Record book of Missions and Retreats
- IE CA MR/2/1/3
- File
- 1904-1957
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives
List of missions and retreats given by the Capuchin friars of Holy Trinity Church, Cork. Gilt title to front cover of the volume reads: ‘Record of Missions / Capuchin Friary / Cork’. The information is given under the headings of place, diocese, name of conducting priest and remarks. From 1927-48, a single entry referring to missions and retreats conducted by Fr. Joseph Fenlon OFM Cap. (1875-1963) and other friars in the United States and in Canada is made. Periodic reference is made to the success of a mission such as the enrollment of 1,710 individuals into the Father Mathew Temperance Association attached to the Church Street Friary, Dublin, in April 1909.