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Correspondence with the Irish Bishops

Correspondence of Fr. Paul Neary OSFC, and Fr. Peter Bowe OSFC, with the Catholic Bishops of Derry, Ferns, Waterford and Lismore, Down and Connor, Dromore, Clogher, Kilmore, the Archbishop of Tuam, the Archbishop of Dublin, and Cardinal Michael Logue, Archbishop of Armagh, re the publication of the Capuchin Franciscan 'Temperance Manual', the establishment of temperance sodalities in the various dioceses, and the general progress of the temperance crusade conducted by the friars. The draft letter from Fr. Paul Neary OSFC to Archbishop William Walsh (1841-1921) refers to the good work Fr. Aloysius Travers OSFC is doing among the trades’ societies and artisan classes in Dublin (10 Apr. 1906).

Correspondence with the Irish Catholic Church Property Insurance Company

Correspondence, renewal notices and receipts for payments made by the Capuchin community, Church Street, to the Irish Catholic Church Property Insurance Company, 19 & 20 Fleet Street, Dublin. The file includes fire insurance policies covering the ‘Church, Friary, Committee Rooms of the Third Order of St. Francis, Sacred Heart Chapel and Domestic Offices … situate and known as “St. Mary of the Angels”, Church Street, Dublin’. Also includes receipts for payments made in respect of Employer’s Liability Insurance and forms for the renewal of said policies. With the correspondence of Valentine Iriwn, secretary of the insurance company, with Fr. Charles Brophy OFM Cap. and subsequent guardians of the community. In 1957, the total cost of the buildings and contents insured was £107,800 with a net annual premium of £60 12s 9d. With covers.

Correspondence with the Performing Right Society Ltd.

Correspondence with the Performing Right Society Ltd., Chatham House, 13 George Street, Hanover Square, London. The correspondence relates to the granting of licences to perform and make use of music controlled by the members of the aforementioned Society at entertainments held in Father Mathew Hall. The correspondents include the Presidents of Father Mathew Hall, Fr. Columbus Murphy OFM Cap., Fr. Charles Brophy OFM Cap., Fr. Michael O’Shea OFM Cap. and Fr. Nessan Shaw OFM Cap. Responding to the claims of infringement of copyright, Fr. Columbus referred to the amateur status of the performers in the musicals and the philanthropic nature of the Association which ran the Hall (21 Nov. 1927). The file includes printed literature from the Society and newspaper clippings reporting a judgement made in a court case taken by the Society against Bray Urban District Council for infringement of copyright ('Irish Independent', 16 Nov. 1927). The dispute was eventually settled when the Father Mathew Hall Committee agreed to pay £3 3s for performing rights’ fees at the Hall. A letter of 12 Oct. 1943 referred to the intention of the Hall Committee to apply to the Metropolitan District Court for a licence to stage dances in St. Brigid’s Hall

Correspondence, tenders, certificates and receipts

Correspondence, tender forms and certificates for repairs and alterations to the altar and other furnishings (including plumbing and the installation of lavatories) at the Church and adjoining Friary of St. Mary of the Angels, Church Street. Some of the correspondence relates to work on the altar and rails of the adjoining aisle church, the Sacred Heart Chapel, which was built in 1908-9. The file includes correspondence, proposals, statements and bills of costs, accounts and receipts from: Patrick Tomlin & Sons, ecclesiastical & architectural sculptors & modellers, Grantham Street; Todd, Burns and Co., wholesale and retail drapers, Mary Street, Dublin; Maguire and Gatchell Ltd., engineers, contractors & merchants, 7-15 Dawson Street, Dublin; Ashlin & Coleman, architects, 7 Dawson Street, Dublin; Malone & Co., ecclesiastical and architectural sculptors, 5-6 Lower Summerhill, Dublin; Early & Co., stained glass manufacturers, sculptors and church decorators, 1 Upper Camden Street; Pearse & Sons, ecclesiastical and architectural sculptors, 27 Great Brunswick Street and 160, 162 and 163 Townsend Street; Edmund Sharp, Sculptor, 42 Great Brunswick Street; Cummins & Son, electric light and power engineers, ventilating and heating contractors, 12 Abbey Street; Dan Miller & Co., Copper & Brass Works, 28-29 Church Street; The Dublin Asphalt & Flat-roofing Company, Ringsend; Edward Morgan, builder and contractor.

Costs of fee farm grant of premises on Church Street

Costs of Thomas J. Furlong, solicitor, 11 Eustace Street, Dublin, associated with ‘tenants’ costs of and incidental to obtaining a fee farm grant of premises on Church Street’. The fee farm was granted by Caroline Sophia Hunt to Fr. William (Paul) Neary OSFC and Fr. Nicholas Murphy OSFC. The costs cover routine solicitors’ expenses from 19 Aug. 1912-30 Nov. 1912. The total amount due was noted as £25 13s 4d. On 5 Nov. 1912, Fr. Angelus Healy OSFC informed Furlong that he ‘had no document to identify the numbers of the houses with the premises in the old lease’. Furlong had already walked around the whole property constituting the Friary and ‘found no trace of the old buildings’. He also inspected the architect’s ground plans but could obtain no positive proof as to buildings referred to in the fee farm grant.

Cumulative Index to 'The Capuchin Annual'

An analytical, cumulative author, title and subject index to 'The Capuchin Annual' (1930-4) compiled by Fr. Nelson J. Ruppert OFM Cap. (1939-2000). The index was submitted to the Faculty of Library Science at the Catholic University of America in partial fulfilment for a Masters’ Degree. The introduction includes a short note on the history of the 'Annual' publication. The file includes Fr. Ruppert’s correspondence with Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap. re his index. Fr. Anglin also provides important contextual information in relation to the foundation of the Annual:
‘Father Senan Moynihan OFM Cap., who founded the "Annual", had a deep literary interest. After ordination in 1928 he was appointed editor of our monthly magazine, "The Father Mathew Record", which was only a small, popular publication, promoting our missions and the cause of total abstinence. … Senan wanted a higher grade, more literary type of book – he knew many writers and got permission to found the "Annual". … In 1955 Senan was removed from the editorship at a chapter and was changed to Cork. The ultimate result of this was that he asked for secularization and is now a priest in the diocese of Perth, Australia, chaplain to a convent’. (11 Mar. 1968).

Cures associated with Visits to the Grave of Father Mathew

File relating to cures associated with visits to the grave of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC in St. Joseph’s Cemetery in Cork. The file was compiled by Fr. Stanislaus Kavanagh OFM Cap. The file includes:
• Statements from Hannah Keohane regarding her son who was cured through the intercession of prayers at the grave of Fr. Theobald. (18 Mar. 1943).
• Letters to Fr. Stanislaus from Fr. Mel Farrell OFM Cap. and Fr. T.J. Walsh re Annie Nolan, 21 Abbey Street, Cork, who reputedly recovered her sight through the intercession of Fr. Theobald.
• Statements and correspondence re Madge Twomey whose throat condition was cured through visits to the grave.
• Letters relating to Mrs Kathleen Skillington (née Walsh) whose leg was cured following a visit to Fr. Theobald’s grave. The file includes the testimony of Dr D. F. Hegarty, surgeon. 5 Jan 1938.
• Letter from Fr. Paul Neary OFM Cap. to Fr. Stanislaus Kavanagh OFM Cap. referring to the cause of Fr. Mathew. He wrote ‘It is to be regretted that there is no one of ourselves free and willing to take an interest in the cause – as according to rumours a great many things occur at the grave. The people come from a distance. No one has any knowledge of themselves, the favours they have received or where they come from’. 28 Jan. 1932. Manuscript, 2 pp.
• ‘Father Mathew / Leader and Priest / Cures wrought at his tomb’. The text of a speech given by Fr. Aloysius Travers OSFC on the occasion of the 123rd anniversary of the birth of Fr. Mathew. Oct. 1913. Typescript, 8 pp.
• Prayer for the beatification of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC. It is noted that this prayer was submitted to the Most Rev. Daniel Coholan, Bishop of Cork, for ecclesiastical approval in May 1928. Typescript, 1 p.

Kavanagh, Stanislaus, 1876-1965, Capuchin priest

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