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Maher, Columbus, 1835-1894, Capuchin priest
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Lease of Henry William Parnell, 3rd Baron Congleton, to Fr. Paul Neary and others

Lease of Henry William Parnell, 3rd Baron Congleton, and Colonel Henry Parnell, to Fr. Paul Neary OSFC, Fr. Nicholas Murphy OSFC and Fr. Columbus Maher OSFC of a plot of ground extending from Bow Street to Church Street for 300 years at the yearly rent of £30. The deed has a coloured map showing the property referred to in the lease.

Copy articles on the history of the Holy Trinity Community and Church

Copy articles (mostly taken from newspapers) referring to an appeal on behalf of persecuted French Capuchins, c.Nov. 1880. See CA HT/7/1; the blessing of the bell of Holy Trinity Church by the Most Rev. William Delany (d. 1886), Bishop of Cork, 24 July 1881; the dedication of St. Joseph’s Church attached to the novitiate at Rochestown Friary, Cork, 7 Nov. 1878; Address to the Rev. Columbus Patrick Maher OSFC from members of the Father Mathew Total Abstinence Sodality of the Sacred Thirst. With his reply. 27 May 1883-30 May 1883. The copies may have been made by Fr. Benvenutus Guy OSFC (1860-1927).

Guy, Benvenutus, 1860-1927, Capuchin priest

Transcribed Documents relating to Father Mathew

• Notes from the register of the Dublin Capuchin community re novitiate arrangements in the early nineteenth century. It reads ‘Fr. Celestine Corcoran, Provincial Minister, in a letter to the Fr. General on Sept. 2nd 1815 mentions that he had arranged with the “Patre Provinciale Baeticae” to send young men to be received in that province. Six young men were received in the Convent of Seville, Spain, on Sunday, November 19th 1815, and were professed there on November 24th 1816. … At the request of Fr. Mathew in accordance with a decree of the Sacred Congregation of Regular Discipline of Dec. 20, 1825, the Convent of Frascati was appointed as a novitiate for Irish novices. … Irish friars were received also in Convents in Italy, and in Fr. Mathew’s time (1850) four were received in Bruges, Frs. Tommins, Dillon, Mitchell, and O’Reilly, and in the following year (1851) five entered in Frascati, Frs. Muldoon, Rourke, Dunne, Knaresboro and Maher’. The file also includes notes relating to Fr. Mathew taken from the Capuchin General Archives in Rome. The notes refer to the appointment of Fr. Mathew as Provincial Minister of the Irish Capuchins from c.1813-52. ‘In a letter to the Fr. General dated Sept. 2nd 1815, he signs himself “Provincialis Hiberniae”’. Also includes a copy of the decree by which the Irish Capuchins were permitted to have a novitiate in their houses in Ireland dated 29 May 1808. It is noted that a copy of this decree is preserved in the Franciscan Library, Merchants’ Quay, Dublin. Typescript, 3 pp.
• Extracts from the account book of the Capuchin Friary in Cork relating to the building of Holy Trinity (Father Mathew Memorial) Church. The extracts were compiled by Br. Nessan Shaw OFM Cap. The notes refer to the difficulties in securing funding for the completion of the church. It reads ‘During the great excitement of the temperance movement Fr. Mathew was pressed from many parts of Ireland to allow the church to be finished by subscriptions of teetotallers but would not allow the matter to be accomplished’. The following statement of accounts is also given in the notes:
‘Mr. Anthony, contracting architect received £13,000
Sir Thomas Deane & Co. received £1,000
Since 1848 to various parties £2,500
Total: £16,500
Collection made in 1854: £500
Total: £17,000’
Manuscript, 3 pp.
• Copy letter of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC to David O’Meara, his secretary, affirming that he is attending to his sick brother in Kenmare, County Kerry. 30 Jan. 1848. Typescript, 1 p.
• Copy letter of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC to Larry Egan, Herbert Park, Gardiner’s Hill, Cork, regarding his life assurance which he has assigned to William Rathborne of Liverpool, merchant. 11 May 1849. Manuscript, 1 p.
• Copy letter from Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC to Symon Carew, 96 Lower Mount Street, Dublin, re his brother’s (Charles) illness and the payment of rent. He writes ‘The persons who at present hold the land are no tenants of mine, neither have I any control over them. The will continue to keep possession and pay no rent’. 5 Feb. 1848. Typescript, 1 p.
• Copy letters of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC from Maurice Denham Jephson, 'An Anglo-Irish Miscellany / Some Records of the Jephsons of Mallow' (Dublin: Allen & Figgis, 1964). The three copy letters are from Fr. Mathew to Lady Browne and Sir Denham Jephson-Norreys, (1799-1888), MP for Mallow, and date from 2 July 1844-5 Nov. 1844. Printed, 4 pp.
• Copy letter from Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC to Mrs Cronin re an Altar Stone consecrated by the late Pope Gregory XVI which he is happy to forward on to her. 24 July 1846. A note appended to the letter reads ‘The original [letter] is in the South Presentation Convent, Douglas Street, Cork / The original, from which I typed this copy, is in the hand of one of the secretaries of Fr. Mathew, David O’Meara’. Typescript, 1 p.
• Copy letter from Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC to the Rev. Guardian [possibly Fr. Vincent McLeod OSFC] re an accusation that Fr. Laurence O’Flynn OSFC (1807-1863) had ‘repeatedly hunted upon and destroyed game’ on the lands of Reginald Greene. Fr. Mathew writes ‘That a member of the Capuchin Order should subject himself to such a charge, and partake of such amusements, must fill a religious mind with horror. You will Rev. Father Guardian deliver the enclosed obedience to the Rev. Father O’Flynn, and take care that my mandate shall be strictly obeyed’. The letter is dated at Cork, 20 Sept. 1846. With a typed copy of the letter in Italian held in the Capuchin General Archives in Rome. Typescript, 2 pp.

Father Mathew Temperance Medals

Father Mathew Temperance Medal
Diameter: 4.4 cm
Silver Medal
Physical description:
• Face (front): Fr. Mathew addresses the kneeling crowd. Outer rim inscription reads ‘May God bless you and grant you grace and strength to keep your promise.
Obverse: Outer edge inscription reads ‘Dedicated to the Very Rev. Theobald Mathew. Centre: ‘Whose / exertions / have laid the / foundation of his country’s happiness / and merited / the admiration / of mankind’.
A green and white ribbon in the form of a crucifix (with pin) is attached.

Total Abstinence Society Medal
Diameter: 4.4 cm
Silver Medal
Physical description:
• Face (front): Man and woman on pedestal on which two children are seated. The adults carry a shield surmounted by a cross, with an angel above. The upper part of the shield has a lamb bearing a banner. The man bears a banner with the words ‘sobriety’. The woman bears a banner with the words ‘Domestic Comfort’. Outer-edge inscription reads: ‘In hoc signo vinces’.
Obverse: Cruciform text of pledge. Outer edge inscription reads: ‘Total Abstinence Society, The Very Rev. T. Mathew, President’.
A green ribbon with pin is attached.

Total Abstinence Society Medal
Diameter: 4.4 cm
Silver Medal in Glass
Physical description:
• Face (front): Man and woman on pedestal on which two children are seated. The adults carry a shield surmounted by a cross, with an angel above left of the cross. The upper part of the shield has a lamb bearing a banner. The man bears a banner with the words ‘sobriety’. The woman bears a banner with the words ‘Domestic Comfort’. Outer-edge inscription reads: ‘In hoc signo vinces’.
Obverse: Cruciform text of pledge encircled by title of society, president (Fr. Theobald Mathew), and the date of foundation (10 Apr. 1838).
A large green ribbon is attached with the following embroidered text ‘F ✙ M / 1840 / God Save Ireland’. The ribbon is partially torn. Very careful manual handling is required.

Medal of the Army Temperance Association, India
Oval-shaped silver medal
4 cm x 3 cm
Physical Description:
• Medal of the Soldiers’ Total Abstinence Association in India. The inscription the face reads ‘Watch and be sober’. Inscription the obverse reads ‘The Association Medal for Fidelity India’.
Note: After 1902 the Victoria Memorial Medal was adopted and used by Indian Organisations of the Royal Army Temperance Association as a Two-Year Medal.

Temperance Medal Ribbon
Physical Description:
• A green ribbon with silver crucifix attached bearing the inscription ‘Presented to the Very Rev. Fr. Columbus [Maher] OSFC / President / Feb. 1889’. The ribbon would have been originally attached to a temperance medal. Fr. Columbus Maher OSFC (1835-1894) was President of the Father Mathew Temperance Association attached to St. Mary of the Angels, Church Street, Dublin.

House ledger

The title page reads: ‘The ledger of the Capuchin Convent, Kilkenny, August 6th 1860 and 1861-1880’. The manuscript title is initialled by Fr. Patrick Joseph Columbus Maher OSFC. Most of the expenditure entries relate to household sundries, wages and expenses incurred for the upkeep of the church and friary. Most of the income derives from monies received at collections at Sunday mass and at vespers. Monthly totals are included. The entry for 14 Aug. 1867 is signed by the Irish Capuchin Commissionary General.

Newspaper cuttings

Newspaper cuttings referring to Father Mathew Hall, Church Street. The cuttings are mainly from 'The Irish Catholic' and include references to the opening of 'Aonach na Bealtaine', temperance work, membership of the Hall, notices of annual meetings, details of excursions and lectures, and statements of accounts of the Hall Committee. One of the cuttings refers to the work of Fr. Albert Mitchell OSFC in founding the temperance sodality. It reads ‘in 1881 the association was installed in modest apartments in Halston Street … in 1891, the centenary year of Father Mathew, the new fine hall now standing on Church Street was opened during the presidency of Father Columbus Maher OSFC’. Includes two sketches of Fathers Mitchell and Maher. The report of the 23rd annual meeting of Father Mathew Hall contained a short excerpt of a speech by Pádraig Pearse in which he stated that the ‘Irish Ireland movement would be successful only so far and so long as it went hand in hand with temperance and its off-shoot of total abstinence’.

Hall Committee Resolution

Resolution of the Father Mathew Hall Committee admonishing a Mr. Nicolls who ‘has violated the custom of this committee by publishing what purports to be the details of our private deliberations’. The resolution also defends the rights of Fr. Columbus Maher OSFC as President of the Sacred Thirst Sodality and avers that Mr. Nicolls ‘was the only member who ever introduced politics here’.

Photographic prints of the interior of the Church of St. Francis

Photographic prints of the interior of the Church of St. Francis, Capuchin Friary, Kilkenny. One of the prints is annotated on the reverse: ‘Capuchin Convent, Walkin Street, Kilkenny. A. McMahon. With Fr. [Columbus] Maher’s compliments’. The other print is ink-stamped on the reverse: ‘Rathmines Photographic Studio, 26 Richmond Hill, Dublin’.

Interior of the Church of St. Francis, Kilkenny

A photographic print (on card) of the interior of the Church of St. Francis in Kilkenny. An annotation on the reverse reads: ‘Capuchin Convent, Walkin Street, Kilkenny. A. McMahon. With Fr. [Columbus] Maher’s compliments’.

Divi Hieronymi Stridonensis Epistolæ

Date: 1697
Author: Fr. Hieronymus Gomez
Publisher: Antverpiæ [Antwerp], apud Henricum & Cornelium Verdussen
Full title: 'Divi Hieronymi stridonensis epistolae aliquot selectee in usum & utilitatem adolescentium qui Latinæ linguædant operam … auctæ, & expurgatæ per Reverendum Patrem Fr. Hieronymum Gomez ... Quid de novo accrevenit, sequens pagina indicabi'

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