Affichage de 19978 résultats

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Correspondence between Thomas W. Bewley, secretary, W & R. Jacob & Co. Ltd., and Fr. Aloysius Travers OFM Cap.

Correspondence between Thomas W. Bewley, secretary, W. & R. Jacob & Co. Ltd., and Fr. Aloysius Travers OFM Cap. regarding a cheque for £25 given by the directors of Jacobs to the Capuchins as a mark of appreciation ‘for the deep sense of thankfulness that our Factory was spared from serious injury during the time of the recent rebellion’. Includes a copy reply from Fr. Aloysius returning the said cheque. He writes ‘Any services that I may have rendered during the recent sad crisis were such as … any other priest in the same circumstances would render’. Fr. Aloysius suggests that the cheque should more fittingly be sent to the Lord Mayor’s Fund for the Relief of Distress.

Letter from Rev. P.J. O’Rourke to Fr. Aloysius Travers OFM Cap.

Letter from Rev. P.J. O’Rourke, Heppner, Oregon, to Fr. Aloysius Travers OFM Cap. enclosing a duplicate copy draft for £65 12s 6d. Fr. O’Rourke added ‘Knowing dear Father you can apply it to the best advantage. The donors wished it to be given principally to the survivors of those who fell during Easter Week’. With cover which has been opened by the censor. With an acknowledgment letter from F.X. Coghlan, Irish National Aid and Volunteer Dependents’ Fund, 10 Exchequer St., Dublin. Includes receipt to Fr. Aloysius Travers OFM Cap. for the sum £65 12 6d received from the aforementioned parishioners of Heppner, Oregon.

Declaration of Muriel MacDonagh’s reception into the Catholic Church

Declaration of Muriel MacDonagh’s (wife of Thomas MacDonagh) reception into the Catholic Church. It reads: ‘I Fr. Aloysius OSFC declare that … I have this eighteenth day of April 1917 received into the Catholic Church Mrs. Muriel MacDonagh observing the prescribed rites and ceremonies’. The document is signed by Muriel Mary MacDonagh.

Letter from Muriel MacDonagh to Fr. Aloysius Travers OFM Cap.

She expresses her regret on hearing of Fr. Aloysius’s recent illness. She wrote: ‘When I asked for you to go and see [her son] Don I had no notion that you were ill …’. She added ‘Please thank Fr. Albert from me and his promise to go and see Don, also for the copy of the Catholic Bulletin which I am delighted to have’. With photographic postcard print of ‘Donagh and Barbara MacDonagh children of Thomas MacDonagh, shot at Kilmainham, May 3rd 1916’.

Letter from [L.J. Colbert] to Fr. Aloysius Travers OFM Cap.

Letter from [L.J. Colbert], Shanagolden [Limerick] expressing happiness that ‘the poor martyrs are not forgotten’. Reference is also made to the ‘cruel treatment of the poor young fellows and the gentle and tenderly reared Countess [Markievicz]’.

Résultats 3241 à 3250 sur 19978