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O’Mahony, Alfred, 1912-1988, Capuchin priest
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Zambian Mission Photographs of Fr. Benjamin O’Connell OFM Cap.

A collection of Zambian missionary photographs assembled by Fr. Benjamin O’Connell OFM Cap. (1938-2010) for historical research purposes. Some of the prints are copies but the file does include some original prints. Many of the prints are annotated on the reverse. The collection includes images of:
• Fr. Declan McFadden OFM Cap. outside the Rectory in Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, in 1932.
• Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap., Fr. Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap., Fr. Seraphin Nesdale OFM Cap. and Fr. Fintan Roche OFM Cap. in Northern Rhodesia in c.1935. The annotation on the reverse notes that the original image was taken from an album belonging to Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap. On the reverse was written: ‘I think this is not a bad piece of architecture for a school master’s son’.
• Capuchin friars receiving their missionary crosses in Church Street before their departure for the African mission in 1943. The friars are Br. Xavier Cox OFM Cap., Fr. Eustace Burke OFM Cap., Fr. Capistran Singleton OFM Cap., Br. Andrew O’Shea OFM Cap., Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap. and Br. Fergus Buckley OFM Cap.
• Fr. Albert Hayes OFM Cap. with a First Communion group in Livingstone in 1952.
• Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap. with Fr. Patrick Peyton outside St. Theresa’s Cathedral in Livingstone in 1955.
• Fr. Albert Hayes OFM Cap. with religious sisters.
• Fr. Salvator Quinn OFM Cap. in Livingstone.
• Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap. with local religious sisters.
• Capuchin friars with Fr. James O’Mahony OFM Cap. during his visitation to Northern Rhodesia in 1957. The friars include Fr. Albert Hayes OFM Cap., Fr. Agathangelus Herlihy OFM Cap., Fr. Alfred O’Mahony OFM Cap. and Fr. Capistran Singleton OFM Cap.
• Capuchin friars with Fr. Albert Hayes OFM Cap. on the occasion of his silver jubilee in 1959.
• Br. Maurice Buckley OFM Cap. (1918-2003) and Fr. Agnellus O’Neill OFM Cap. at a missionary exhibition in Dublin, c.1960.
• Fr. Berard Creed OFM Cap., Provincial Minister, in Sesheke, Zambia, in 1968.
• Capuchin friars with Fr. Berard Creed OFM Cap. during his visitation to Zambia in 1968. The friars include Fr. Salvator Quinn OFM Cap., Fr. Kenneth Reynolds OFM Cap., Fr. Donatus McNamara OFM Cap., Fr. Brian Browne OFM Cap., and Fr. Crispin Brennan OFM Cap.
• Fr. Berard Creed OFM Cap. with Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap. in 1968.
• Fr. Berard Creed OFM Cap. with Fr. Anthony Boran OFM Cap. and Fr. Capistran Singleton OFM Cap. and religious sisters (Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood) in Sesheke in 1968.
• Various scenes of friars at Malengwa during the visitation of Fr. Berard Creed OFM Cap. in 1968.
• Fr. Berard Creed OFM Cap. boarding an aircraft in Mongu, Zambia, in 1968.
• Fr. Dermot Lynch OFM Cap. and Fr. Bede Dolly OFM Cap. at the grave of Fr. Connor Brady OFM Cap. (d. 20 Apr. 1993) in Kaoma, in c.2001. It is noted that Fr. Bede Dolly OFM Cap. died on 18 Oct. 2004.

Visitation of Fr. James O’Mahony OFM Cap.

A group of Capuchin friars in Livingstone. The group includes Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap., Fr. Albeus McQuillan OFM Cap., Fr. Salvator Quinn OFM Cap., Fr. Ultan Weldon OFM Cap., Fr. James O’Mahony OFM Cap., Provincial Minister, Fr. Alfred O’Mahony OFM Cap., Fr. Agathangelus Herlihy OFM Cap., Fr. Albert Hayes OFM Cap., and Fr. Capistran Singleton OFM Cap.

The installation of Msgr. Adrian Mung’andu as Bishop of Livingstone

Ceremonial for the consecration of Monsignor Adrian Mung’andu as Bishop of Livingstone on 9 Feb. 1975 at the Church of Christ the King, Maramba Mission, in succession to Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap. At the mass, Fr. Alfred O’Mahony OFM Cap. preached a sermon on the history of the Irish Capuchin presence in Zambia. With a flier re the ordination written by Fr. Edwin Flynn OFM Cap.

Souvenir of Irish-Zambian Reunion

Souvenir of an Irish-Zambian reunion luncheon held in Wynn’s Hotel, Dublin, on 20 Aug. 1966. Endorsed with autographs of some of the participants. This is the copy belonging to Fr. Alfred O’Mahony OFM Cap.

Silozi Note Book

Silozi note book by E. Ndopu Kamitondo (London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd, 1958). The volume has extensive annotations by Fr. Alfred O’Mahony OFM Cap.

Oral History Recollections of Br. Andrew O’Shea OFM Cap.

Copy of Br. Andrew O’Shea’s oral account of his missionary work in Northern Rhodesia (later Zambia). With a copy cover letter (and reply) from Fr. Edwin Flynn OFM Cap. to Fr. Theophilus Murphy OFM Cap, describing what they affirm is Br. Andrew’s 'Fioretti'. Br. Andrew served as a missionary in Africa from 1943-86. The script is given the following headings:
• Father Alfred O’Mahony OFM Cap. and Brother Xavier Cox OFM Cap. going on a journey.
• As a farmer sees it and as a city lad sees it.
• Somili and the Mubishopo – that is Monsignor Killian Flynn OFM Cap.
• Monsignor and the Maramba Girls Lapa (compound).
• Monsignor and the Sisters’ washing.
• Father Raymond Dillane’s Silver Jubilee.
• Father Raymond Dillane OFM Cap.
• Father Albeus McQuillan OFM Cap. and Linda Friary.
• The visit of the Fatima Statue of Our Lady to Mongu.
• The Holy Ghost and the oil stocks.
• My friend Kadom (by Father Christopher Crowley OFM Cap.).
• Tripe or fishtails.
• Kadom and the radio.
• The grand finale of Kadom.
• Snippets from mission life.
• Father Albert O’Mahony OFM Cap.
• Father James O’Mahony OFM Cap.
• Father Aquinas Carroll OFM Cap.
• African Holy Cross Sisters.
• Sister Rudolf.
• Fr. Capistran Singleton OFM Cap.
• Brother Xavier Cox OFM Cap.
• Sister Martin.
• Father Albert O’Mahony OFM Cap. on his first walking tour.
• Archbishop Matthews.
• Cardinal Spellman.
• A man from the agriculture department visits Lukulu.
• Father Ronan Herlihy OFM Cap. and Brother Andrew go fishing.
• Father Luke Browne’s attempt to cross the Zambezi in a jeep.
• Mission Buildings.
• Father Flannan Buckley OFM Cap. and the jam pots.
• Fr. Theophilus Murphy OFM Cap.
• Monsignor’s typewriter and the donkeys.
• Father Macanise, the donkeys and their scotch cart.
• Father Brian Browne OFM Cap. and his method of winter heating.
• Fr. Jerome MacQuillan OFM Cap. and the Divine Office.
• Spenser flies his plane.
• Father Albeus McQuillan OFM Cap.
• Father Livinus Keane OFM Cap.
• Brother Andrew O’Shea OFM Cap.
• Another cook called Peter, and the marmalade.
• Brother Gabriel McGillicuddy OFM Cap. and the bricks.
• Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap. and cars.
• The Thames trucks.

O’Shea, Andrew, 1907-1986, Capuchin brother

Mission Scrapbook of Fr. Albeus McQuillan OFM Cap.

Scrapbook of Fr. Albeus McQuillan OFM Cap. (1912-1989) re the history and personnel of the Irish Capuchin mission in Africa. Fr. Albeus arrived in Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) in 1942. The scrapbook includes cuttings from missionary periodicals including 'The Father Mathew Record', hand-drawn maps of mission stations and churches, and personal recollections and memoranda by Fr. Albeus re the Capuchin mission in Africa. The volume contains the following sections:
• Photographic prints of the early Irish Capuchins missionaries: Fr. Casimir Butler OFM Cap.; Fr. Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap.; Fr. Seraphin Nesdale OFM Cap.; Fr. Killian Flynn OFM Cap.; Fr. Alban Cullen Cap.; Fr. Oliver O’Hanlon OFM Cap.; Fr. Fintan Roche OFM Cap.; Fr. Livinus Keane OFM Cap.; Fr. Jerome McQuillan OFM Cap.; Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap.; Fr. Marcellus Carroll OFM Cap.; Fr. Agathangelus Herlihy OFM Cap.; Fr. Timothy Connery OFM Cap.; Fr. Jarlath Gough OFM Cap.
• List of African missions of the Capuchin Franciscan Order (with the names of mother provinces).
• Calendar of priests in the Irish Capuchin mission to Africa arranged under year, number and total. The calendar runs from 1929-39.
• Personal and mission record (with photographic prints) for Irish Capuchin friars in Africa. Details are given of where the friars were stationed and the duration. Information is given in respect of:
Fr. Casimir Butler OFM Cap. First Superior of African Missions.
Fr. Alban Cullen OFM Cap.
Fr. Oliver O’Hanlon OFM Cap. (with postcard print of the Church at Parow, South Africa, dedicated on 8 Dec. 1935).
Fr. Killian Flynn OFM Cap. (with circular letter from Fr. Edwin Fitzgibbon OFM Cap. re the appointment of Fr. Killian as Prefect Apostolic of Victoria Falls).
Fr. Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap.
Fr. Seraphin Nesdale OFM Cap. (1897-1980)
Fr. Jerome McQuillan OFM Cap.
Fr. Fintan Roche OFM Cap.
Fr. Livinus Keane OFM Cap.
Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap.
Fr. Jarlath Gough OFM Cap. (1902-1983)
Br. Alexius Paolucci OFM Cap. (1898-1983)
Fr. Agathangelus Herlihy OFM Cap.
Fr. Gerard Joyce OFM Cap. (died in Northern Rhodesia in 1944)
• Calendar of Irish Capuchin missionaries in Northern Rhodesia and South Africa from 1929-38 giving details of where stationed and the time spent at each mission station. (pp 42-3).
• ‘The religion of the Blacks’. Manuscript. Sub-title reads: ‘Paper read for the Bonaventure’s Philosophical and Historical Society, Tuesday, January 17th 1937’. (insert at p. 47). The article was possibly compiled by Fr. Declan McFadden OFM Cap.
Maps include:
• Districts of Northern Rhodesia showing density of population. (p. 9)
• Detailed manuscript map showing locations of various Christian missionary stations in Northern Rhodesia. (p. 11).
• Map of Northern Rhodesia showing areas of Tsetse-Fly and Sleeping Sickness infestation (p. 15).
• Map re population and infant mortality in Northern Rhodesia (p. 17).
• Printed map of Cape Town, South Africa (p. 22).
• Manuscript map of the Cape Province, South Africa, showing principal towns and the locations of Capuchin churches at the Welcome Estate, Matroosfontein, Parow, Langa and Athlone. Scale: 2 miles to 1 inch. The key also provides the distances between the aforementioned mission churches. (Insert at p. 27).
• Population map of Barotseland (arranged by district). With information re the number of Protestant schools in the region. (p. 45).
Photographic prints include:
• Fr. Fintan Roche OFM Cap. crossing the River Kafue, Northern Rhodesia, with a truck on a barge. Aug. 1937. (p. 27).
• Fr. Marcellus Carroll OFM Cap. with altar boys. (p. 27).
• St. Louis Mission School at Langa; Fr. Jerome McQuillan OFM Cap. (priest at Langa in 1935); groups of children at Langa, with Sister Romana and Sister M. Vianney. (p. 29).
• Missionary scenes at Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia (p. 33).
• The Friary at Livingstone and Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap. (p. 34).
• Missionary scenes at Loanja, Northern Rhodesia. With Fr. Livinus Keane OFM Cap. and Fr. Seraphin Nesdale OFM Cap. (p. 37).
• Prints from 'The Father Mathew Record' of the ‘first Christians at Loanja, Easter, 1936’; ‘adult Christians at Loanja and a group at St. Francis’s School, Livingstone’. (p. 39).
• Br. Dominick O’Callaghan OFM Cap. (p. 44).
• The three Capuchin churches in Africa: Parow, Livingstone, and Athlone (p. 48).
• Fr. Jerome McQuillan OFM Cap. (full length portrait); Sr. M. Vianney at Langa in 1936; First communion group at Langa, 1936. (p. 49).
• Fr. Albeus McQuillan OFM Cap. (half-length portrait). (p. 50).
• Fr. Alfred O’Mahony OFM Cap. (half-length portrait). (p. 51).
The volume also contains newspaper cuttings re a Capuchin-organised pilgrimage to Knock, County Mayo, organised by Fr. Virgilius Murtagh OFM Cap. and Fr. Maurice Dowd OFM Cap. (p. 66).

MacQuillan, Albeus, 1913-1989, Capuchin priest

Loose Letters File

A file of letters to Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. The file contains personal letters and correspondence relating to the Capuchin Publications Office. Some of the letters refer to orders for ‘The Angelic Shepherd / The Life of Pope Pius XII’ (1950) authored by Fr. Senan. The file also includes correspondence from Margaret Mary Pearse, Joseph O'Connor (Seosamh Ó Conchubhair), Dr. T.J. Walsh (Chairman, the Wexford Festival of the Music and the Arts), Seán Ganly, Fr. Donal Herlihy (Pontifical Irish College, Rome), Fr. Sydney MacEwan, Fr. Bosco Lennon OFM Cap. (Ard Mhuire Capuchin Friary, County Donegal), Johanna Coakley (Milwaukee, Wisconsin), Fr. T. Maguire (St. Mary’s Church, Newtownbutler, County Fermanagh), Eric Rayner (338 Fulham Road, London), John English & Co. (printers), Thomas MacGreevy, Fr. Otto Richter (Jablonec, Czechoslovakia), Margaret Bowles (Priory Drive, Stillorgan, County Dublin), D.L. Kelleher (enclosing a biographical statement), Dr. Colm A. McDonnell (Upper Ely Place, Dublin), Robert Brennan (42 Lower Dodder Road, Dublin), Diarmuid Breathnach, Peter F. Anson, Yvonne Jammet, Vivion de Valera, Frederick Evans (Bexleyheath, Kent), Bishop Thomas Pothacamury, Frank MacGeough, Fr. Joseph Ranson (Kilmuckridge, Gorey, County Wexford), Sister M. Magdalena (Convent of Mercy, Carlow), M. Devlin (Cawnpore Street, Belfast), Katherine Guilfoyle Edelman, Seumas O’Brien (sculptor, dramatist, fabulist, 1880-1959), Adolf Morath (photographer), Fr. H. Russell SMA (Society of African Missions, 23 Bliss Avenue, Tenafly, New Jersey), Seán Collins, Aodh de Blacam, Sophie Raffalovich O'Brien, Rosamond Jacob, Muiris Mac Murchadha, Vincent O’Connor (South Taylor Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois), Fr. Robert Mageean CSSr (Somerton Road, Belfast), Michael A. Bowles, Joseph J. Carroll (Whitestone School, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia), Sister Mary Joseph (Webster Groves, Missouri), Sister M. Dolorine (Webster College, Missouri, United States), Alan Macauley (Sierra Madre, California), Ernest Newman, Fr. Jerome Hawes TOSF (Mount Alvernia Hermitage, Cat Island, Bahamas), Eleanor Barnes (Lady Yarrow), H.L. Moiselle, Tomás S. Cuffe, Fr. Hugh Morley OFM Cap. (editor, ‘The Cowl / A Capuchin Review’), Mary Wren, (Servite House, 17 The Boltons, London), J. Monahan (Seafield Road, Clontarf, County Dublin), John J. Kelly (attorney, West Washington Street, Chicago, United States), Patrick Duffy (Hazeldene, Clonfert Avenue, Portumna, County Galway), Seumas MacManus, Fr. Matthew Hoehn OSB, Fr. George Macarius Korb (Nagoya, Japan), Fr. Cuthbert Gumbinger OFM Cap., Joseph Connolly (Melford, Westfield Road, Dublin), Fr. Seán Gordon (Pontificia Accademia Ecclesiastica, Rome), Fr. Patrick Boland TOR (Catholic Mission, Chowki, India), Michael J. O’Mullane, Fr. Daniel A. Horan (Church of the Annunciation, Ilion, New York), Sister Leonarda (St. Joseph’s, Toronto, Canada), Fr. W.F. Conlon (President, St. Patrick’s Classical School, Navan, County Meath), Katherine Blake (c/o Irish Embassy, Madrid, Spain), Fr. Albin Fiedler (Benešova, Czechoslovakia), Sister Mary Joseph (Director, The Gallery of Living Catholic Authors, Missouri, United States), Fr. Alfred O’Mahony OFM Cap., John Hennig, Fr. Terence L. Connolly SJ, Tom Evans (Glenbeigh, County Kerry), Pádraig De Brún, Fr. Demetrius Manousos OFM Cap., Fr. Gerard Fassler OFM Cap. (Catholic Mission, Kondoa, Tanzania), Alice Ginnell, Colin Johnston Robb, Sister M. Patrick (Missionary Sisters of St. Columban, Cahiracon, Ennis, County Clare), Winfred M. Letts (Verschoyle), Sister M. Catherine (Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Killeshandra, County Cavan), Sister M. Frances Teresa (Convent of Saint Louis, Louisville, County Monaghan), Richard Mulcahy (Minister of Education), Sister Joseph Patrick (Sisters of Charity, St. Mary’s Orthopaedic Hospital, Cappagh, Finglas, County Dublin), Sister M. Vincenzo (Dominican Convent, Muckross Park, Donnybrook, Dublin), Mona de Cruz (3 Westlands Road, Penang, Malaysia), John Lloyd (Connaught Rangers Mutineer), Sister Mary Frances Hughes (St. Clare’s Convent, Harold’s Cross, Dublin), Archbishop Thomas Pothacamury (Bangalore, India), Francis MacManus, Bernard T. Hart (Montclair, New Jersey, United States), Gerald Boland (Minister of Justice), John Alvin Feltis (1503 Lincoln Avenue, Toledo, Ohio), Fr. Matthew Hoehn OSB (St. Mary’s Abbey, High Street, Newark, New Jersey), Ana O’Reilly (Botanic Road, Dublin), Fr. Stephen J. Moloney O.Cist. (Mounty Melleray Abbey, County Waterford), Br. Charles A. Lynam (Saint Patrick’s, Montgomery Place, New Rochelle, New York), Denis Gywnn, Fr. Luigi Fesce (Church of Our Lady of Pompei, 25 Carmine Street, New York), Richard King, Michael J. Kennedy (‘Manresa’, Trimlestown Park, Booterstown, Dublin), Fr. Thomas McLaughlin OSB (Fort Augustus Abbey, Inverness, Scotland), Sir Martin John Melvin (Director, ‘The Universe’, London), Seámus Ó Mathúna (Youghal, County Cork), Seán Ó Ciarghusa, Edward Kavanagh (Manor Mills, Maynooth, County Kildare), Máirín Cregan (Kindlestown House, Delgany, County Wicklow), Fr. Cyril Kelleher OFM Cap., Áine Ceannt, John Moynihan (St. Patrick’s, Donabate, County Dublin), Sister M. Kevin (Convent of Mercy, Ardee, County Louth), Sister M. Gertrude (Missionary Sisters of St. Columban, Cahiracon, Ennis, County Clare), Mannix Joyce, Fr. T.F. Duggan (President, St Finbarr’s College, Farranferris, Cork), Fr. Henry Edward George Rope, Séamus Campbell, David Marcus, Merrill Proctor Ball (Williamsburg, Virginia, United States), F.L. Vickerman (Glenageary Road, Dún Laoghaire, County Dublin), Fr. Philip O’Boyle (Parochial House, Termon, County Donegal), Fr. Conrad Simonsen Mackey OFM Cap. (Madrid, Spain), Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap., Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap. (Catholic Mission, Langa, Cape Province, South Africa), Dr. George A. Little (28 Rathgar Road, Dublin), Leonard J. Schweitzer, Doran Hurley, Charles G. O’Connell, Fr. Florian Ruskamp OFM Cap. (Bluefields, Nicaragua), H. Martin Hamilton, Alison King (Vico Terrace, Dalkey, County Dublin), Sister Mary de Pazzi, Tomás Ó Muircheartaigh, Máire de Blacam, Rev. John O. Buchmann (St. Leo’s Rectory, Irvington, New Jersey), Eoin O’Mahony, Joseph A. McCarthy (Circuit Court of Justice, Dublin), Joseph Patrick Walshe (Irish Ambassador to the Holy See), Paul Martin-Dillon, Sister M. Emmanuel (Mater Misericordiae Nursing Home, Eccles Street, Dublin), Frieda Le Pla, Kevin Egan (The Holy Well, Cairns, County Sligo), Seamus Murphy (Wellington Road, Cork), Fr. Kevin Moynihan OFM Cap., Mary Hardebeck, Cecil Hurwitz (Old Blackrock Road, Cork), Diarmuid Brennan (88 Loveridge Road, West Hampsted, London), Seán P. O’Reilly (Instituto Mangold, Madrid, Spain), Robert Monteith, Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani (Apostolic Delegate to the United States), Lieutenant Colonel John Joseph Winters, John MacCourt (Winnipeg, Mantioba, Canada), Tadhg Gahan, Victor Waddington, D.S. Magee (Secretary, Irish Publishers Association), Séamus Ó Braonáin, Rev. H. Stoneley (Ince Vicarage, Westwood Lane, Wigan), Professor Leonard Abrahamson, Helena Concannon, Séamus Ó Céilleachair, Sister Imelda Cassidy (Loreto College, North Great George’s Street, Dublin), Gearóid Mac Spealáin, Aindrias Ó Muimhneacháin (Belmont Gardens, Donnybrook, Dublin), Fr. Senan Crowe OP, Bishop William MacNeely, Ana O’Reilly (Botanic Road, Dublin), Fr. Gilbert OFM Cap. (Capuchin Franciscan Friary, Peckham, London), Seumas O’Brien (sculptor, dramatist, fabulist, 1880-1959), Kathleen Bowles, Cormac Breathnach, Nora Ni Chathain, Sister M. Pius (Bon Secours Hospital, Glasnevin, Dublin), Sir Shane Leslie, and Arthur de Tivoli.
The letter of Vincent O’Connor (231 South Taylor Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois) encloses an original letter from Charlotte Gavin (Easky, County Sligo) dated 15 November 1880. The letter seemingly refers to local informers. O’Connor’s letter to Fr. Senan provides information on the letter’s contents and how it come into his possession. (10 Oct. 1951).

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