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D.F. Giltinan and the Father Mathew Centenary Committee

D.F. Giltinan was honorary secretary of the Father Mathew Centenary Committee and was also secretary to the Lord Mayor of Cork. The file includes:
• Letter from John O’Sullivan, St. Patrick’s Catholic Total Abstinence League, to D.F. Giltinan re his valuable services in the cause of total abstinence in Cork. 30 Nov. 1887.
• Invitation cards to D.F. Giltinan to the National Celebration of the Centenary of Father Mathew in Cork on 9-15 October 1890. Includes invitations to the centennial oration given by Sir John Pope Hennessy (1834-1891) and religious ceremonies in Holy Trinity Church in Cork. Printed and manuscript, 5 pp.
• Letter from Fr. Paul Neary OSFC to D.F. Giltinan re a gift of a small case of relics as a mark of gratitude for his services in connection with the Fr. Mathew centenary celebrations. 6 Oct. 1891.
• Notes for a speech given by D.F. Giltinan at a meeting of the Father Mathew Centenary Committee.
• Notice to D.F. Giltinan from Fr. Paul Neary OSFC re the final meeting of the Father Mathew Centenary Committee on 18 Oct. 1891.
• Letters from D.F. Giltinan to Henry McConnell, 42 Great Brunswick Street, Dublin, re an unpaid bill of quantities in connection with the completion of the Father Mathew Memorial (Holy Trinity) Church, Cork. 25 Mar. 1893-18 Aug. 1893.
• The file also includes a cover letter from Nora Giltinan referring to an enclosed poem written by her deceased brother ‘which may be of use for the columns of the “Father Mathew Record”’. 17 July 1931.

AHC Prospectus; AHC talk; AHC Mission Statement 1840 and 1990

Folder with four items:

Prospectus booklet: 'All Hallows Institute for Mission and Ministry: Outline of courses 1992 – 1993'.

Talk typed on A4 sheets: ‘Trends and developments in the life of All Hallows’, by Rev. Eugene Duffy, July 1992.

John Hand’s first mission statement on an A4 page, originally from 1840; this copy was printed in the 1990s.

All Hallows mission statement 1990 on an A4 page.

Irish Vincentian Province

Letters from William Partridge to Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap.

Letters from William Partridge to Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap. giving an outline of his career mostly in the labour and union movement under James Larkin. Partridge was among those rebels who surrendered at St Stephen’s Green in 1916. He was subsequently sentenced to ten years’ penal servitude and sent to Dartmoor and afterwards to Lewes Prison. He was released due to ill-health and returned to Ballaghadreen in County Mayo, but died on 26 July 1917. He refers to his physical condition in some of the correspondence. He writes ‘Please excuse scribbling as my sight got bad in prison and I have not yet got glasses’. With his memorial card and a newspaper cutting of his obituary notice. The file also includes a letter (probably from his brother, Felix Partridge) referring to his last days and thanking Fr. Albert for his words of sympathy.

Letters from Constance Markievicz to Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap.

Letters from Constance Markievicz, Holloway Jail, to Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap., Church St., Dublin, referring to her conditions of imprisonment and conveying her good wishes to Fr. Albert, Fr. Augustine Hayden OFM Cap., and Sister Brigid. She declares that ‘when we free our country I shall start a movement for the reformation of jails and jailors! I am proud of being selected as a candidate. I wonder whether I should have a better chance of election in or out of jail?’ With 2 covers.

Memorial Cards for 1916 Rising Leaders

• Michael O’Hannrachain. With photograph. 2 copies
• Ėamonn Ceannt. With photograph. 2 copies
• Con Colbert. With photograph. Printed by Gill, Dublin.
• Pádraig MacPiarais and William MacPiarais
• ‘For the souls of General P. H. Pearse and the Officers and Men of the Irish Republican Army’.
• ‘For P.H. Pearse, Thos. J. Clarke and Thos. MacDonagh who died for Ireland, 3rd May, 1916’.
• In memory of John Daly, Thomas J. Clarke and John Edward Daly (combined card). 3 copies

Memorial Cards for Thomas Ashe

Memoriam card for Thomas Ashe who ‘Succumbed to prison treatment and forcible feeding in Mountjoy Prison and died 27 Sept. 1917’. Card with photographic print, coloured tricolour banner on pikes with interlacing legend: ‘Sinn Féin Abu’. With MS annotations.
‘In memoriam Thomas Ashe, 1917’. Cover has photographic print of Ashe and legend ‘He died that Ireland might have greater life’. Handbill containing the text of poem in remembrance of Thomas Ashe signed ‘“Benmore”, Glenar M., Christmas 1917’. 3 pp.
Memoriam card for Thomas Ashe who ‘answered the call and laid down his life for Ireland on Sept. 25th [1917]’.

Notebook belonging to Martin Savage, Irish Volunteer

Notebook belonging to Martin Savage, Irish Volunteer. The annotation on the first page reads: ‘This book belongs to Martin Savage. I [Fr. Columbus Murphy OFM Cap.] got it from him at Richmond Barracks. It contained a list of the names and addresses of all the Volunteers of his company. I tore them out and burned them. Fr. Columbus’. A later note reads: ‘He [Savage] was subsequently killed in the attack on Lord French. Fr. C.’. The notebook also contains thirteen black and white portrait photographs of unidentified individuals and groups. Three of these photographs can be positively identified as Martin Savage. The other photographs may be of his relations. Some of the photographs have a printed company stamp on the reverse: ‘The Franco Art Co., Grafton Studios, 111 Grafton St. … Dublin’.

Admission ticket to the first meeting of Dáil Éireann

Two admission tickets to the first meeting of Dáil Éireann which took place in the Round Room of the Mansion House on 21 January 1919. In Irish: ‘Permit or ticket allowing bearer (unnamed) to attend the first assembly of Dáil Eireann on Tuesday 21 January 1919’. The tickets are signed by George Noble Plunkett.

Newspaper Cuttings Book

Newspaper cuttings book compiled and annotated by Fr. Stanislaus Kavanagh OFM Cap. Printed stamp on inside front cover: ‘Franciscan Capuchin Library, Church Street, Dublin’. The pages have been numbered by Fr. Stanislaus. The cuttings includes (at pp 94-5) clippings of photographic prints of relating to the imprisonment of republican prisoners in Mountjoy Jail. One of the prints shows Fr. Augustine reciting the Rosary outside the Jail. 'Irish Independent', 15 Apr. 1920. Another print shows Fr. Augustine announcing the release of republican prisoners. 'Cork Examiner', 17 Apr. 1920.

Letter from the Most Rev. Daniel Cohalan to Fr. Edwin Fitzgibbon OFM Cap.

Letter from the Most Rev. Daniel Cohalan, Bishop of Cork, to Fr. Edwin Fitzgibbon OFM Cap., Provincial Minister, referring to the withdrawal of Fr. Dominic’s faculties due to his inability to take the examination for renewal of faculties. Bishop Cohalan also refers to his unease on reading an announcement in the papers that Fr. Dominic is to be appointed honorary chaplain to a brigade of the IRA. The Bishop wrote: ‘Now I put it to you that a lay body has no authority to confer an ecclesiastical honour from a lay authority’. He later asks Fr. Edwin: ‘Are you not conceding to a military brigade what belongs essentially to the church?’ With a copy reply from Fr. Edwin claiming that he knew nothing of Fr. Dominic's appointment as chaplain to the IRA until his attention was drawn to a report in the Cork newspapers.

O'Connor, Dominic, 1883-1935, Capuchin priest

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