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Correspondence of Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap.

Copy letters of Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap., mainly to contributing authors in 'The Capuchin Annual'. Some of the correspondence also relates to requests for advertising and subscriptions and permissions to reproduce articles and photographs. Some of the correspondents relate their disappointment on hearing that the 1977 edition of the 'Annual' will be the final publication. The file also includes several original letters to Fr. Henry Anglin OFM Cap. The correspondents include Donal Brennan, Edward G. Allen, Sister M. Bernard Boran, Professor Richard Ellman, Christopher J. Finn, Matthew Culligan, John McColgan, Walter McGrath (Cork Examiner), Conleth Ellis, Moira Lysaght, Arthur Mitchell, Kevin Faller, Fr. Brendan O’Mahony OFM Cap., Fr. R. Burke Savage SJ, Clongowes College, Patrick Callan, Seán Cronin, John P. Cosgrave, Padraic Fiacc, Monsignor Tomás Ó Fiaich, T. O’Keefe ('Irish News'), Tadgh O’Sullivan (Irish Embassy, Vienna), Bernadette Quinn, Burke Wilkinson, Fr. Paschal Larkin OFM Cap., Dr. Margaret Sheridan, Maura Scannell, Mary Stack, Charles J. Haughey, Jack Lynch, Tadhg Gavin, and Geoffrey Coulter.
• A copy letter to Bernadette Quinn notes that Fr. Henry ‘kept periodicals and papers for a long time until we came down from the Father Mathew Hall to this office and it was then they were all destroyed’ (28 Apr. 1976).
• A copy letter to Fr. R. Burke Savage SJ refers to the involvement of the Capuchins in the labour movement from 1891-1931 and to the role of Fr. Aloysius Travers OFM Cap. in the temperance movement. Reference is also made to the contemporary work of Br. Kevin Crowley OFM Cap. in social outreach. Fr. Henry wrote ‘… beginning in Church Street the Capuchins set up a Clothing Guild for the poor and a Co-operative Work Guild. These have since spread to Cork and Kilkenny. More recently still Brother Kevin [Crowley] has set up a Day Centre in which a number of men who spend the night in the Morning Star and others can spend the day especially in Winter and can have served to them free at least two simple meals’. Fr. Henry also suggests that ‘since Vatican II sodalities seem to have lost their impact’ (9 July 1976).
• A copy letter to Professor Ellmann affirms that Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. ‘has had nothing to do with this place [the Capuchin Periodicals Office] for over twenty years’ (21 July 1976).
• A letter from Fr. Edward, a Passionist priest, St. Joseph’s Retreat, Cloonamahon, Collooney, County Sligo, refers to the decision to cease publication of The Capuchin Annual. He wrote ‘we of the Passionists in County Sligo voice our surprise and disappointment to learn of the conclusion of the “Capuchin Annual” with the 1977 issue and for the future of those how have a genuine love for all that’s nationalist, cultural and the spiritual well-being of the Irish people and we pledge our wholehearted support to any effort to be made for its survival’. (22 Nov. 1976).
• A copy letter to Dr. Margaret Sheridan suggests that Fr. Henry believed ceasing publication was ‘a mistake’ but it had not caused him ‘any personal grief’ (22 Dec. 1976).

Correspondence of Feis organisers

Correspondence of Fr. Dan Joe O’Mahony OFM Cap., President, Br. Daniel O’Brien OFM Cap., Celia Hanley and Patricia Melligan, secretaries, Father Mathew Feis, mostly seeking subscriptions for corporate sponsorship and requests from teachers for poems and other Feis syllabi, and arrangements for competition adjudicators and students. The file includes a letter from Thelma Conlan, President, Speech and Drama Teachers Association, affirming that it ‘would be a great loss if a Feis of such stature was to become a thing of the past’. She suggests to Fr. Dan Joe that the ‘Association would be prepared to take over the running of this excellent Feis’; a letter from A. Ó hAonghusa, secretary to Michael D. Higgins, Minister for Arts, regretting that he cannot attend the launch of the Feis (9 Feb. 1993). With a newspaper clipping from the 'Evening Herald', 8 Feb. 1997, referring to the Feis Maitiú and the TV personalities who appeared in the Feis including Gay Byrne, Brenda Fricker, Frances Black and Hugh O’Connor.

Correspondence of Ard Mhuire Friary Guardian

Correspondence Fr. Thomas Rocks OFM Cap., Guardian, Ard Mhuire Capuchin Friary, with Fr. Brendan O’Mahony OFM Cap., Provincial Minister, and Fr. Nicholas O’Brien OFM Cap., Provincial Secretary, mostly regarding property and financial matters pertaining to the Ards foundation. The subjects include improvements to the Friary and Retreat House, the potential sale of a tract of land called ‘Manus Lough’, the financial demands of the Ards community, the leasing of a camping site to the CBSI, and the potential lease of the disused pier at Sheephaven Bay. The file includes a schedule denoting the subventions from the Provincial (Central) Fund to the Ard Mhuire building fund from 1950-77. A letter (18 Feb. 1977) from Fr. Nicholas reads:
'The first agreement for the use of the pier (then known as “the flagstaff”) was made by the then Guardian – Fr. Cassian O’Shea, [who was guardian from 1937-43] with “Irish Minerals Co.” of Arklow. … And it was during this time that the pier as we know it today was constructed including the extension back to the friary grounds and the protecting wall – later the shed and repair workshop was added'.

Correspondence from the Reverend Mother re house property

Handwritten letters from Reverend Mother, [Sr M. Bride Moran], to Mr Downing, solicitor, regarding the payment of rent by tenants, leases, and sale of various premises owned by the Presentation Sisters in Killarney.

The following premises are mentioned in the letters:
• Mr Timothy Shine
• Miss Agnes Hetreed
• Mrs Healy
• Mrs Gleeson
• Mr Lyne
• Mr Keller
• Mr Mahony
• Letters from tenants regarding the purchase of houses.

The file also includes letters from David M. Moriarty, solicitor, to Eugene Downing, solicitor, regarding rent and the sale of house property.

Presentation Sisters

Correspondence from the Educational Authorities


• Correspondence between the Office of National Education, Dublin and Killarney Convent National School, DT. 57, Roll No. 13051.
• Application for grants for improvements to the school and to provide a shed for the school.
• The sanctioning of grants for the National school.
• Correspondence from the Office of Public Works re carrying out improvements.
• Re the painting of the school
• Drawings of the school.
• Documents re Certificate of Competency to teach Irish.
• Rules for the payment of Grants to Secondary Schools.
• Letters re the proposed re-organization of the Convent Schools in Killarney.

Presentation Sisters

Correspondence from Parish Priests re Temperance Missions

A notebook containing extracts from letters received from parish priests and other individuals (mostly religious) referring to retreats and temperance missions given by Capuchin friars from 1913-19. The volume was compiled by Fr. Albert Bibby OSFC, Provincial Secretary. Most of the letters refer to requests for friars to conduct missions and (in some cases) to the need for the priests to converse in Irish. The volume includes:
• A letter from Fr. Innocent Ryan, Parish Priest, Fethard, County Tipperary, affirms that the local men ‘have safely ridden the storm of temptation that blew over the place on the occasion of the “old fair” on Friday last. Bucket fulls of coffey [sic] were consumed; and even Bovril (Friday and all!) was, under false ideas of permission, brought into requisition’. Nov. 1913.
• A letter from Rev. Phelan, Parish Priest, Glenmore, County Waterford, to Fr. Augustine Hayden OSFC, notes that the ‘harvest was threshed without drink and the farmers and labourers were perfectly happy. Only in two cases out of possibly 200 threshings was an attempt made to break through the pledge’. (17 Jan. 1914).
• A letter from Rev. J. Flavin, Parish Priest, Arklow, County Wicklow, to Fr. Peter Bowe OSFC, Provincial Minister, refers to his desire to have Fr. Laurence Dowling OSFC for a mission. He added ‘I did not mind who came with him provided he was not a Sinn Feiner’. (28 Dec. 1917).

Correspondence from Eugene J. Downing Solicitor re house property

File includes correspondence from Eugene J. Downing, Solicitor, Killarney, with the Reverend Mother, regarding the rent, maintenance, and sale of various house property in Killarney. The letters discuss deeds, conveyances, value of the property and the balance owed by the tenants when purchasing the properties.

Presentation Sisters

Correspondence file re Christopher J. Brady, Printer of the 1916 Proclamation

Correspondence file relating to Christopher J. Brady who along with Michael J. Molloy and Liam Ó Briain, compositors, were responsible for printing the 1916 Proclamation. The Proclamation was composed in Liberty Hall, the headquarters of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union. Liberty Hall was also the location of the printing press, an antiquated Wharfdale Double Crown, used to print Connolly’s ‘The Worker’s Republic’ newspaper. Brady used this press to print the Proclamation on Sunday, 23 April 1916. The file includes a photographic print of Christopher J. Brady and letters mainly regarding requests that he authenticate original copies of the Proclamation. One of the letters (17 June 1934) is from Nellie Gifford-Donnelly to Brady requesting that he and Michael J. Molloy and Liam Ó Briain visit Dr. Kathleen Lynn to authenticate and sign a copy of the 1916 Proclamation in her possession. Both Gifford-Donnelly and Kathleen Lynn were committed nationalists and feminists who had participated in the Rising. Gifford-Donnelly was later instrumental in securing historical documents and objects associated with the Easter Rising. The Proclamation signed by Brady is now on display in the National Museum of Ireland.

Correspondence concerning the appointment of trustees

Correspondence of Fr. Columbus Murphy OFM Cap., President, Father Mathew Hall, with Valentine Miley, solicitor, 12 South Frederick Street, Dublin, regarding the appointment of legal trustees for the Hall property. The file includes copy notices sent by Fr. Columbus to committee members regarding the amendment needed to the ‘General rule of the Father Mathew Hall OSFC and the “Sacred Thirst” Branch of St. Patrick’s Branch League of the Cross’. With solicitor costs for the completion of a deed assignment for the appointment of a new committee and trustees.

Murphy, Columbus, 1881-1962, Capuchin priest

Correspondence concerning efforts to repatriate the bodies of Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap. and Fr. Dominic O'Connor OFM Cap.

Correspondence of Fr. Edwin Fitzgibbon OFM Cap., and Fr. Colman Griffin OFM Cap., with Robert F. Mahony, President, American Association for Recognition of the Irish Republic; Fr. Brendan O’Callaghan OFM Cap., Central Council of Irish County Associations; Eugene Twomey, Secretary, Fianna Fail, Inc., Irish Republican Party of America; Charles F. Tiernan; Joseph O’Byrne of the Fathers’ Albert & Dominic Committee; and the Irish American National Alliance. The letters refer to appeals from various Irish-American republican organizations calling for the repatriation to Ireland of the mortal remains of Fathers Albert Bibby OFM Cap. and Dominic O’Connor OFM Cap.

Results 1831 to 1840 of 2237