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- 01/01/1808
Aloysisu Fritz, cp. Alphonsus O;Neill to the rector: announces the death of Fr. Liberio, a rector in Italy and the defection of Aloysius Fritz.
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Aloysisu Fritz, cp. Alphonsus O;Neill to the rector: announces the death of Fr. Liberio, a rector in Italy and the defection of Aloysius Fritz.
St. Paul of the Cross - Life:- "The Saint of the Crucified, A Little Life Of St. Paul Of The Cross, Founder of the Passionists" by a Passionist Father. Nihil Obstat: Vincentius Grogan, Provincialis: Imprimatur: Gulielmus Bernardus, Episcopus Birminghamensis. Vincent Grogan was Provincial 1881 - 1890 and Bishop Ullathorne, O.S.B., was Bishop of Birmingham 1850 - 1889
The Passionist Congregation, St. Patrick's Province
St. Paul of the Cross - Life:- "Vita Del Venerabile Servo Di Dio P. Paolo Della Croce Fondatore Della Congregazione De Chierice Scalzi Della SS. Croce, E Passione Di Gesu Christo" Scritta Da Un Sacerdote Professo Della Stessa Congregazione. Published in Rome MDCCCXXI (1821)
1741001 Paul of the Cross 1848001 Ignatius Spencer 1823008 Pio Cayro
St. Paul of the Cross - Life:- "The Life Of Blessed Paul Of The Cross Founder Of The Congregation of Discalced Clerks of the Most Holy Cross and Pasion of Jesus Christ", written by Father Pius Of The Name Of Mary, Consultor-General Of The Same Congregation, Translated by Fr. Ignatius of St. Paul, Passionist, Consultor For The Anglo-Irish Province. Published London: D. Lane, 43, Lamb's Counduit Street, Brunswick Square, W.C, 1860
1741001 Paul of The Cross 1856021 Paolo Giuseppi Palma
St. Paul of the Cross - Life:- "Vita Di S. Paolo Della Croce Fondatore Della Congregazione De' Chierici Scalzi Della SS. Croce E Passione Del N. S. Gesu Cristo" Scritta Dal P. Paolo Giuseppe Dell'Imm. Concezione Della Medissima Congregrazione Sacerdote Professo. Published Rome, 1867
1741001 St. Pau; of the Cross:
St. Paul of the CrossL Ms. Gaetano of St. James, Consultor General, to Ignatius Paoilim Provincial. Letter arranging for prayers for successful outcome of meeting re two moracles atributed to our Holy Founder.
St. Paul of the Cross: letter from Fr. Eugene Marorelli, C.P. to the Rector of Mount Argus enclosing Decree of Canoni9sation of our Founder. He communiscates General's wish that an "obolo" be sent. It is a heavy expense, but for the honour of the Province it must be met.
1741001 St. Paul of the Cross;
St. Paul of the Cross: Printed copy of the Bulla, "Canonizatione Sancti Paoli a Cruce Confessoris Clericorum Regularium Excalceatorum a Cruce et Passionis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Fundatoris". Signed by Pope Pius IX and 43 Cardinals, among them Cardinal Pecci (future Pope Leo XIII) Cardinal Barnabo and Cardinal Cullen, Archbishop of Dublin.. Printed in Rome, 1869
1741001 St. Paul of the Cross:
St. Paul of the Cross: English translation of a letter from the General, Dominic of the Name of MAry to all memebrs off the Congregation about celebrating the 1st centenary of the deathnof our Founder. Triduum on 26, 27 and 26 APril. Holy See grants certain liturgical privileges and a pleneray indulgence. Encloses copy of Office of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
St. Paul of the Cross - Life (pamphlet):- "The Saint Of The Crucified A Little Life Of St. Paul of the Cross Founder Of The Passionists" by a Passionist Father. Published by The Paulist Press, New York. The date of this item is quoted from an old alphabetical index card. It is not shown on the item. The actual date of entry in the Archives cannot be quoted as the chronological card is missing. The date, as given above, is the date on which it was entered on computer. Two copies.
Pius Devine