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Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister: Wareham:

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister: Wareham: Letter to the Provincial from the Consultor General, Thomas, Rome. Acknowledges several provincial's letters. General is away. Thanks for favourable report on Province. Glad to hear there is prospect of getting £1,000 for Wareham. Thomas doesn't know if he will go to Belfast. Consulta will decide on that after Christmas.

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister:

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister: Letter from Dr. McAllister to the Provincial, Fr. Vincent Grogan, in reply to his of 20th (see item located under serial number 1976), He rigidly rejects Vincent's offer on the grounds that the matter is now before Propaganda. Doubts Vincent's adherence to any private arrangement. Glad Propaganda is dealing with the matter. Its decision will be final.

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister:

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister:Copies of 2 letters, which, though they are included in the "Dispute" arrangement, may not be quite relevant to that heading. (1) 22.11.1887, probably to the Rector, in which the Bishop grants his consent for the giving of the Apostolic Blessing at the principal mass on Sunday 27 inst: (2) 23.11.1887 from Rector to Fr. McGaskin (the bishop's man of affairs) giving details of the "Missae Pro Populo" celebrated at Holy Cross. At Ligoneil they are said "in caritate" in accordance with our Rules and Constitutions.

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister:

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister: Foolscap sheets containng copy of Fr. Vincent Grogan's reply to Bishop McAllisiter's letter of 6 February (se item under serial number 1964). He gives notice of appeal to the Holy See. Gives 3 reasons why Passionists have privileges. All previous provincials, still living, agree with Vincent's statements. He rejects reference to scandalous behaviour (then cancels this out). Arthur Devine appends a note declaring that this is an exact copy of the letter sent to the Bishop..

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast:Dispute with Bishop McAllister: 1866025 Arthur Devine: 1815005

Holy Cross Retreat: Ardoyne; Belfast: Dispute with Bishop McAllister: Letter from Consultor General, Thomas, Rome,to Arthur Devine:He writes about Fr. Edmund's faculties and enquires if Arthur knows anything abour Fr. Bede, a Canon Regular, who has requested faculties to bless Passionist Chaplet and Scapulars. Refers to Tablet review of Arthurt;s "Convent Life". Suggests that Arthur prepare a 2nd edition for the USA and also arrange for the publication of some of Blessed Dominic's writings..
Concerning Ardoyne, Thomas has seen (keep this under your hat) the Bishop's letter to Propaganda. He wants to build a church on the C.P. site. Cardinal, after some explanation, said that according to the new Bull, Romani Pontifices, the church would be our property, if built with the money of our Congregation, but, if built with the oblations of the faithful, it would belong to the Diocese, unless Bishop gives title to us. The letter contains some conditions, which if conceeded by the BIshop, would secure for us all we wanted.

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister:

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister: Copy letter from the Provincial to Bishop McAllister in reply to his letter of 13 September re Passionists attending conferences of clergy and to building of new church. Provincial mentions that Fr. Anthony's reference, at the conference dinner, to the bazaar would not have been made had Anthony been aware that such reference would have been disagreeable to the Bishop. The Provincial goes on to point out that he can't maintain a proper religious community in Ardoyne if priests are refused faculties. Regrets Bishop refers to a case where now the offender has been punished.

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister:

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister: Letter from Fr, Thomas, Consultor-General, Sts. John and Paul, Rome. to Fr, Arthur Devine. Acknowledges Arthur's letter of 20 April (copy not to hand at time of computerisation) with copy of Bishop McAllister's letter (see item under serial number 1969), He is not pleased with tone of that letter. Propaganda is to try and settle the matter. Arthur's points will probably be of value to Propaganda. Guesses the bishop has spoken to Walsh of Dublin. .

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister:

Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast; Dispute with Bishop McAllister: Letter to Arthur Devine from the Consultor General, Thomas, Rome. He asks for copy of the agreement between Eugen Martorelli and Bishop Dorian, together with articles subscribed to by some early rectors of Ardoyne. Wants them for translation into Italian. Is aware that Sacred Congregation is loath to irritate the bishop. They are cautious because of some rescript received from Holy Office.

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