photographic print of John O’Leary.
• Photographic print of the exterior of St. Enda’s College, Rathfarnham, Dublin.
• Photographs of the destruction following the 1916 Rising.
• Membership certificate for the Wolfe Tone and Ninety-Eight Memorial Association (1898).
• Newspaper clippings relating to the 1922 general election.
• A printed flier (in Irish) from Ailtirí na hAiséirghe (1944).
• A letter from Eamon Donnelly to Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. (22 Dec. 1944). For biographical information on Donnelly see

Election Flier for Patrick McCartan

An election flier produced for Dr Patrick McCartan (1878-1963), the Sinn Féin candidate, during the South Armagh by-election which was held on 2 February 1918. The flier features a satirical illustration of Sir Edward Carson, the leading Irish Unionist, depicted as a stereotypical Irish peasant with a shillelagh under his arm, talking to a woman, most likely a representation of John Redmond, the leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party. The woman wears a hat adorned with ‘Home Rule’ and has a bag hanging from her waist which reads ‘Conscription Dowry’ superimposed over the pound (£) symbol. Underneath the image, the caption reads ‘Sir Edward Carson: “Frankly, I'm not all round your neck but everybody wants me to marry you for your Conscription Dowry”’. The illustration is credited to Wilton Williams.

Reginald Dunn’s statement

A handbill with the text of Reginald Dunn’s final statement at his trial for the murder of Sir Henry Hughes Wilson. He was subsequently found guilty along with Joseph O’Sullivan and both were executed. The text was ‘Reprinted from the Irish Independent, Friday, July 21, 1922’. The text reads ‘We came back from France to find that self-determination had been given to some nations we had never heard of, but that it had been denied to Ireland. We found on the contrary that our country was being divided into two countries ... and that under that [Belfast] government outrages were being perpetrated that are a disgrace to civilisation …’.

Who stands for the sovereignty of the Irish people?

A handbill with extracts from a speech by Éamon de Valera in the Mansion House outlining (through quotes by Fintan Lalor) the Sinn Féin manifesto for the realisation of a sovereign Irish state. Printed in Manchester by Whiteley and Wright.

Sinn Féin Election Manifesto

A manifesto issued by Sinn Féin during the general election for the Fourth Dáil (27 August 1923). The first line of the text reads ‘The Sinn Féin candidates in this Election stand as they have stood in every election since 1917, for the unity and untrammelled independence of Ireland. Like Padraig Pearse they know but one definition of freedom ...’.

Colours for Irish National Volunteers

A clipping of images showing the presentation of regimental colours to the Irish National Volunteers. The images show William Redmond MP and are taken from the ‘Daily Mail’ (25 September 1914).

Résultats 9691 à 9700 sur 19978