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St. Patrick's Province: Overseas Missions:

St. Patrick's Province: Overseas Missions: Typewritten carbon copy. Adrian of the 7 Dolours (Convery), Provincial to all members of the Province. Following a decision of the Chapter of 1935, a Deceee of the recent Provincial Chapter says the time has come for our Province to take part in the Foreign Mssions. This will involve the question of supplying manpower, finance, etc., but this does not absolve us from helping out in AFRICA. He calls for volunteers. The first band will leave in about a year or 18 months from now.

Mount Argus; Lands; Loader Park:

Mount Argus; Lands; Loader Park: letter from T.F.O'Connell, Rooney, Solicitors, to Rector, Mount Argus; encloses map of property being handed over by Fanagan. Refers to mortgage of 1898 and transfer of 1907 in hands of London Solicitors. N.B. AT TIME OF COMOUTERISATION THE MAP REFRRED TO WAS NOT ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT.


Reguslations: letter from Fr, Bonaventure Obsert, C.P. Consultor General to Provincial, Fr. Aidrian Convery, C.P. He is now worried about how a phrase in paragraph 88 has been trenslated into English "Regulations" and discusses it at length. "Taverns" and all that.

Mount Argus; Lands; Loader Park:

Mount Argus; Lands; Loader Park: letter from T.F.O'Connell, Rooney, Solicitors, to Rector, Mount Argus; agreement for sale Is ready. Would A. Call to sign and bring cheque for £300. MS note by Cronan asks in reply would it not be a good thing to insert a clause about removing building within a reasonable time?

Holy Land: Regulations:

Holy Land: Regulations: Printed letternead. Fr Bonaiventure Oberst,CP., Con. Gen. Dom Polski, Jerozolima P.O. Box 277. BETHANY to Fr Provincial, Mt Argus, Dublin. He says thankk for £5 sent him. He suggests that if Frs Sebastian and Christopher are coming-
to the Holy Land tney do so in end of March/ April season. It is the best. He then makes his comments on the comments of Fr Adrian on the trans of the 3 pagsages already referred to in previous letters. He suggestsDom Polski (hostel run by 4 Polish Nuns) as a better place than Casa Nova run by the .Franciscans.

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