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IE CA AMI/2/10/3/78 · Item · c.1947
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

(Left to right) Fr. Agathangelus Herlihy OFM Cap., Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap., Fr. Cuthbert McCann OFM Cap., Fr. Oliver O’Hanlon OFM Cap., and Fr. Capistran Singleton OFM Cap. at the mission station in Katima Mulilo, Caprivi Strip, South West Africa ( now Namibia).

IE CA AMI/2/10/2/4/2 · Part · 1943
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

Capuchin friars receiving their missionary crosses in the Church Street Friary, Dublin, before their departure for the African mission in 1943. The friars are (back, from left to right), Br. Xavier Cox OFM Cap., Fr. Eustace Burke OFM Cap., Fr. Capistran Singleton OFM Cap., and (front, from left to right), Br. Andrew O’Shea OFM Cap., Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap. and Br. Fergus Buckley OFM Cap.

IE CA CP/3/16/49/61 · Part · c.1922
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

A photograph of a group of Capuchin novices and students in the grounds of St. Bonaventure’s Friary in Cork. The group includes Br. Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap., Br. Andrew Carew OFM Cap., Br. Jarlath Gough OFM Cap., Br. Declan McFadden OFM Cap., Br. Hilary McDonagh OFM Cap., and Br. Terence Anglin OFM Cap.

IE CA AMI/2/10/3/268 · Item · c.1991
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives

Fr. Donatus McNamara OFM Cap., Fr. Angelus O’Neill OFM Cap., Provincial Minister, and Br. Kevin Crowley OFM Cap. at the grave of Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap. (d. 12 Sept. 1947) in Livingstone.