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IE CA AMI/2/10/2/4 · File · c.1932-2001
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

A collection of Zambian missionary photographs assembled by Fr. Benjamin O’Connell OFM Cap. (1938-2010) for historical research purposes. Some of the prints are copies but the file does include some original prints. Many of the prints are annotated on the reverse. The collection includes images of:
• Fr. Declan McFadden OFM Cap. outside the Rectory in Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, in 1932.
• Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap., Fr. Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap., Fr. Seraphin Nesdale OFM Cap. and Fr. Fintan Roche OFM Cap. in Northern Rhodesia in c.1935. The annotation on the reverse notes that the original image was taken from an album belonging to Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap. On the reverse was written: ‘I think this is not a bad piece of architecture for a school master’s son’.
• Capuchin friars receiving their missionary crosses in Church Street before their departure for the African mission in 1943. The friars are Br. Xavier Cox OFM Cap., Fr. Eustace Burke OFM Cap., Fr. Capistran Singleton OFM Cap., Br. Andrew O’Shea OFM Cap., Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap. and Br. Fergus Buckley OFM Cap.
• Fr. Albert Hayes OFM Cap. with a First Communion group in Livingstone in 1952.
• Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap. with Fr. Patrick Peyton outside St. Theresa’s Cathedral in Livingstone in 1955.
• Fr. Albert Hayes OFM Cap. with religious sisters.
• Fr. Salvator Quinn OFM Cap. in Livingstone.
• Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap. with local religious sisters.
• Capuchin friars with Fr. James O’Mahony OFM Cap. during his visitation to Northern Rhodesia in 1957. The friars include Fr. Albert Hayes OFM Cap., Fr. Agathangelus Herlihy OFM Cap., Fr. Alfred O’Mahony OFM Cap. and Fr. Capistran Singleton OFM Cap.
• Capuchin friars with Fr. Albert Hayes OFM Cap. on the occasion of his silver jubilee in 1959.
• Br. Maurice Buckley OFM Cap. (1918-2003) and Fr. Agnellus O’Neill OFM Cap. at a missionary exhibition in Dublin, c.1960.
• Fr. Berard Creed OFM Cap., Provincial Minister, in Sesheke, Zambia, in 1968.
• Capuchin friars with Fr. Berard Creed OFM Cap. during his visitation to Zambia in 1968. The friars include Fr. Salvator Quinn OFM Cap., Fr. Kenneth Reynolds OFM Cap., Fr. Donatus McNamara OFM Cap., Fr. Brian Browne OFM Cap., and Fr. Crispin Brennan OFM Cap.
• Fr. Berard Creed OFM Cap. with Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap. in 1968.
• Fr. Berard Creed OFM Cap. with Fr. Anthony Boran OFM Cap. and Fr. Capistran Singleton OFM Cap. and religious sisters (Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood) in Sesheke in 1968.
• Various scenes of friars at Malengwa during the visitation of Fr. Berard Creed OFM Cap. in 1968.
• Fr. Berard Creed OFM Cap. boarding an aircraft in Mongu, Zambia, in 1968.
• Fr. Dermot Lynch OFM Cap. and Fr. Bede Dolly OFM Cap. at the grave of Fr. Connor Brady OFM Cap. (d. 20 Apr. 1993) in Kaoma, in c.2001. It is noted that Fr. Bede Dolly OFM Cap. died on 18 Oct. 2004.

IE CA AMI/2/10/3/268 · Item · c.1991
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

Fr. Donatus McNamara OFM Cap., Fr. Angelus O’Neill OFM Cap., Provincial Minister, and Br. Kevin Crowley OFM Cap. at the grave of Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap. (d. 12 Sept. 1947) in Livingstone.

IE CA AMI/1/6/5 · Item · 10 July 1946
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

Report by Fr. Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap., Regular Superior, on missionary work in the Cape Province, South Africa. The report asses the work of the Irish Capuchin friars in Parow parish (Fr. Oliver O’Hanlon OFM Cap. and Fr. Casimir Butler OFM Cap.); Matroosfontein (Fr. Marcellus O’Carroll OFM Cap.); Athlone (Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap. 1900-1947); the Welcome Estate (Fr. Damascene McKenna OFM Cap., 1913-1967); Langa (Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap.).

O’Shea, Timothy Phelim, 1902-1979, Capuchin priest
IE CA KK/4/3/11 · File · 28 Mar. 1939-24 Oct. 1939
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

Letter, invitations, notes re agenda and itinerary for the Third Order Regional Congress (Franciscan Tertiary Congress) held in Kilkenny in October 1939. Correspondents include Fr. Canice Bourke OFM Cap., Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap. and Fr. Leo Rowlands OFM Cap. (British Capuchin Province). It was noted that Aodh De Blácam (1890-1951), the well-known journalist and author, was one of scheduled speakers. With a photographic print of congress participants in Kilkenny on 15 Oct. 1939 ('Irish Press').

IE CA KK/4/3/12 · File · 7 Dec. 1940-13 Apr. 1942
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

Letters from Fr. Canice Bourke OFM Cap., Commissary Provincial of the Third Order, to Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap., regarding returns for the fraternities in Kilkenny. Fr. Canice also affirms that every ‘priest in the Province has the power to receive persons into the Third Order and to profess them (7 Dec. 1940). See also CA KK/1/3/15.

Bourke, Canice, 1890-1969, Capuchin priest
IE CA CP/3/16/49/61 · Part · c.1922
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

A photograph of a group of Capuchin novices and students in the grounds of St. Bonaventure’s Friary in Cork. The group includes Br. Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap., Br. Andrew Carew OFM Cap., Br. Jarlath Gough OFM Cap., Br. Declan McFadden OFM Cap., Br. Hilary McDonagh OFM Cap., and Br. Terence Anglin OFM Cap.

Capuchin Missionary Friars
IE CA AMI/2/10/3/65 · Item · Nov. 1943
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

Br. Xavier Cox OFM Cap., Fr. Eustace Burke OFM Cap., Fr. Capistran Singleton OFM Cap., Br. Andrew O’Shea OFM Cap., Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap. and Br. Fergus Buckley OFM Cap. in the garden of the Church Street Friary, Dublin. The original caption reads: ‘They departed Cape Town on 24 Dec. 1943 and arrived in Livingstone on 2 Jan. 1944’.