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Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister:

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister: Letter from Fr. Thomas, Consultor General, to Provincial, Vincent Grogan. Letter from Propaganda on way to bishop advising that he should settle dispute. He should not refuse faculties to Passionists put up by their superiors unless for canonical reasons. Other religious in Ireland were complaining about similar treatment., so the same advice was given to other bishops. Vincent to keep this information "under his hat". Thomas understands congregation wants this matter settled. (He also mentions that he is glad Vincent has escaped the danger from Kildare - i.e., of being made Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Copy of this reference is also located at 3/3/5/2 serial no. 6475)

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister:

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister: Copy letter (prpbably a draft) from Fr. Vincent Grogan, Provincial, to Bishop McAllister in reply to his previous correspondence. Vincent quotes extensively from Compendium Facultatum C.P., (1882) re our enjoying the privileges of regulars. He also quotes from de Aedificis and de Elecmonia. He repeats that the Belfast foundation was done in accordance with the canons and with the consent of the bishop. Denies that appeal to Holy See is a threat. Goes on to deal with the refusal of confessonal faculties. No formal appeal has yet been lodged. Passionist still willing to settle.

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast:Dispute with Bishop McAllister: 1866025 Arthur Devine: 1815005

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast: Dispute with Bishop McAllister: Letter from Consultor General, Thomas, Rome,to Arthur Devine:He writes about Fr. Edmund's faculties and enquires if Arthur knows anything abour Fr. Bede, a Canon Regular, who has requested faculties to bless Passionist Chaplet and Scapulars. Refers to Tablet review of Arthurt;s "Convent Life". Suggests that Arthur prepare a 2nd edition for the USA and also arrange for the publication of some of Blessed Dominic's writings..
Concerning Ardoyne, Thomas has seen (keep this under your hat) the Bishop's letter to Propaganda. He wants to build a church on the C.P. site. Cardinal, after some explanation, said that according to the new Bull, Romani Pontifices, the church would be our property, if built with the money of our Congregation, but, if built with the oblations of the faithful, it would belong to the Diocese, unless Bishop gives title to us. The letter contains some conditions, which if conceeded by the BIshop, would secure for us all we wanted.

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister:

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister: Copy letter from the Provincial to Bishop McAllister in reply to his letter of 13 September re Passionists attending conferences of clergy and to building of new church. Provincial mentions that Fr. Anthony's reference, at the conference dinner, to the bazaar would not have been made had Anthony been aware that such reference would have been disagreeable to the Bishop. The Provincial goes on to point out that he can't maintain a proper religious community in Ardoyne if priests are refused faculties. Regrets Bishop refers to a case where now the offender has been punished.

Résultats 21 à 25 sur 25