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Discours Moraux sur les Evangiles

Date: 1684
Author: Jean Richard
Publisher: A Paris, chez Jean Couterot & Louis Guerin M. DC. LXXXIV
Full title: 'Discours moraux sur les Evangiles de tous les dimanches de l’année: Composez sur les idées, principes, raisonnemens, exemples, comparaisons, figures, paroles de l’Ecriture Sainte, & des Peres. Tome Premier'.
Originally published as a four-volume series comprising:
[Extant]: Tome premier. Contenant quatorze sermons pour autant d’evangiles, depuis le premier dimanche de l’avent, jusqu’au premier dimanche de carême [...]
Tome second. Contenant treize sermons pour autant d’evangiles, depuis le premier dimanche de carême jusq'à la Pentecôte [...]
Tome troisième. Contenant treize sermons pour autant d’evangiles, depuis le dimanche de Pentecôte jusqu’au treizième [...]
Tome quatrieme. Contenant douze sermons pour autant d’evangiles, depuis le treizième dimanche d’aprés la Pentecôte jusqu'au premier dimanche de l’avent [...]

Disposal of Douglas Hyde’s library and effects in Ratra House

A clipping of an article referring to the cataloguing (for sale) of Douglas Hyde’s library in his former residence of Ratra in the Phoenix Park, Dublin. The article notes that Hyde’s ‘Gaelic letters and manuscripts are going to University College, Galway’ in accordance with his wishes set out in his will. The letters written in English will be retained by his family. The clipping is taken from the ‘Sunday Press’ (2 October 1949).

Disposal of the Property at Blackrock

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/1 9 Apr 1977
Letter from Diarmuid O Hegarty, Superior at Saint Joseph’s, to Fr Richard McCullen CM, Visitor.

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/2 7 Jun 1977
Letter from Roy Donovan of Lisney’s, Auctioneers, to Fr O Hegarty CM, regarding the circumstances of the sale.

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/3 21 Jun 1977
Letter from Fr McCullen, Visitor, to Archbishop Ryan of Dublin, inviting him to come to Celbridge to bless the new building and seeking approval for the sale of the Blackrock property.

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/4 22 Jun 1977
Letter from Archbishop Ryan to Fr McCullen granting approval (reply to CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/3).

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/5 24 Jun 1977
Letter from Fr McCullen to Fr Jerome Curtin [VG?], Booterstown?] thanking him for advice (photocopy).

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/6 24 Jun 1977
Letter from Fr McCullen CM to the confreres of the province regarding the sale of St Joseph’s and the re-interment of the confreres buried in the cemetery there.

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/7 27 Jun 1977
Letter from Fr Shán Ó Cuív, PP Blackrock, to Fr McCullen CM, expressing happiness that some confreres will be remaining in the parish.

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/8 1 Jul 1977
Letter from Sr Pauline Lawlor, Provincial DC, regarding arrangements for the confreres remaining in Blackrock.

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/9 1 Jul 1977
Cutting from Irish Independent with advertisement for the Blackrock property.

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/10 6 Jul 1977
Cutting from Irish Times with article on the Blackrock property.

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/11 12 Jul 1977
Letter from Mother M Josephine of the Convent of Mercy, Carysfort, Blackrock, regarding the sale of the property and her satisfaction that the confreres would retain the chaplaincy at Carysfort.

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/12a&b 28 Jul 197
Prospectus for the sale of the property (2 copies).

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/13 12 Aug 1977
Cutting from Irish Independent reporting the sale of the property.

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/14 26 Aug 1977
Letter from Fr O Hegarty to Fr McCullen regarding re- interment.

CMI/X/H/BRK(4)/26/15 30 Aug 1977 & 2 Sep 1977
Two letters from Fr O Hegarty to Fr McCullen on the winding down of Blackrock and the re-interment, and giving a great deal of general news.

District Administration

Archival material relating to the of the Sister of Our Lady of Apostles' District of Ireland. This includes chapter meeting minutes, provincial and district publications, area reports, registers, histories and more.

Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles

Divi Hieronymi Stridonensis Epistolæ

Date: 1697
Author: Fr. Hieronymus Gomez
Publisher: Antverpiæ [Antwerp], apud Henricum & Cornelium Verdussen
Full title: 'Divi Hieronymi stridonensis epistolae aliquot selectee in usum & utilitatem adolescentium qui Latinæ linguædant operam … auctæ, & expurgatæ per Reverendum Patrem Fr. Hieronymum Gomez ... Quid de novo accrevenit, sequens pagina indicabi'

D.L. Kelleher

Draft poetry by Daniel Laurence Kelleher (1883-1958) submitted for publication in 'The Capuchin Annual'. The file includes drafts of ‘Nietzsche’ (1924), ‘The forties of the Twentieth Century’, ‘Marie, do you remember?’, ‘Resurrection Morn’, ‘Question Mark’, ‘Travellers’ Tales’, ‘The Medallist’, ‘Loneliness’, ‘Decadence’, ‘Thistle’, ‘Return to Ireland, 1928’, ‘Sappho Spoke Our Name’, and ‘Three Thoughts for 1936’. The file also includes correspondence, draft articles, notes and newspaper articles written by Kelleher. Many of the drafts of stories are seemingly connected with Kelleher’s work for the Irish Tourist Association. Many relate to important historic personages associated with places around Ireland particularly in Dublin including Belvedere House, St. Stephen’s Green, Werburgh Street, Meath Street, Parnell Square, O’Connell Street, the Guinness Brewery and Dublin Castle. Other locations referred to include ‘Armagh City – First Impressions’ published in 'The Capuchin Annual' (1943), Limerick, Tory Island and Lough Derg. Many of the stories are written in a travelogue style and some may have been written with a view to publication in the 'Annual'. The correspondents include the Government Information Bureau, Fr. James O’Mahony OFM Cap., T.J. Kiernan, Frank Flynn, the Irish Tourist Association. The file includes the following items:

• Clipping from the 'Evening Telegraph' (2 Oct. 1915) of an article by Kelleher titled ‘The Colour of Cork’.
• Clipping of an article titled ‘A Picture of Dublin’. (1928).
• A story titled ‘Sir Kay the Senechal’.
• Draft story titled ‘Father was always like that’.
• An article titled ‘Adventures in Europe / The Great St. Bernard Monastery’.
• Letters to Kelleher from Edward J. Phelan (1888-1967), the Director-General of the International Labour Organisation from 1941-8. Phelan’s letters date from 19 Feb. 1927 to 8 Jan. 1956. One of the letters (24 Dec. 1945) gives an eye-witness account of conditions in post-war Paris. See image of letter extract which reads:

‘Paris? Practically undamaged – a few bombs on Le Bourget airport (we arrived by air from London) and on the Renault factory outside the city, but the city itself untouched. That is the first great contrast with London. We came in from Le Bourget in a car: people walking all over the streets (i.e. not keeping to the trottoirs) because cars are so rare. No taxis: you either take the metro or walk. No traffic noise so you hear the clop-clop.
They suffer from cold of course. As regards food they are better off than the foreigner because most of them have a relative in the country and they get something that way – butter, eggs, a chicken etc which if they don’t consume they sell on the black market in exchange. They are cheerful; admit the discomforts but consider them counterbalanced by the departure of the Germans, although under German occupation conditions were much better. It’s going to take some time before things improve. There’s a lack of discipline – natural because for five years it was [a] patriotic duty to disobey the government and to trade on the black market and its not easy to change the habit. For instance I am sure the hotel was given special supplies of food for the delegates, but the delegates didn’t get it; it disappeared before it ever reached them. I saw de Gaulle. An interesting personality – reminded me somewhat of Dev [Éamon de Valera]: a man who makes up his own mind and is not easily [shifted when he has]'.

Dlite na mBreitiuna (Brehon laws)

File containing material compiled for an article by Brian MacGiolla Pádraig titled ‘Dlite na mBreitiuna (Brehon laws)’, published in 'The Capuchin Annual' (1967), pp 135-48. The file also contains a letter to Fr. Henry Anglin, OFM Cap., enclosing a copy of ‘Livestock in the Brehon Laws’, 'Agricultural History Review', VII, no. 2 (Autumn, 1959), pp 65-74. Also includes photographic copies of pages from the 'Seanchas Mór' and the book of laws titled the 'Book of Achill', which were used to illustrate the text.

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