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Feis Syllabus

Syllabus for the 1997 Feis Maitiú, Cork. The syllabus includes an appreciation for Br. Paul O’Donovan OFM Cap. who was stepping down as President of the Feis, a position he had held since 1970. The appreciation was written by Claire O’Halloran and includes a photographic print of Br. Paul

Notes on the history of the Capuchins in Kilkenny

Assorted notes by Fr. Angelus Healy OFM Cap. on the history of the Capuchins in Kilkenny. Most of the notes are loose and fragmentary. The more substantial records include:
• ‘The Capuchins in Kilkenny / 1643-1937 / The Capuchins in Walkin Street’.
• Notes on the ‘names of Friars who died in Kilkenny, with the dates of death, place of burial, and inscriptions on tombstones’. The list covers circa 1647-1930.
• Manuscript extract from 'The Kilkenny Journal', 30 Oct. 1875, referring to the first reception of novices in Kilkenny.
• Extract from 'The Kilkenny Journal', 18 Mar. 1876, on the ‘impressive ceremony of the clothing of four novices … at the Church of St. Francis, Walkin Street … celebrated by Fr. Albert Mitchell OSFC’.
• Extract from 'The Kilkenny Journal', 4 Nov. 1876, referring to the celebration of the Feast of All Saints at the Capuchin Friary, Kilkenny.
• Transcripts of Latin documents referring to Capuchins connected with Kilkenny (primarily in the seventeenth century) including extracts from Fr. Robert O’Connell’s 'Historia Missionis Hibernicae Capucinorum' (Bibliothéque de Troyes, MS 706); a eulogy on Fr. Sebastian Butler OSFC (d. July 1647); a eulogy on Fr. Thomas Tuite OSFC (d. 12 Sept. 1649).
• Newspaper cutting referring to Fr. John Brenan (d. 1847) of Kilkenny, author of the 'Ecclesiastical History of Ireland'.
• Note asking the question ‘Was the Capuchin Convent closed after the death of Father Peter Joseph Mulligan OSFC in 1853’?
• Biographical notes on Fr. Peter Joseph Mulligan OSFC: ‘His life in Ireland was spent entirely in Kilkenny where he died on December 4th 1853’.
• Obituaries for Fr. Felix Duggan OSFC (d. 22 June 1847); Fr. Augustine Dunne OSFC (d. 19 Mar. 1860); Fr. Aloysius Hennessy OSFC (d. 2 Dec. 1879). Copy obituary articles taken from 'The Kilkenny Journal'.
• ‘The Capuchins in Kilkenny’. Copy text from 'The History and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory'.

Healy, Angelus, 1875-1953, Capuchin priest

Chronology of the Capuchins in Kilkenny

Chronology (probably compiled by Fr. Angelus Healy OFM Cap.) of important events associated with the Capuchin presence in Kilkenny dating from 1643 to 1876. Many of the later entries are references from local newspapers.

Healy, Angelus, 1875-1953, Capuchin priest

Note on the building of the Friary Church

A note, possibly by Fr. Angelus Healy OFM Cap., on the building by Fr. Peter Joseph Mulligan OSFC of the Capuchin Friary Church in Kilkenny in 1847. Fr. Angelus wrote ‘in the account of the celebration of the Feast of St. Francis in 1847 there is no reference to any change in the Friary Church, which was the Old Poor House Chapel … the new Church was begun between October 1847 and December 1848’.

Healy, Angelus, 1875-1953, Capuchin priest

Memorandum on Kilkenny Chalice

Memorandum by Fr. Michéal Ó Sé OFM Cap. on the chalice found in the Capuchin Friary, Kilkenny. A note re the chalice reads: ‘Rev. Dominus Johannes Foy possessor 35 annos Rector apud St. Leonard’s dec. 14 Julii 1894 R.I.P.’. See also CA KK/8/6.

List of Capuchins buried in Foulkstown Cemetery

List of Capuchin friars buried in Foulkstown Cemetery in Kilkenny. The list was compiled by Fr. Benedict Cullen OFM Cap. The list includes names, dates of death and other details (including age) in respect of:
Br. Urban Beirne, Cleric Student
Fr. Chrysostom Sutton, Master of Novices
Fr. Matthew O’Connor, former Provincial Minister
Br. Laserian O’Connor
Br. Angelus Moore
Br. Colman Butler
Br. James Kennedy
Fr. Bonaventure Murphy
Br. Benedict Curran
Fr. Seraphin Nesdale
Fr. Robert Ratigan
References is also made to a monument erected to the memory of Fr. Thomas Murphy OSFC (died 13 June 1817 aged 73 years) and Fr. William Berry OSFC (died 20 Oct. 1822 aged 80 years) and to Fr. Patrick Joseph Mulligan OSFC (died 4 Dec. 1853 aged 74 years), Fr. J.E. Tommins OSFC (died 29 July 1889 aged 78 years) and Br. Edward Foley OSFC, Cleric Novice (died 24 Sept. 1889 aged 16 years).

Magnvm specvlvm exemplorvm

Date: 1626
Author: Joannes Major
Publisher: Duaci: Ex officina Baltazaris Belleri
Full title: 'Magnvm specvlvm exemplorvm, ex plvsquam centvm avctoribvs, pietate, doctrina et antiquitate venerandis, varijsque historijs tractatibus & libellis excerptum, ab anonimo quodam, qui circiter annu[m] Domini 1480. vixisse deprehenditur.: Opvs varijs notis, avtorumque citationibus illustratum, & ce[n]tum sexaginta exemplis locupletatum ...'.

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