Affichage de 36 résultats

Description archivistique
Bibby, Albert, 1877-1925, Capuchin priest Avec objets numériques
Aperçu avant impression Hierarchy Affichage :
Newspaper Clippings relating to the Irish Revolution
Newspaper Clippings relating to the Irish Revolution
Capuchin Friars, Kilkenny
Capuchin Friars, Kilkenny
Capuchin Friars at Tomás Mac Curtain's Funeral
Capuchin Friars at Tomás Mac Curtain's Funeral
Hymn to St. Columcille
Hymn to St. Columcille
Funeral of Fr. Albert Bibby in Mission Santa Inés, California
Funeral of Fr. Albert Bibby in Mission Santa Inés, California
Arrival of Fr. Albert Bibby at Mission Santa Inés
Arrival of Fr. Albert Bibby at Mission Santa Inés
Arrival of Fr. Albert Bibby at Mission Santa Inés
Arrival of Fr. Albert Bibby at Mission Santa Inés
Death of Fr. Albert Bibby
Death of Fr. Albert Bibby
To Father Albert OSFC from Lily O’Brennan
To Father Albert OSFC from Lily O’Brennan
Letter from Rory O’Connor to Fr. Albert Bibby
Letter from Rory O’Connor to Fr. Albert Bibby
Résultats 1 à 10 sur 36