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IE CA PH/2/72 · Pièce · 1902
Fait partie de Irish Capuchin Archives

A lantern slide showing a print of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC addressing a committee. The print is captioned ‘Here goes, in the name of God!, Fr. Mathew inaugurates the temperance campaign on 10 April 1838'. The drawing is by Denis Santry (1879-1960).

Temperance Certificate
IE CA PH/2/75 · Pièce · c.1910
Fait partie de Irish Capuchin Archives

An photographic image of an original temperance certificate signed by Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC dated 25 April 1840. The print is by Mayne, Lord Edward Street, Dublin.

IE CA PH/2/78 · Pièce · 1902
Fait partie de Irish Capuchin Archives

A view of the interior of the Father Mathew Pavilion at the Cork International Exhibition of 1902. The image shows a large decorative banner and models of Holy Trinity Church in Cork, and Thomastown Castle, County Tipperary, the childhood home of Fr. Mathew. The plate is captioned.

Portrait of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC
IE CA PH/2/95 · Pièce · c.1900
Fait partie de Irish Capuchin Archives

A plate showing a portrait of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC (as a younger man). The portrait shows Fr. Mathew in traditional nineteenth-century clerical attire with a temperance medal pinned to his breast.

IE CA PH/2/103 · Pièce · c.1900
Fait partie de Irish Capuchin Archives

A plate of a print titled ‘Father Mathew addressing a temperance meeting in London’. The plate by T. Mayne & Son, Dublin. The original print shows Fr. Mathew preaching in London in 1843 taken from 'The Illustrated London News' (August 1843).

Temperance Demonstrations in Dublin
IE CA MR/1/6/6 · Dossier · Oct. 1906
Fait partie de Irish Capuchin Archives

Bound volume containing newspaper clippings covering a large temperance demonstration and parade in Dublin in October 1906. The file includes clippings from 'Sinn Féin', 'The Leader', and the 'Freeman’s Journal'. Some of the articles include illustrations of the parade route and participants. Article titles include ‘Labour and Temperance’, ‘Temperance Day in Dublin / Magnificent Demonstration’, and ‘The Father Mathew Anniversary’. A manuscript insert reciting ‘Father Mathew’s Song’ is included in the volume.

IE CA HT/2/1/2/10 · Dossier · 2 Nov. 1832
Fait partie de Irish Capuchin Archives

Lease from John Lecky, merchant, Cork, to Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC, ‘Provincial of the Order or Society of Capuchin friars, Cork’, of a plot of ground, stores, linnies, tenements and premises situated on Morrison’s Island (otherwise Island Nagay), parish of Holy Trinity, Cork, for 840 years at the yearly rent of £80. With attached sketch map of the said plot which measured 105 feet at the frontage onto Charlotte Quay; 190 feet fronting onto Queen Street; and bordered to the west (140 feet) and north (93 feet) by His Majesty’s Ordnance Stores. With counterpart.

House Account Book
IE CA HT/3/1/1 · Dossier · 25 Feb. 1821-26 Dec. 1859
Fait partie de Irish Capuchin Archives

Expenditure and receipt ledger for the Capuchin friars in Cork. The volume is titled at p. 5: ‘The Book of the Community’. The book mainly consists of accounts of Sunday and feast-day collections at the chapel, accounts of household and building expenses, and entries relating to the governance of the Order in Ireland. The listing below follows the sequence of entries as found in the volume:
• An account of Sunday and feast day collections at the South Friary, Cork. 1821-25, pp 6-54.
• An entry concerning the appointment by the Minister General of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC as Provincial Minister, and Fr. Louis (James) O’Riordan OSFC (1800-1857) and Fr. Vincent (Denis) MacLeod OSFC (1808-1861) as his assistants. 29 Apr. 1836, p. 56
• ‘Wine Account’. 1 May 1836-18 Dec. 1836, p. 57.
• ‘Organ Account’. 29 Apr. 1836-10 July 1836, p. 58.
• An account of ‘collections of the South Friary commencing from the first day of May 1836’, pp 65-69.
• An entry concerning the chapter meeting at the Friary in Dublin on 5 June 139 at which Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC was elected Provincial Minister. Also, entries relating to the election of definitors and the composition of the community in Cork, p. 69.
• An account of Sunday and feast day collections at the chapel doors in Cork. 1839-43, pp 69-88.
• An entry relating to the inaugural meeting of an association of regular and secular clergy called the ‘Clerical Society’. 10 July 1843, p. 89.
• An account of Sunday and feast day collections at the chapel door, Cork. 1844-45, pp 90-108.
• An entry recording the names of priests who died in the diocese of Cork in 1845, p. 110.
• The remainder of the volume (pp 111-259) is mostly comprised of accounts of collections, mainly ‘chapel rent’, door collections and other incomes such as mass stipends. The accounts are interspersed with entries relating to the general governance of the Order such as:
• A meeting of the community in Holy Trinity Church regarding the appointment by the Minster General of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC as Provincial Minister for another three years, and to the appointment of four definitors. 17 Aug. 1848, p 148.
• A visitation at Kilkenny Friary (3 Feb. 1852); and at the Dublin Friary (4 Feb. 1852), p. 176.
• ‘Donations received for furnishing the interior of the church and [the] purchasing of an organ’, pp 214-17.
• The visit of Fr. Victor of Chamonix OSFC ‘to enquire into the state of the Capuchin Order in Ireland and to make arrangements for the appointment of a “Commissary General” deputed by the superiors in Rome to remedy whatever abuses may be found to exist’. 10 June 1856, pp 236-37.
• The appointment of Fr. Alphonsus Muldoon OSFC (1822-1895) as Commissary General. 6 June 1859, p. 238.
• The recording of the death at Queenstown of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC on 8 Dec. 1856, p. 242.
Note: See also transcripts taken from this account book at CA HT/2/2/3 and CA HT/7/3.