Pakenham, C.P., Paul Mary:- "Memoir of the late Father Paul Mary of St. Michael Passionist, (formerly the Honb. Charles Reginald Pakenham) by The Revd. Father Salvian, Master of Novices, St. Saviour's Retreat, Broadway 1858". This MS biography of Fr. Paul Mary Pakenham, C.P., which deals with the period immediatly preceeding his reception into the Congregation and up to his death, was written by Fr. Salvian primarily for the edification of his novices. Salvian had been Master of Novices to Paul Mary. In a preface, Salvian states that under obedience, he was submitting the MS for publication. There is no record of this having ever been done. This vol was handsomely bound by the Garda Obsequies Association in 1993 to commemorate the centenary of the association of the Passionists with it.