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Correspondence of Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap.

This subseries includes a large collection of the correspondence of Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. The subseries includes letters from many prominent Irish political, literary, artistic, and religious figures. Notable correspondents include Maud Gonne MacBride, Jack B. Yeats, Georgie Yeats, Seán O’Sullivan, Michael Healy, and the sculptors Clare Sheridan and Seamus Murphy. Prominent Irish writers represented in the correspondence include Pearse Hutchison, Benedict Kiely, Seamus MacManus, Francis MacManus, Francis McCullagh, Kathleen M. Murphy, William Frederick Paul Stockley, Germaine Stockley, Ernie O'Malley, Daniel Corkery, Máirín Cregan, D.L. Kelleher, Helena Concannon, Alice Curtayne, and Denis Gywnn. Other notable correspondents include Aodh de Blacam, Frank Duff, Aloys Georg Fleishmann, Michael A. Bowles (the founder of the National Symphony Orchestra), Frank Ryan, Thomas MacGreevey, Sophie Raffalovich O’Brien, Robert Monteith, T.J. Kiernan, Margaret Mary Pearse, Joseph Patrick Walshe (Irish Ambassador to the Holy See), Victor Waddington, and Charles E. Kelly. The collection also includes letters from significant political figures such as Seán T. O’Kelly, Gerald Boland, James Ryan, Richard Mulcahy, and Seán MacBride.

Letters from several Irish language authors and cultural revivalist figures such as Monsignor Pádraig De Brún, Tomás Ó Con Cheanainn, Seán Ó Súilleabháin, Seán Ó Cuirrín, Tadhg Ó Donnchadha (‘Torna’), Pádraig Ó Siochfhradha (‘An Seabhac’), Tomás Ó Muircheartaigh, Seán Ó Ciarghusa, Gearóid Mac Spealáin, Aindrias Ó Muimhneacháin and Críostóir Ó Floinn are also present in the collection. There are also many letters from prominent religious and church figures such as Archbishop John D’Alton, Archbishop Joseph Walsh, Bishop William MacNeely, Fr. Thomas O’Donnell CM (Rector of All Hallows College, Dublin), Archbishop Redmond Prendiville, Archbishop Thomas O’Donnell, Fr. Paschal Robinson OFM, Archbishop Gerald O’Hara, Bishop John Dignan, Archbishop Anselm Edward John Kenealy OFM Cap., Archbishop Sylvester Mulligan OFM Cap., Canon Patrick Rogers, Fr. Terence L. Connolly SJ (Librarian, Boston College, Massachusetts), and Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea OFM Cap. Fr. Senan’s most prolific correspondent (in terms of quantity of letters) was Joseph O’Connor (Seosamh Ó Conchubhair), a writer from Fossa near Killarney in County Kerry. O’Connor seemingly exerted an early literary influence on Fr. Senan who consistently addressed him as ‘teacher’. The writer invariably signed his letters to Fr. Senan by using the pen name ‘Jocundus’. The files also include letters from Capuchin friars, advertisers, sales representatives, printers, and other individuals involved in the production of the ‘The Capuchin Annual’.

Correspondence and Papers of An tAthair Peadar Ó Laoghaire

The subseries comprises a small collection of papers relating to the Irish scholar and writer An tAthair Peadar Ó Laoghaire (Peter O’Leary). Ó Laoghaire was a prominent Irish language activist and member of Conradh na Gaeilge (Gaelic League). He published numerous books and articles on a range of topics, including an autobiography (‘Mo Sgéal Féin’), the first drama in Irish (‘Tadhg saor’), original prose, Irish translations of the Gospels, and translations of medieval Irish texts. The collection includes his letters to Fr. Augustine Hayden OFM Cap. and Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap., two Capuchin friars who shared Ó Laoghaire’s enthusiasm for the promotion of the Irish language. This collection also includes some material relating to Ó Laoghaire’s published work, particularly clippings of his transcriptions and translations of Irish texts, and a manuscript draft of ‘An Craos-Deamhan’. Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. was interested in Ó Laoghaire’s career and sought to promote his contribution to the Irish language. He seemingly acquired most of this material for personal research. The Ó Laoghaire collection was later preserved among Moynihan’s personal papers.

Ó Laoghaire, Peadar, 1839-1920, Catholic priest

Papers relating to Canon Patrick Sheehan

The subseries comprises a small collection of papers relating to the Irish Catholic priest and novelist Canon Patrick Sheehan.

Sheehan was born in Mallow in County Cork on 17 March 1852. He was educated at St. Colman’s College in Fermoy. He studied for the priesthood in St. Patrick’s College in Maynooth, County Kildare (1869-75). Sheehan was ordained on 18 April 1875 for the Cloyne diocese and sent on mission to England, where he served in Plymouth and Exeter. He returned to Ireland in 1877 to take up a curacy in his native Mallow. He was appointed parish priest of Doneraile in County Cork in July 1895. In 1903 he was appointed to the Cloyne diocesan chapter; hence he is most frequently referred to as ‘Canon Sheehan of Doneraile’. He was a prolific and successful author, writing a series of articles and essays on a variety of topics, and several novels, including ‘Geoffrey Austin, student’ (1895) and ‘The triumph of failure’ (1898). His most popular work was ‘My new curate’, published in 1900. Much of his writing centred on the issues faced by priests engaged in parochial work in rural Ireland. Sheehan took a keen interest in promoting modern agricultural methods, especially in tillage and dairy farming. He held weekly meetings with his parishioners in Doneraile and advised them in negotiations with their landlords following the passage of Land Purchase Act (Wyndham Act) in 1903. Sheehan also maintained a life-long friendship with the agrarian agitator William O’Brien (1852-1928). Canon Sheehan was diagnosed as suffering from cancer in 1910. Following a lengthy residence at the South Infirmary in Cork, he died on 5 October 1913. He was buried at the entrance to his church in Doneraile. A bronze statue of Canon Sheehan by Francis William Doyle Jones (1873-1938) was unveiled not far from his grave in October 1925.

Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap., the editor of ‘The Capuchin Annual’, was interested in Canon Sheehan’s literary career. Much of the material listed here was compiled for a special supplement marking the centenary of Canon Sheehan’s birth published in ‘The Capuchin Annual’ in 1952. A good portion of the original material was seemingly acquired by Fr. Senan from Presentation Sisters who resided in Doneraile and who were acquainted with Canon Sheehan during his lifetime.

Correspondence and Papers of James Joseph O’Kelly

The subseries comprises a small collection of papers relating to James Joseph O’Kelly, a Fenian, journalist, and nationalist politician. Born in Dublin in 1842, O’Kelly was sent to London at a very young age to learn sculpting from his uncle John Lawlor (c.1820-1901). His three brothers were artists, including the distinguished painter Aloysius O’Kelly (1853-c.1941). He was sworn into the Irish Republican Brotherhood in 1860 and joined the French Foreign Legion in 1863. He later distinguished himself as a journalist with the ‘New York Herald’. As the paper’s war correspondent, O’Kelly reported on the Cuban revolt against Spanish rule in 1873. Subsequently, O’Kelly accompanied the United States Army in its war against the Sioux and reported on the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876, otherwise known as ‘Custer’s Last Stand’. Upon his return to Ireland, O’Kelly became a staunch supporter of Charles Stewart Parnell and the Home Rule movement. He represented the Roscommon constituency in the House of Commons as an MP from 1880 to 1916. O’Kelly was central to what was called the ‘New Departure’ which bound together the forces of land agitation, Fenianism, and parliamentary politics in the 1870s and 1880s. He died in London on 22 December 1916.

The small collection of papers listed here relate to O’Kelly’s efforts to garner support for an Irish brigade to fight on the French side during the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71). Like almost all Irish Catholics O’Kelly supported the French during the conflict. The section includes letters from O’Kelly’s acquaintances and fellow nationalists, including John O’Mahony (1815-1877), the founder of the Fenian Brotherhood, Patrick James Smyth (1823-1885), a Home Rule MP, and John O’Connor Power (1846-1919). The file also includes a letter from Fr. Patrick Lavelle (1825-1886), a Mayo-born priest and nationalist agitator. Despite success in forming an Irish ambulance unit for the French army, the sudden fall of Paris and the French defeat at the end of January 1871 effectively ended O’Kelly’s project to raise an Irish brigade. In February 1871 O’Kelly went to America and embarked upon his journalistic career.

The documents listed below were found within an envelope annotated ‘Fenians’. However, it is unclear how (and from whom) Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. may have obtained O'Kelly's papers.

Papers relating to Dom Columba Marmion OSB

The subseries comprises a small collection of papers (including photographs) relating to Dom Columba Marmion OSB, an Irish Benedictine abbot and spiritual writer.

Joseph Marmion was born in Dublin on 1 April 1858 to an Irish father and a French mother. On the completion of his secondary studies, he was received at the seminary in Clonliffe College in Dublin in January 1874. He completed his preparation for the priesthood in Rome and was ordained there in 1881. On returning to Dublin, he was appointed professor of philosophy at Clonliffe. On 21 November 1886 he entered the newly founded Belgian abbey of Maredsous, with which, by virtue of the Benedictine vow of stability, he was to be associated for the rest of his life. On commencing his life as a Benedictine, he took Columba as his religious name. The first thirteen years of his monastic life (1886-99) were spent at Maredsous itself. In 1899 he was sent as prior and professor of theology to the abbey of Mont-César in Louvain, Belgium, where he remained for ten years. He was appointed the third abbot of Maredsous in 1909, and he remained there for the rest of his life. He died in Maredsous on 20 January 1923. The first of Marmion’s great spiritual books, ‘Christ, the life of the soul’, was published to considerable acclaim in 1916. This was followed in quick succession by ‘Christ in His mysteries’ (1919), and ‘Christ the ideal of the monk’ (1922). Collectively, these books are seen as classics of Christian spirituality. Dom Columba Marmion OSB was beatified by Pope John Paul II on 3 September 2000.

Papers relating to Landlord Defence Associations and Unionist Political Organisations

The subseries comprises a small collection of records relating to various Irish landlord defence associations and related loyalist and unionist political organisations in the late nineteenth century. The collection includes mostly printed circulars, fliers, and ephemera sent to members of these organisations. The goal of these interrelated associations was to defend the rights and interests of landed proprietors in Ireland. The organisations were set up in response to the activities of the Land League, a tenant farmer movement, which had as its primary aim the reform and eventual abolition of landlordism in Ireland.

The collection includes records generated by the Property Defence Association (PDA) which was formed in Dublin in December 1880 to assist landlords targeted by the Land League or by rural agitation in general. Led by James Stopford, 5th Earl of Courtown (1823-1914), the association served writs on tenants, provided (often armed) caretakers for evicted holdings, supplied labourers to boycotted landlords, and bought stock and farms at sheriffs’ sales. The Orange Emergency Committee, established by the loyalist Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, also in December 1880, had similar functions to the Property Defence Association. Both the PDA and Orange Emergency Committee were subscription-based aid organisations. The Irish Landowners' Convention was set up in early 1888 to protect the interests of landowners in the face of agrarian agitation and legislative reforms which enabled tenant proprietorship. James Hamilton , 2nd Duke of Abercorn (1838-1913), was elected its first president and he led the organisation for nearly a decade.

The collection also includes a small number of records relating to the Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union (ILPU), a unionist political organisation, established to oppose the nationalist Home Rule movement. The ILPU was formed in Dublin in May 1885 by a small number of southern businessmen, landowners, and academics. It sought to unite Liberals and Conservatives on a common platform of maintenance of the union between Great Britain and Ireland. The Irish Unionist Alliance was founded in 1891 by ILPU members, which it replaced. The Irish Unionist Alliance (IUA), also known as the Irish Unionist Party, was led for much of its existence by Colonel Edward James Saunderson (1837-1906) and later by William St John Brodrick, 1st Earl of Midleton (1856-1942).

Finally, the collection also includes a small number of fliers and printed ephemera relating to by-elections for the constituency of Trinity College (University of Dublin) in 1875 and in 1887. The college constituency was dominated by a Conservative and Unionist electorate. In January 1875, Edward Gibson, later 1st Baron Ashbourne (1837-1913), was elected for the Conservatives to serve as MP for Trinity College, Dublin. Dodgson Hamilton Madden (1840-1928) was elected Conservative MP for the university in the July 1887 by-election.

Internal evidence suggests that this material was originally assembled by John Ribton Garstin (1836-1917), a landlord and unionist, who served as High Sheriff of County Louth from 1880 to 1881. It has however not been ascertained how these records were acquired by Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap., the editor of ‘The Capuchin Annual’.

Other Artefacts

The sub-series contains a collection of printed books, church plate, relics and ephemera associated with Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC. Some of these objects were used for exhibition purposes by the Capuchin friars at commemorative events marking anniversaries associated with the temperance campaign.

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