An image of Archbishop Richard Cushing greeting individuals (including Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. and Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap.) at a reception for the Boston Archdiocesan pilgrims at the Iveagh Grounds in Dublin. (Volume page 56).
An image of (first on the left) Archbishop Richard Cushing, President Seán T. O’Kelly, and Paul A. Dever (Governor of Massachusetts) at a reception for the Boston Archdiocesan pilgrims at the Iveagh Grounds in Dublin. Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap. is standing behind President O'Kelly. (Volume page 63).
A photograph of Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap. with his sister and Capuchin friars at the Vatican. The group includes Fr. Flannan Dowling OFM Cap., Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap., and Fr. Maurice Dowd OFM Cap.
A bound volume containing printed copies of block pulls for illustrations in 'The Capuchin Annual' and in 'The Father Mathew Record'. The images are numbered and (in some instances) dated. The volume includes many copies of the illustrations of Richard J. King (including St. Patrick and St. Brigid), and photographs of various Irish Capuchin friars including the Most Rev. Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap., Vicar Apostolic of Livingstone. The volume also includes several obituary articles (with image content) for Archbishop Sylvester Mulligan OFM Cap., and images of Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap., Richard J. King, Aodh de Blacam, and missionary friars and buildings in Africa and in the United States. The volume also contains the following clippings:
• Signed cheque for £10 of George Bernard Shaw subscribing to 'The Capuchin Annual'. See image above.
• An article titled ‘Irish Franciscan Humor’ published in 'The Christian Family and Our Missions' (March 1950) reflecting on Fr. Gerald McCann OFM Cap. and his artwork for the 'Annual'.
• Photograph of Fr. Gerald McCann OFM Cap. and Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap. presenting The Capuchin Periodicals’ Cup at the National Drama Festival of Ireland (June 1950).
Photographic print of the Capuchin sale of work possibly in Father Mathew Hall on Church Street in Dublin. Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap. (1910-1977) and three women are present in the photograph. A manuscript annotation reads ‘Sacred Heart Stall, Capuchin Sale of Work’, 25th November 1944’
A photograph of Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap.
A studio photograph of Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap.
A photographic print of Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. and Fr. Gerald McCann OFM Cap., editors in the Capuchin Publications Office, in the garden of the Church Street Friary in Dublin. The group includes Fr. Virgilius Murtagh OFM Cap. and Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap.
A photograph of (seated, centre) Fr. Virgilius Murtagh OFM Cap. and (back row) Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap. with members of the choir of St. Mary of the Angels, Church Street, Dublin.
‘Irish National Insurance Co. Ltd. 1949 “Every hour diary”’ containing newspaper clippings mostly relating to performances, recitals, and musical events at the Father Mathew Hall. Includes notices of winners in various Feis competitions. Most of the clippings contain annotations identifying the paper and date (mostly take from the 'Irish Press', 'Dublin Evening Mail', and 'Irish Independent'). Includes photographic prints of many of the Capuchin friars involved with the Feis (Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap. and Fr. Gerald McCann OFM Cap.).