The sub-series contains files relating to the commemoration in 1988 of the 150th anniversary of the inauguration of the temperance campaign by Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC.
The sub-series comprises papers relating to the ministries undertaken by Fr. Aloysius Travers OFM Cap. to various republicans detained after the Easter Rising. The section includes authorisations and passes from British forces allowing him to visit Kilmainham Jail and extracts from various letters written by republican prisoners in the immediate aftermath of the Rising.
The sub-series comprises papers relating to the ministries performed by Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap. to republicans detained after the 1916 Rising. The section includes authorisations from British armed forces allowing Fr. Albert to visit detainees and extracts from various prison letters.
A collection of pamphlets and reports covering the national movement principally from c.1915-1921. The sub-series comprises printed ephemera such as fliers, handbills, and other publications.
The sub-series consists of records created during the routine management of Father Mathew Temperance Hall, Church Street, Dublin. This section includes the minutes of the weekly meetings of the Hall Committee.
Some Irish Capuchins displayed a noticeable sympathy with the republican interest during the Civil War. The Church Street community maintained close ties with various republicans including Frank Gallagher who carried out propaganda work on various Anti-Treaty bulletins, newsletters and publications. Gallagher worked alongside Erskine Childers (who was also on good terms with some Capuchin friars) on the republican publicity staff. Both men sided with Éamon de Valera in the Treaty debates. Gallagher and Robert Brennan were significant contributors to the 'Daily Bulletin' which was produced at this time (See CA IR/1/8/3/8). As a consequence, most of the tracts and publicity material obtained by the Capuchins reflected a rigidity to the Sinn Féin version of the conflict and demonstrated an implacable hostility to the Treaty and its supporters.