A clipping of a review article on ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1936) published in ‘The Catholic Bulletin’ periodical. Reference is made in the article to various Capuchin friars including Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap. (‘whose body lies in a leaden casket in a graveyard away in South-Western California’), and to Fr. Dominic O’Connor OFM Cap. who ‘lies amid the snows of the North West’.
An image of several Capuchin friars posing on a donkey and cart in the countryside near Inistioge in County Kilkenny. The group includes
Seated on donkey: Fr. Ignatius Collins OFM Cap. (1881-1961)
Standing at rear, second on the left: Fr. Dominic O'Connor OFM Cap. (1883-1935)
Standing at rear, third on the left: Fr. Columbus Murphy OFM Cap. (1881-1962)
Seated on cart, front, first on the left: Fr. Cyril O'Sullivan OFM Cap. (1887-1921)
Seated on cart, third on the left: Fr. Sylvester Mulligan OFM Cap. (1875-1950)
A photograph of a group of Capuchin friars possibly on one of the small ferries which conveyed passengers to and from the towns and villages located around Cork harbour. The friar first on the right is likely Fr. Dominic O’Connor OFM Cap.
A group of Capuchin friars with musical instruments in the Kilkenny Friary in c.1905. Identifiable individuals include:
Front row (seated):
First on the left: Br. Edward Walsh OFM Cap. (1881-1961)
First on the right: Br. Ignatius Collins OFM Cap. (1885-1961)
Second row (seated):
First on the right: Br. Edwin Fitzgibbon OFM Cap. (1874-1938)
First on the left: Br. Brendan O’Callaghan OFM Cap. (1880-1952)
Third row (standing):
First on the right: Br. Albert Bibby OFM Cap. (1877-1925)
Second on the right: Br. Cyril O’Sullivan OFM Cap. (1887-1921)
Third on the right: Br. Bonaventure Murphy OFM Cap. (1880-1968)
Second on the left: Br. Gregory O’Kelly OFM Cap. (d. 9 Apr. 1947)
First on the left: Br. Philip King OFM Cap. (1885-1952)
Fourth row (standing):
First on the right: Br. Dominic O’Connor OFM Cap. (1883-1935)
Second on the right: Br. Malachy Hynes OFM Cap. (1879-1955)
Third on the right: Br. Berchmans Cantillon OFM Cap. (1880-1942)
Forth on the right: Br. Columbus Murphy OFM Cap. (1881-1962)
Second on the left: Br. Adrian Sharkett OFM Cap. (1879-1965)
First on the left: Br. Colman Griffin OFM Cap. (1886-1971
An image of a group of Capuchin friars on a excursion to Inistioge in County Kilkenny in about 1907. Identifiable individuals include:
Third row, first on the left: Fr. Ignatius Collins OFM Cap. (1885-1961)
Second row, first on the left: Fr. Colman Griffin OFM Cap. (1886-1971)
Second row, second on the left: Fr. Sylvester Mulligan OFM Cap. (1875-1950)
Second row, first on the right: Fr. Dominic O'Connor OFM Cap. (1883-1935)
First row, second on the left: Fr. Cyril O'Sullivan OFM Cap. (1887-1921)
First row, first on the right: Fr. Columbus Murphy OFM Cap. (1881-1962)
An image of a group of Capuchin friars in Kilkenny. An annotation on the cover indicates that (seated, second from the right) Fr. Camillus Killian OFM Cap. (1872-1941) was the house superior. Fr. Killian was superior in Kilkenny from 1907-10. Other friars in the group include:
(seated, first on the right): Fr. Dominic O'Connor OFM Cap. (1883-1935)
(seated, second on the left): Fr. Sylvester Mulligan OFM Cap. (1875-1950)
(standing, third from the left): Fr. Cyril O'Sullivan OFM Cap. (1887-1921)
(standing, fourth from the left): Fr. Colman Griffin OFM Cap. (1886-1971)
A group of Capuchin friars in the Kilkenny Friary garden. The group includes (seated, first on the left), Fr. Cyril O'Sullivan OFM Cap. (1887-1921); (seated, centre), Fr. Dominic O'Connor OFM Cap. (1883-1935); (seated, first on the right), Fr. Ignatius Collins OFM Cap. (1885-1961); (standing, first on the left), Fr. Colman Griffin OFM Cap. (1886-1971).
The fonds consists of the correspondence and papers of Capuchin friars detailing their involvement with participants in the national struggle. The majority of the material dates from 1916-1925 and includes many records highlighting the roles played by Irish Capuchins in ministering to republican leaders and their relations. Of particular interest is a large collection of prison letters including the correspondence of some of the leading figures of the Irish Revolution. The fonds also contains a large collection of republican publicity material, newspapers and miscellaneous items of ephemera and artefacts mostly relating to the military and political campaign organised by nationalists for Irish independence. A smaller collection relating to the repatriation of the bodies of Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap. and Fr. Dominic O’Connor OFM Cap. from the United States to Ireland in 1958 is also extant.
Irish Capuchin FranciscansCorrespondence of Fr. Edwin Fitzgibbon OFM Cap., and Fr. Colman Griffin OFM Cap., with Robert F. Mahony, President, American Association for Recognition of the Irish Republic; Fr. Brendan O’Callaghan OFM Cap., Central Council of Irish County Associations; Eugene Twomey, Secretary, Fianna Fail, Inc., Irish Republican Party of America; Charles F. Tiernan; Joseph O’Byrne of the Fathers’ Albert & Dominic Committee; and the Irish American National Alliance. The letters refer to appeals from various Irish-American republican organizations calling for the repatriation to Ireland of the mortal remains of Fathers Albert Bibby OFM Cap. and Dominic O’Connor OFM Cap.
A clipping of an article reprinting a copy of Fr. Albert Bibby’s final letter to Éamon de Valera pledging his ‘unchanged and unchangeable, and uncompromising’ allegiance to the Republic and to you, its President’. He argues that ‘in the movement for the independence of Ireland I have always endeavoured to remember that I was a Capuchin Priest’. The volume also includes a covering letter from Fr. Dominic O’Connor OFM Cap. to de Valera enclosing Bibby’ letter and referring to the latter’s ailing health. O’Connor concludes by stating that it is ‘better to die in agony than for freedom than live in luxurious freedom’. (Volume page 116).
Bibby, Albert, 1877-1925, Capuchin priest