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Overseas Missions: Vicariate:

Overseas Missions; Johannesburg: copy letter from the Provincial, Fergus Loughrey, C.P. to Caspar Caulfield, C.P., the Missions Secretary General enclosing a letter he has written to the Bishop of Johannesburg concerning the obtaining of a house in South Africa. This is in response to Caspar's suggestion contained in his letter of 25-11-1958 (see 8-1-4-19 serial no 6842). Caspar may rewrite it and send it in his own name if he wishes. Fergus also states his preference for the way in which Carletonville should bee obtained, "Pleno iure ad nutum sanctae sedis", if possible. Fergus's letter to the Bishop is located at 8-1-4-21 serial no 6833).

Overseas Missions: Vicariate:

Overseas Missions: Foundation in South Africa: letter from Fergus Loughrey, C.P., to Caspar Caulfield, C.P., the Mission Secretary General in which he sets forth the views of the Provincial Curia concerning the topic, "as can at this stage be clearly formulated". There are 8 sections, the first stating that "in so far as it may lie with the Provincial Curia to express its attitude" the establishmet of such a foundation need not be a condition sine qua non of the aceptance of the the Bechuanaland ( Botswana ) Prefecture, N.B. THIS LETTER IS INCLUDED AT A11 OF THE DOCUMENT "OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE RE SETTING UP OF HOUSE IN TRANSVAAL" LOCATED AT 8-1-4-1 SERIAL NO 6821.

Overseas Missions; Vicariate:

Overseas Missions: Vicariate: Miscellaneous papers, evidently gathered or written by Leonard Devitt, C.P., and filed under Kimberley. Copy of document from the Vatican entitled "Acta Apostolicae Sedis Commentarium Officiale Acta Ioannis PP. XXIII Constitutiones Apostolicae Kimberleyensis Et Aliarum (Bechuanaland)

Overseas Missions: Vicariate:

Overseas Missions: Vicariate: South Africa: Botswana: Oblates and Jesuits: Report Of The Meeting Held at Bloomfontein on July 2nd, 1948, between Bishop Meysing, O.M.I., V.A. of Kimberly Vicariate, Fr. M. O'Ryan, Assistant General, Fr. Nottebaert, O. M.I., Belgian Provincial & Fr. Kress, O.M.I., Vicar of Missions, Kimberley O.M.I. Vicariate. At the Bishop's request two Belgian Oblate fathers had been assigned to the Vicariate by the Fr. General and three more "given their obedience". The area which he, the Bishop, had in view, first, for the Belgian Fathers - i.e., the magesterial districts of Rustenbergand Marico, and "our part of the Bechuanaland Protectorate" were now out of the question.. The former had been alotted to the Vicariate of Pretoria while the latter, "the Bechuanaland part" would in all proability be detached from Kimberley in the near future. The rest of the report deals with the staffing of the Orange Free State area of the Vicariate.

Overseas Missions: Vicariate

Overseas Missions: Johannesburg Foundation: copy letter from the Mission Secretary General, Caspar Caulfield, C.P. , to the Provincial Valentine McMurray in reply to his of 18-08-1962 (location 8-1-4-25 serial no 6838). To evaluate the agreement prsented by the Bishop, some principals are recalled. Included are "Johannesburg a Mission Diocese"; "Purpose of a Passionist Foundation"; "Best location for the Foundation"; "Financing a new Foundation"; "Ecclesiastical Expenses";' The proposals are then evaluated and the follolwing topics discussed: ""Carletonville as a Site for the Religious House"; "Type of Agreement to Ask For"; "Negotiating for the Religious House". NB THIS LETTER IS RECORDED AT A15 IN DOCUMENT "OFFICIAL CORESPONDENCE RE SETTING UP OF HOUSE IN TRANSVAAL LOCATED AT 8-1-4-1 SERIAL NO 6821)

Overseas Missions: Vicariate

Overseas Missions; Johannesburg Foundation: copy letter from Valentine McMurray, C.P., to Caspar Caulfield, C.P., Missions Secretary General, in reply to his of 24-09-1962 (located at 8-1-4-27 serial no 6843). Bishop Boyle had promised Valentine to give the parish of Carletonville to the Congregation "plene iure et in perpetuum", but Valentine is not entirely convinced of the sincerity of the offer.. Feels that the Bishop was determined to have the fathers remain in Carletonville and so would not grant a foundation eslewhere except for North Riding, and that on condition that we remainn in Carletonville. North Riding not ideal. Valentine comments on matters relating to the ideal location: not necessary for mission procurator to reside in Johannesbursg; excellent facilities in Johannesburg for the occasional visits of missionaries: Johannesburg would be far from acceptable as a holiday centre for missionaries from Kalahari and its environs. Carletonville would be satisfactory in spite of the fact that there is no adjacent secondary sechool: and agreement to staff Carletonville, with an option of building later in North Riding, would be satisfactory. NB THIS LETTER IS RECORDED AT A16 IN DOCUMENT "OFFICIAL CORESPONDENCE RE SETTING UP OF HOUSE IN TRANSVAAL LOCATED AT 8-1-4-1 SERIAL NO 6821)

Overseas Missions: Vicariate:

Overseas Missions: Johannesburg Foundation: copy letter from Caspar Caulfield, C.P., to Valentine McMurray, C.P., Provincial, acknowledging his of 20-11-1962 (located at 8-1-4-28 serial no 6844). Warns that the Bishop's consent re Carletonville and North Riding must be got in writing. Urged that Bishop's formal acceptance be obtained before building begins. Offers to prepare draft contract. NB THIS LETTER IS RECORDED AT A17 IN DOCUMENT "OFFICIAL CORESPONDENCE RE SETTING UP OF HOUSE IN TRANSVAAL LOCATED AT 8-1-4-1 SERIAL NO 6821)

Overseas Missions: Vicariate:

Overseas Missions: Vicariate: South Africa: Botswana: Oblates and Jesuits: Kimberley Vicariate: Bloomfontein: Report: Presented to the General Chapter 1953: pages 2-4 are missing. Contains details of Oblate personnel: setting up of hierarchy with a description of the diocese; details of missions and outstations; government support; church properties; prospects for the Church and the staff required

Overseas Missions: Vicariate:

Overseas Missions: Vicariate: Johannesburg: copy letter from Fergus Loughrey, C.P., to the Mission Secretary General, Rome, Caspar Caulfield, C.P.,Outlines the general situation re the proposed foundation in Johannesburg. The property offered is 300 acres in extent. It is offered as a Retreat of the Congregation and is not thought of at the moment as mission ( Bechuanaland ) ( Botswana ) property. The new township of Carltonville is situated about 10 miles from the property, which the Bishop wants the Passionists to look after. Wrong to think of the new foundation as the See-City for the Bechuanaland (Botswana) Mission; the idea of a South African Province and an overseas Mission should be two distinct possibilities. The parish priests, living in a seperate residence at Carltonville, would need a rescript of exclaustrarion. No great fears re confusion in financial administration, as every effort would be made to keep diocesan and Congregational rights seperate. Whatever be decided, the Province could scarcely take on the new retreat unless we also had the parish and such financial advantages that would help until we were more firmly established.

Overseas Missions: Tanzanoa: 1925021 Theodore Matthews:

Overseas Missions: Tanzanoa: 1925021 THEODORE Matthews,CP, Educational Secretary,
Passionist Kondoa Irandi Mission , Tanganyika. to Fr CHRISTOPHER Coleman,Cp, Mt Argus, Dublin. T mentions the difficulty of settling in with the Italian "brethern".Visit of Fr Stanislaus from Italy on a recce. Easter ceremonies. Effect of Govt Regulations on the running of the schools. His anger at 2 arts for the CROSS being made into one. Mentions his desire to give Ordination gift to the class, incl. his brother Dannie (i.e. Fr Kevin). The 'other Dannie' is Cfr Lawrence 0'Sullivan, CP.

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