1846034 Bl. Charles Houben - Life:- seems to be notes prepared on Bl. Charles, principally on how he came to know about the Passionists and their form of life.
Charles Houben1846034 Bl. Charles Houben - Life:- copy of article published in February, 1893, less than a month after the death of Fr. Charles. Unfortunately, the title of the publication is not distingushable.
Charles HoubenBl. Charles Houben - Life:- this is in fact a letter, written on 3 postcards forty years after Charles's death, taking issue with a statement that had been made to the effect that the memory of Charles seems to have been forgotten. The writer is not identifiable
Charles Houben1846034 Bl. Charles Houben - Life:- photocopy of bound exercise book in Msgr. Verheggen's library which is the MS "Life" of Fr. Charles written by Sister Pancatius Hamers. This, it seems, is not the original MS but a "fair copy" made in copperplate writing by someone unnown. It was photocopied at Mount Argus by Declan O'Sullivan, C.P., Archivist on 27/06/1980
Charles Houben1846034 Bl. Charles Houben - Life:- photocopy of extract from "The Lamp", dated 14/01/1893, written a week after the death of Fr. Charles. For further details see 4/4/1/6 serial no 6401,
Charles Houben1846034 Bl. Charles Houben - Life:- copy of pages from "The Lamp" of 14/01/1893 has a note from Oliver Kelly, C.P., attached to it stating that it contains a portion of an article written on Fr. Charles the week after his death, and that it was given to him by Msg, Vanheggin. grand-nephew of Bl. Charles. The extracts attached do not contain any reference to Fr, Charles. The originals evidently were lost, But a copy seems to have been obtained at a later date, and this copy is located separately at 4/2/1/7 serial no. 6402.
Charles Houben1846034 Bl. Charles Houben - Life:- extract from a newspaper dated 14/05/1893, just four moths after the death of Fr. Charles giving an account of a sermon preached by Fr. Austin Hawke-Simms, C.P., during a May procession at Mount Argus. It contains a reference to Fr, Charles.
Charles Houben1846034 Bl. Charles Houben - Life:- 2 copies of a typed MS entitled "The Boyhood Of Fr. Charles - His Vocation To The Passionist Life. The First Year Of His Priestly Life Before He Was Appointed To The Passionist Retreat, Mount Argus, Dublin" The envelope in which these copies are located states, in Herman Nolan's writing, that they are by Fr. Louis Mary, C.P., (Dermot Carroll, C.P.,).
Charles Houben1846034 Bl. Charles Houben - Life:- photocopy of line drawing of proposed memorial to Fr.Charles, C.P. Architect, Albert Vicars, Somerset Chambers, 151 Grand Street, London.
Charles Houben1846034 Bl. Charles Houben - Life:- .photocopy of a document titled Passport (in 2 parts) 3w333, which is, in fact, the document issued to John Andrew Houben on 10 March, 1845 as his final release from army conscription. The title, "Passport", may be significant. Whilst it certifies that John Andrew Houben was now free of all military obligations, it also requsts all civil and miitary authorities to allow John Andrew Houben "free and unhindered passage, and to help and assist him, if necessary". He arrived at the Passionist Monastery of Ere in Belgium on 5 November, 1845 and was clothed as a novice on 1 December, 1845, so this document was most probably the passport used for his travel to Ere and elsewhere. It also contains a detailed description of him as at the time of issue, i.e., 10 March, 1845, as follows: "tall 1 ell, 7 palms and 1 inch; long face, covered forehead, black eyes, moderate nose, thick mouth, dimpled chin, brown hair, brown eyebrows, no further distingishing marks" (see document titled, " Explalatory Remarks" by Joop Bekkers, Leigraaf 146: 6651 GJ Druten, Holland, who suplied a translation of the passport documnet - which also see - for an explanation of John Andrew's hight details: in essence from 163 to 172 entimetres, i,e. from 5ft 5 inches to 5ft 8 inches).
Charles Houben