A clipping of a positive review of ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1934) published in ‘The Irish World’ (27 January 1934). The review was written by Maire Hastings.
A clipping of a review article on the ‘Orange Terror’ reprint from ‘The Capuchin Annual’ published in ‘Labour Progress’ (November 1943). The article names the author of ‘Orange Terror’ as J.J. Campbell (‘Ultach’) and is critical of some of his statements, referencing ‘his gross political ignorance’.
An anthology of poetry titled ‘Liber Anotationum de Poeticis scriptis’ dated 1 June 1846 at Sancte Cuthberte Collegio. The annotated anthology of poems appears to have been compiled by Percy Nugent, possibly a clerical student at St Cuthbert’s College, Durham (formerly the English College, Douai and now Ushaw College). The transcribed poems included ‘The Smugglers’ Cane’, ‘Lines written upon a Waterfall’ and ‘The Burning of Moscow’. Explanatory footnotes are given. For example at pp 25-6: ‘This piece is written as a sort of conversation between The Exile and a countryman of his, when he meets in his banishment. P[ercy] N[ugent]. It was written ante Xmas 1843. It is very faulty throughout but at the time it was composed, the author had no perfect knowledge of English Poetry having never studied its principles. P[ercy] N[ugent]’.