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In Memoriam Roger Casement … Died 3rd August 1916 / Specially written by Benmore

A pamphlet dedicated by the author to Casement’s ‘dearest surviving friend on earth his loving sister Mrs Newman’. The text was written by John Clarke (1868-1934), a County Antrim-born nationalist and journalist who wrote numerous articles on Gaelic cultural revivalist subjects, frequently using the penname ‘Benmore’.

Speech made by his lordship the Most Rev. Dr. O'Dwyer on the occasion of the conferring of the freedom of the city of Limerick on him, on the 14th September, 1916: Full report.

A report of speech by the Bishop of Limerick, a self-proclaimed nationalist and land-reformer, referring to contemporary political opinion. Alone of all the Irish Hierarchy, O’Dwyer was the only one to support the leaders of the 1916 Rising. A sentence beginning ‘Ireland will never be content as a province’ is underlined in the text. With 'Irish Emigrants and English Mobs / Letter from the Bishop of Limerick' (10 Nov. 1915).

Republican Courts

A letter and notes from Conor A. Maguire re his article titled ‘Republican Courts’ in 'The Capuchin Annual' (1969). Maguire provides some additional detail in relation to the photographic of the Republican Court sitting in Westport in 1920 (p. 383). The note reads: ‘I recognise John Kelly, later County Registrar, and J.C. Garvey, Solicitor, Castlebar, from whom I received the photograph after the Truce. He told me that he had arranged to have it taken and had kept it hidden behind the shutters in his office. Noticeable at the back are two of the IRA Police, easily identifiable, as they stand at attention with their caps on. One, I understand, was Seán Gibbons’

Letters to Germaine Stockley

Two letters to Germaine Stockley re the treatment of female republican prisoners. One of the letters is from Mary MacSwiney (Máire Nic Shuibhne). The letter refers to the release of her sister Annie MacSwiney from prison. She writes ‘I know how glad and happy you are about Annie’s release. She is getting on well but more slowly than I should like. The doctor says she must take great care for some time. Of course, she is not long out yet’. She also refers to a raid on her house and the imprisonment of other republican women.

Letters from Fr. Henry Rope to Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap.

Letters from Fr. Henry Rope, Venerable English College, Rome, and Mount Carmel Lodge, Quidenham, Norwich, to Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. Rope affirms that he has ‘searched everywhere for the letters of Count Plunkett. He promises that he will send the same to Fr. Senan once he has retrieved them. He also confirms that he will send the letters written to him by Professor William Frederick Paul Stockley and his wife Germaine. He notes that he had ‘the great privilege of being their guest in October or November 1927 at Woodside, Tivoli, Cork’. He also refers to some letters of Professor William Stockley which he suggests Fr. Senan might like for the Capuchin Order’s archives. The file also includes a partial (two-page) listing of some of Father Rope's material deposited in the Irish Capuchin Archives.

Flier for Play Performance at St. Enda’s School

Flier advertising plays to be performed by pupils of Scoil Éanna (St. Enda’s School), Cullenswood House, Oakley Road, on 5-7 February 1910. The plays to be performed were ‘The Destruction of the Hostel’ by Padraic Colum and ‘Iosagán’ by Patrick Pearse. Includes lists of performers in each of the plays and contextual notes on the plays.

Minute and Record Book of the Dublin Battalions of the Irish Volunteers

Minute book and attendance record book of the Dublin Battalions of the Irish Volunteers. Includes attendance records from January 1916 to April 1916. A three-page minute record from 22 February 1916 to 15 April 1916 appears to be in the hand of Patrick Pearse. This record includes references to ‘street fighting’, ‘protection on march’, and later ‘mobilization’. An entry on 18 March 1916 refers to ‘problems set re outposts protection [at] D[ublin] Castle’. Includes numerous signatures of Irish Volunteers in attendance at various battalion meetings in the first four months of 1916. Signatures include those of Thomas MacDonagh, Seán Heuston, Frank Shouldice, Frank Daly, Richard McKee, Thomas Slater, Piaras Béaslaí, Oscar Traynor, Thomas Hunter, Éamon de Valera, The O’Reilly (Ua Rathghaille), W. T. Cosgrave and William Pearse. The volume is extant in green, hard bound covers, with a gilt title reading ‘1916’ on the front cover.

Pearse Family Photographs

Three copy photographic images showing James and Margaret Pearse with their children Margaret Mary (born 1878), Patrick (born 1879), William (born 1881) and Mary Brigid (born 1884). Manuscript annotation on the reverse of two of the prints reads ‘Photo’s Geoghegan’s, Dublin’.

Religious Sculptures

Three images of sculptural monuments most likely related to the workshop of James Pearse. One of card images is annotated (‘Subjects from Pulpit, Athlone’).

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