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Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast: Dispute with Bishop McAllister::

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast: Dispute with Bishop McAllister: MS (again beautiful script.) of Italian version of Fr Alphonus O'Neill's (Provincial of St Joseph's Province) petition to Cardinal ?: (contains the phrase "Irlanda del Nord") Presents the case for a CP Church at Ardoyne.

2nd Copy in different hand (Again a very nice script) BUT with Statistics of DUBLIN, BELFAST, ARMAGH to back a point made.

3rd Copy: slightly different word and uses the statistics.

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast: Dispute with Bishop McAllister::

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast: Dispute with Bishop McAllister: (parts seem to be missing) The Passionists to Cardinal Simeoni, Prefect Congregation of Propaganda, They beg permission to build a church in Ardoyne. Includes, as a quote, a letter from the bishop in reply to one from the Provincial dated 23 of same month.

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne: Belfast: Dispute with Bishop McAllister.

Ardoyne: Dispute with Bishop McAllister. Fr. Anthony Carroll, Superior, Ardoyne, to Fr Provincial. Results of sending Architect's report on state of temporary church to Bishop. Bishop comes and visits locus and sees for himself how bad things are. Anthony urges Provincial to write NOW. (Note by Archivist, Declan O'Sullivan: "Dated Saturday morning Oct. 26th. 1889 is only year that fits.")

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast: Dispute with Bishop McAllister:

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast: Dispute with Bishop McAllister: The Passionist Fathers, Belfast to Pope Leo XIII. Version in English of PEl'ITION : Petitioners desire to build a new church: There is a dispute with Bishop re 1) Site, 2) Size, 3) Conditions under which CPs serve it.
Details dispute with Bishop in time of former Provincial (Vincent Gogan). Beg to be supported in their stand.

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast: Dispute with Bishop McAllister;

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast: Dispute with Bishop McAllister. Document from Provincial Vincent Grogan, to H.E. Card Simeoni, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Propoganda. It is the first draft of petition for permission to build the church at Ardoyne at CP expense. This is the document referred to in letter located under serial number 1992, and contains the addition drafted by Fr. Thomas, Consultor General.

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast: Dispute with Bishop McAllister:Questing:

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast: Dispute with Bishop McAllister:Questing: Letter from Fr Anthony O'Carroll, Rector, Ardoyne, to Fr. Wilfred (O'Hagan?) then in Rome. Anthony has read to the Community, Wilfred's letter re settlement of the church problem. (This letter seems to have been good news However, as the letter was not extant at time of computerisation of this archive, details of it are not known). Encloses copy of Bro. Edward's Questing letter ( copy not to hand either at time of computerisation)..

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast:Dispute with Bishop McAllister.

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast:Letter from Fr Thomas, Consultor General to Fr Provincial, Highgate.
Has just told Fr Arthur re conference with Card Simeone. Thinks that Provincial should accept Cardinal's solution. If Fr Anthony comes to London for dedication of new church, a formula could be worked out embodying the two CP conditions, this then could go to Vice General for aspproval.

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