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Research relating to Father Mathew

• Letter from Patrick Forrestal to Fr. Aloysius Travers OFM Cap. giving his father’s recollections of Fr. Mathew. He writes ‘My father was born in 1832 in the Parish of Ramsgrange, Wexford. … . He took the pledge from Father Mathew and kept it about 16 years. … It was very remarkable the multitude that gathered around him, the platform was enormous, something like ten thousand. He [Fr. Mathew] walked off the platform to where my father stood and told him you are very young may God bless you and placed his two hands around his head …’. [c.1902]. Manuscript, 6 pp.
• Copy article from the 'Cork Examiner' on Fr. Mathew’s birthplace. 27 Oct. 1931. Typescript, 1 p.
• Note by Fr. Francis Hayes OFM Cap. re two contemporary engravings of Fr. Mathew in the possession of Charlie McCarthy. Fr. Francis notes that they were engraved and designed by John Brown, Patrick Street, Cork, heraldic artist for Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC, 1845. Typescript, 1 p.
• Note on the inscription on the Daniel O’Connell memorial window in Holy Trinity (Father Mathew Memorial) Church in Cork. It reads: ‘Sacred in gratitude and affection to the memory of Daniel O’Connell, liberator of his fellow Catholics from the inflictions of the Penal Code and assertion of equal rights of all communities to civil and religious freedom, RIP’. Manuscript, 1 p.
• Cuttings referring to the visit of Fr. Mathew to Kilkenny where he had ‘17,000 adherents to the total abstinence principles’ and a similar visit to Limerick. 'Morning Register', 23 Jan. 1840; 'Saunder’s News-Letter', 23 Mar. 1840. Pasted onto card, 2 pp.
• Copy excerpts from the 'Quarterly Review', December 1840-Mar. 1841, referring (negatively) to the relationship between the Fr. Mathew’s temperance movement and ‘Romanism in Ireland’. Typescript, 1 p.
• Notes by Fr. Paul Neary OSFC re Fr. Mathew taken from 'The Nation'. Manuscript, 10 pp.
• Letter from Deborah Webb to Fr. Silvester Mulligan OSFC enclosing her recollections of a meeting with Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC in Rathfarnham, Dublin. 25 Oct. 1913. Manuscript, 5 pp.
• Extracts relating to Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC in the Life of Catherine MacAuley. Typescript, 1 p.
• Extracts from 'Tuckey’s Cork Remembrances' (Cork, 1838), John D’Alton, 'History of the County of Dublin' (Dublin, 1838), 'The Irish Magazine', and 'Dublin University Magazine' re the Capuchins in Cork and Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC. One of the extract reads ‘10 Oct. 1810: The corporation determined to improve this city, by pulling down the houses on the right of Blackamoor Lane, and continuing Sullivan’s Quay to the South Bridge’. Manuscript, 8 pp.
• Extract from An Irishman’s diary by Quidnunc in the 'Irish Times', 9 Aug. 1943, referring to visit to London by Fr. Mathew in Aug. 1843. ‘Led off by prayer and a speech, the temperance pioneer received pledges from 3,000 abstainers during one day, of which number about one-half were Irish’. Typescript, 1 p.

Tercentenary of the Capuchin Foundation in Kilkenny

Fliers, invitations, correspondence, photographs relating to the celebrations of the tercentenary of the arrival of the Capuchins in Kilkenny. Includes copies of the souvenir booklet for the solemn high mass of thanksgiving held in the Friary on 17 Oct. 1948. With a letter from the Corporation of Kilkenny to Fr. Conrad O’Donovan OFM Cap., guardian, offering their congratulations. Includes photographic prints ('Irish Press') of the aforementioned high mass celebrated by the Most Rev. Patrick Collier, Bishop of Ossory (sermon preached by Fr. James O’Mahony OFM Cap.). See also newspaper reports of the celebrations at CA KK/11/21-25.

Notes re 350th anniversary of Capuchin Foundation in Kilkenny

Notes compiled by Fr. Benedict Cullen OFM Cap. re the celebration of the 350th anniversary of the arrival of the Capuchins in Kilkenny (1648-1998) and the 150th anniversary of the building of the Church of St. Francis. The file includes a souvenir booklet, notes by Fr. Benedict re the history of the Capuchin foundation, a newspaper cutting ('Kilkenny' People, 3 June 1998), and an audio cassette of a programme broadcast on Radio Kilkenny (23 May 1998) commemorating the anniversary.

Letter from Fr. Laurence O’Dea OSFC to Fr. Angelus Healy OSFC

Letter from Fr. Laurence O’Dea OSFC to Fr. Angelus Healy OSFC regarding a story told to him by the Most Rev. Thomas Francis Hendricken (1827-1886), Bishop of Providence, Rhode Island, during a visit to Kilkenny in c.1873. The story concerns a false accusation made against a priest by a young woman in the early 1830s. Fr. O’Dea also referred to his temperance ministry in India where the 2nd Battalion of the 18th Royal Irish Regiment were quartered. With a typescript note by Fr. Angelus.

O’Dea, Laurence, 1851-1917, Capuchin priest

Correspondence regarding the Archer Chalice and other Sacred Vessels

Letters from Mrs Poer Shee [var. Power Shee], Kilmacthomas, County Waterford, to Fr. Paul Neary OSFC, Vicar Provincial, regarding negotiations for the handing over of the Archer Chalice to the Capuchins in Kilkenny. The chalice was originally presented by Walter Archer to the Chapel of the Blessed Mary in the Monastery of St. Francis in Kilkenny in 1606. Fr. Angelus Healy OSFC wrote to Fr. Paul explaining that Miss Poer Shee ‘will hand over the chalice to us in Kilkenny to be held until the Franciscans would get a foundation there, when she would wish it to go there (as being more in accordance with its origins) … . She gives the chalice quite freely and generously’. It is unclear from the correspondence if the agreement handing over the chalice to the Capuchins was ever fulfilled. With a sketch of the chalice. The file also includes a letter from [J.S. Gill], St. Mary’s, Lanark, Scotland, to Fr. Angelus regarding an ‘OFM Chalice’ with a Kilkenny connection dating to 1632 (the letter is dated 20 Feb. 1936), and a clipping from 'The Father Mathew Record', Vol. 39, No. 6 (June 1945) of an article titled ‘The Story of a Chalice’ by Colin Johnston Cobb. The said chalice is inscribed ‘CAPVCINORUM LOCI KILKENIAE’. See also CA KK/8/15.

The Capuchins in Kilkenny

A history of ‘The Capuchins in Kilkenny 1643-1937 – a compilation of scattered notes’ by Fr. Angelus Healy OFM Cap. Parts I and II. Includes the early history of the Capuchins in the city, notes regarding the Alms house on Walkin Street, and the later construction of the present-day Friary building. With a bound copy (25.5 cm x 20 cm) dated at St. Mary of the Angels, Church Street, Dublin, 1938.

Healy, Angelus, 1875-1953, Capuchin priest

Lists of sacred vessels, relics, and vestments in the Kilkenny Friary

List of scared vessels and other relics extant in the Capuchin Friary, Kilkenny. The list includes ‘Cross containing relic of the true cross and relics of the saints’, ‘Three large missals’ and ‘a set of gold vestments’. The lists include descriptions, measurements, and details of inscriptions on the various sacred vessels. Reference is also made to the Terence Coghlan Chalice currently held in the Irish Capuchin Archives.

Memoranda re books in Kilkenny Friary Library

Memoranda re books held in the Kilkenny Friary Library. The notes were probably compiled by Fr. Angelus Healy OFM Cap. and Fr. Stanislaus Kavanagh OFM Cap. Particular reference is made to annotations, marginalia and inscriptions found on the frontispieces of the volumes. Some of the memoranda are very fragmentary and incomplete. Many of the books referred to in the memoranda are now extant in the Provincial Archives. See CA KK/10 for a listing of some these texts from the Kilkenny Friary Library.

Healy, Angelus, 1875-1953, Capuchin priest

Kilkenny Archives’ Reference book

Archival reference book for the holdings in the Library of the Capuchin Friary, Kilkenny. The title of the volume (Eason’s blank-index notebook) is annotated: ‘Archivium … fiosrú 1945 – an 14 Márta ‘45’. The final page of the volume contains a map showing the physical arrangement of the stacks in the archive made by Fr. Hubert Grealy OFM Cap. Includes references to ‘capitular enactments’, ‘appointments of guardians and vicars’ and ‘deeds, leases etc’.

Grealy, Hubert, 1907-1993, Capuchin priest

Mass Appointment Diary

Diary of mass celebrants (and confessors) at the Church of St. Francis, Kilkenny. Includes bookings for masses at St. Luke’s Hospital and at other locations.

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