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Passionists Congregation, St. Patricks Province
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1741001 St. Paul of the Cross 1896044 Reynders, Gaetan .

St. Paul of the Cross - Life:-"Esprit et Vertus de St Paul de la Croix Fondatore des Passionistes Cinq photos hors-texte et une carte ". Ouvrage Posthume recueilli et revu par le P. Thomas, C.P. Editions Des Soeurs Passionistes Missionnaires Tirlemont (Belgique). The history of Gaetan (or Gajetan, or Caitanus) and this book is contained in the preface to "St. Paul of the Cross His Spirit and Virtues" by Cajetan Reynders, C.P., translated by Louis Maillet, C.P. and Xavier Welch, C.P. located at 32/1/1/20.

1741001 St. Paul of the Cross Cause/Beatification

1741001 St. Paul of the Cross Cause/ Beatification. Prayer leaflet and engraving "Preghiera al B. Paolo della Croce",In a footnote it mentions an indukgence granted by Pope Pius IX on the feast of B. Paul 15 November. The engraving is titled Beato Polio Della Croce, Fondatore della Congregazione fella Passion.....

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