Bound volume of Visitation Ordinances of the Superior General or those he sent on his behalf. They are all in English except for one report which is in French. The first visitation report is by Marianus Maller, Commissary sent by the Superior General, for a visitation from 29 May to 3 June 1877. The last few visitations were by the Irish Provincial, James Bennett CM, to the Blackrock House.
IE / CMI/X/H/BRK/(2)/1
1877 - 1926
Part of Irish Vincentian Archive
IE / CMI/X/H/BRK/(2)/2
1877 - 1971
Part of Irish Vincentian Archive
Bound volume of Visitation Ordinances by Commissaries General and Irish Provincials/Visitors from 1877 to 1971. Those entries until 1926 inclusive are the same as in CMI/X/H/BRK(2)/1, but rewritten by one person.
There are entries by Marianus Maller (Commissary), Antoine Fiat CM (Superior General), Flavian Demiautte CM (Commissary), Father Meugniot CM (Commissary), Patrick McHale CM (Commissary), and the Irish Provincials/Visitors: James Bennett CM, Henry O’Connor CM, James O’Doherty CM, Joseph Sheedy CM, Christopher O’Leary CM, and James Cahalan CM.