‘Irish Weekly and Ulster Examiner’ review of ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1945-6)
‘Irish World’ review of ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1934)
‘Irish World’ review of ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1941)
‘Irish World’ review of the fourth issue of ‘Bonaventura’
‘Kilkenny People’ review of ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1936)
‘Labour Progress’ review of the ‘Orange Terror’ offprint
‘Limerick Chronicle’ review of ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1943)
‘Lourdes Messenger’ review of ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1937)
‘Lourdes Messenger’ review of ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1940)
‘Lourdes Messenger’ review of ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1941)