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5537 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

A Ballad of Easter Week

Copy poem by M.J. MacManus titled ‘A Ballad of Easter Week’. It is noted that the poem was first published in the 'Irish Press', 25 Mar. 1940.

A Belfast Painter’s Rambles in Dublin

A clipping of an article on street life in Dublin written by the Belfast-based artist George Campbell. The article was published in the ‘Irish Travel’ magazine in February 1945. Campbell’s article includes a description of the stalls and markets on Horseman’s Row which formed part of the old Anglesea Market site near Moore Street. Reference is also made to Campbell's visit to the office of ‘The Capuchin Annual’ on nearby Capel Street, occupied by the editors of the periodical, Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. and Fr. Gerald McCann OFM Cap.

A Belfast Street

A street scene in Belfast in about 1935. The print is titled on the reverse: ‘Sunday in the city – a sunshine study’.

A Bhil

An image captioned (on the reverse) ‘A Bhil’. The Bhil are an indigenous ethnic group inhabiting various parts of central and western India.

A Bishop comes home

Article by Edward A. Harrigan titled ‘A Bishop comes home’. The article refers to Bishop Edward J. Galvin (1882-1956), the founder of the Missionary Society of St. Columban, and the first Bishop of Hanyang, China.

Results 1531 to 1540 of 20218