1876007 MacMullan, C.P., John Mary:
- IE CP 2021-11-22/216/1/7/8/9
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- 01/03/18
1876007 MacMullan, C.P., John Mary: Pass to go on leave, issued at Fremantle, Australia.
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1876007 MacMullan, C.P., John Mary:
1876007 MacMullan, C.P., John Mary: Pass to go on leave, issued at Fremantle, Australia.
Nevin, C.P., Eugene: Photostat of original document in Highgate Archives (evidently obtained by Declan O'Sullivan, C,P.): Fr. Sylvius, C.P., General, writes to the Provincial Consultor, Highgate. He comments on Eugene's writing to Fr. Hilary Mara, Consultor. He encloses a copy of a letter he is sending to Eugene (see item serial no 2204 located at 1/6/1/2).
1938118 Delaney, C.P., Luke Luke's birth certificate
1876007 MacMullan, C.P., John Mary:
MacMullan, C.P., John Mary: Letter from Chaplain Services, Canadian Forces, Ottawa., John Mary MacMullan enclosing his letter to O.C. Troop Ship, requesting that John Mary MacMullan be allowed to act as RC Chaplain on board ship (see item under serial number 1346),
Devine, C.P. Arthur: Obituary notice of Fr. Arthur, addressed by Rector, Mount Argus, to all members of the Province.
Apostolate of Writing: The Cross: Volume X: May, 1919 - April, 1920
MOUNT ARGUS; DEEDS; LANDS; (1817 - 1820)
MOUNT ARGUS; DEEDS; LANDS; (1817 - 1819)
Registry: searh for acts affecting the lands of Rathland Dublin -late prop. of William Cuppaidge, a bankrupt.
Duplicate of Lawrence Photo of interior of Mt. Argus church (1878). and as it remained till 1936: The 'Gloria' at back of sanctuary had a triangle with the Hebrew word of GOD. in it. Side altar to left was the S. Heart, to right St. Joseph. The tabernacle was a gift from the Police. The two gas-candelabra in sanctuary were between altar rails and steps; later they were moved to corners of the last step. The pulpit is that erected by Padraig Peacse's father's workshop. Two of the angels on sounding board are now (1976) in church sacristy. The front panel is now in the 1976 Ambo. The gas-jets for church are between the pillars in the railings that divided nave from aisle.
Institute as a whole: General Curia: Official Gazettes:
Institute as a whole:General Curia: Official Gazettes:: Acta Congregationis a SS.Cruce et Passione D.N.J.C (being a continuation of vokumes previously known as Bolletino) Vol.XII 1933-1935
1846034 St. Charles of Mount Argus: Miscellaneous:
1846034 St. Charles of Mount Argus: Miscellaneous: a small bound notebook, containing in 46 pages, the MS account by an Edith Erskine of an intereview she says she had with Fr, Charles in Mount Argus during which, at her prompting, she alleges that he made a prophesy of the sufferings she would endure in her lifetime. The MS contains some curious references to the way her life, in later years, was tormented. This MS might have a curiosity value. It is highly emotional and somewhat irational. A typed copy of the MS is attached.