Print showing Capuchin friars at the Zambian Chapter meeting held at St. Bonaventure’s College, Lusaka, in 2001. The participants included Fr. Dermot Lynch OFM Cap., Provincial Minister, Fr. Edwin Flynn OFM Cap., Fr. James Connolly OFM Cap., Fr. Donatus McNamara OFM Cap., and Fr. Noel Brennan OFM Cap.
Prints showing Capuchin friars at the Zambian Special Chapter held in Lusaka in December 1983. Manuscript annotation on the reverse of the black and white print identifies the participants including Fr. Eustace McSweeney OFM Cap., Provincial Minister, Fr. Kieran Shorten OFM Cap., Fr. Noel Brennan OFM Cap., Fr. Edwin Flynn OFM Cap., Fr. Owen O’Sullivan OFM Cap. and Fr. Michael Duffy OFM Cap.
A group of Zambian Capuchin friars at a chapter meeting in Lusaka. The group includes Br. Patrick M. Sergi Tarimo OFM Cap. (Tanzania); Br. David Namiluko OFM Cap., Br. David Liwena OFM Cap., Br. Patrick Chinyama OFM Cap., Br. James Chanda OFM Cap., Br. Felix Mununga OFM Cap., and Br. Raphael Maliti OFM Cap.
Group photograph of Capuchin friars at the Zambian Chapter in St. Dominic’s Major Seminary in Lusaka. The group includes Fr. Dermot Lynch OFM Cap., Provincial Minister, Fr. Owen O’Sullivan OFM Cap., Fr. Philip Baxter OFM Cap., Fr. James Connolly OFM Cap. and Fr. John Grace OFM Cap.
Group photograph of Capuchin friars attending the Zambian Chapter at St. Bonaventure’s College in Lusaka. The group includes Fr. Dermot Lynch OFM Cap., Provincial Minister, Fr. Edwin Flynn OFM Cap., Fr. Patrick Lynch OFM Cap., Fr. Noel Brennan OFM Cap., Fr. Jude McKenna OFM Cap., Fr. Donatus McNamara OFM Cap., and Fr. John Grace OFM Cap. The chapter took place from 9-15 Sept. 2000.
Group photograph of friars at the Zambian Capuchin Chapter in Monze. The group includes Fr. Terence Harrington OFM Cap., Fr. Adrian Curran OFM Cap., Fr. James Connolly OFM Cap., Fr. Jude McKenna OFM Cap., Fr. Philip Baxter OFM Cap., Fr. Kieran Shorten OFM Cap., Br. Rod Pieretti OFM Cap., Fr. Donatus McNamara OFM Cap., Fr. John Grace OFM Cap. and several Zambian-born friars.
Br. Francis Sikapande OFM Cap., Br. Dominic Chanda OFM Cap., Br. Mathew Ngwenya OFM Cap., and Br. Elliot Ngosa OFM Cap. playing drums at the Zambian Capuchin Chapter in Monze.
Group photograph of Capuchin friars at the Zambian Chapter at St. Dominic’s Major Seminary in Lusaka. The group includes Fr. Brendan O’Mahony OFM Cap., Provincial Minister.