- IE CA AMI/2/10/3/9
- Item
- c.1932
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives
Photographic print of Fr. Fintan Roche OFM Cap., Fr. Seraphin Nesdale OFM Cap., Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap. and Fr. Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap. at Loanja mission station.
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Part of Irish Capuchin Archives
Photographic print of Fr. Fintan Roche OFM Cap., Fr. Seraphin Nesdale OFM Cap., Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap. and Fr. Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap. at Loanja mission station.
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives
Fr. Seraphin Nesdale OFM Cap., Fr. Killian Flynn OFM Cap., Fr. Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap., Fr. Fintan Roche, and Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap. with locals at the Loanja mission station in Northern Rhodesia.
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives
(From left) Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap., Fr. Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap., Fr. Killian Flynn OFM Cap., Fr. Seraphin Nesdale and Fr. Fintan Roche OFM Cap. at the Loanja mission station.
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives
Capuchin friars (including Fr. Seraphin Nesdale OFM Cap. and Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap.) with local inhabitants at the Loanja mission station in Northern Rhodesia.
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives
A group of Capuchin friars at Lukulu. The group includes Fr. Jarlath Gough OFM Cap., Fr. Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap., Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap., Br. Alexius Paolucci OFM Cap. and three religious sisters.
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives
Br. Alexius Paolucci OFM Cap. (standing), and (seated, from left to right) Fr. Agathangelus Herlihy OFM Cap., Fr. Fintan Roche OFM Cap., Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap. and Fr. Timothy Connery OFM Cap. at Sichili.
Capuchin Friars in Livingstone
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives
Fr. Seraphin Nesdale OFM Cap., Fr. Alexius Paolucci OFM Cap., Fr. Jarlath Gough OFM Cap., Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap., and Fr. Fintan Roche OFM Cap. at St. Theresa’s Friary in Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia.
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives
(Seated, left to right), Fr. Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap., Fr. Killian Flynn OFM Cap., Fr. Jarlath Gough OFM Cap., and (standing, left to right) Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap. and Br. Alexius Paolucci OFM Cap. at Lukulu mission.
Fr. Conrad O’Donovan OFM Cap. with Irish Friars in Northern Rhodesia
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives
Photographic print of a group of Capuchin friars with Fr. Conrad O’Donovan OFM Cap. probably taken during his visitation in Africa in 1963. The photograph is annotated on the reverse giving the names of those present:
‘front row, left to right, Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap., Fr. Alexander Halligan OFM Cap., Fr. Conrad O’Donovan OFM Cap., Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap., Fr. Alfred O’Mahony OFM Cap. (Regular Superior), Fr. Salvator Quinn OFM Cap. Back, from left to right: Fr. Albert Hayes OFM Cap., Fr. Hugh Murphy OFM Cap.; Fr. Raymond Dillane OFM Cap., Fr. Bartholomew Prendiville OFM Cap., Fr. Eltin Daly OFM Cap., Fr. Albeus McQuillan OFM Cap., Fr. Donatus McNamara OFM Cap.’.
Installation of Monsignor Killian Flynn OFM Cap. as Prefect Apostolic
Part of Irish Capuchin Archives
Photographic print of Monsignor Killian Flynn OFM Cap. at his installation as Prefect Apostolic of Victoria Falls in St. Theresa’s Church in Livingstone. The group includes Fr. Casimir Butler OFM Cap., Fr. Jarlath Gough OFM Cap., Fr. Fintan Roche OFM Cap., Br. Alexius Paolucci OFM Cap. and Fr. Christopher Crowley OFM Cap.