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Authority record

Honohan, Patrick, 1905-1976, Capuchin brother

  • IE CA DB/198
  • Person
  • 16 September 1905-6 September 1979

James Honohan was born in Donoughmore in County Cork on 16 September 1905. He joined the Capuchin Franciscans in April 1932 and took Patrick as his religious name. Shortly after his solemn (final) profession in April 1936, he was transferred to the United States mission custody. His initial assignment was in St. Patrick’s Friary in Wilmington, Delaware. In 1943 he was transferred to St. Joseph’s Church in Roseburg, Oregon, where he spent three years. In 1946 he came to St. Francis High School in La Cañada Flintridge, California, where he spent thirteen years, serving as cook and sacristan. Following another year in Willington, Br. Patrick returned to St. Francis High School. In 1966 he assigned to Mission Santa Inés, Solvang, California. He again served as cook and sacristan and maintained the mission’s grounds. He died in Santa Inés on 6 September 1979 and was buried in the cemetery adjoining San Lorenzo Friary.

Baptismal name: James Honohan
Religious name: Br. Patrick Honohan OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 16 Sept. 1905
Place of birth: Ballycunningham, Donoughmore, County Cork (Diocese of Cloyne)
Name of father: Andrew Honohan (Farmer)
Name of mother: Hannah Honohan (née Twomey)
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 24 Apr. 1932
Date of first profession: 25 Apr. 1933
Date of final profession: 25 Apr. 1936
Missionary activities: Travelled to the United States mission on 4 Oct. 1936
Date of death: 6 Sept. 1979
Place of death: Santa Inés, California
Place of burial: San Lorenzo Friary, Santa Inés, California

Holmes, Anthony, 1886-1947, Capuchin priest

  • IE CA DB/67
  • Person
  • 1 November 1886-11 June 1947

Edward Patrick Holmes was born in Kirkwall, the largest town on Orkney, on 1 November 1886. He joined the Capuchin Franciscans in September 1906 and took Anthony as his religious name. He was ordained to the priesthood on 5 July 1914. A year later, he was transferred to the United States mission. In July 1920 he was ministering in Fort Bragg in California. He spent most of his time in ministry on the American Pacific Coast, working in churches around his vast parish of the Blessed Sacrament in Elk, California. Elk (originally known as Greenwood) was a lumber town situated on the coastal region of Mendocino County, north of San Francisco. The Blessed Sacrament Parish had been served by English Capuchin missionaries since 1903 and included churches built on various Indian reservations in the region. Fr. Anthony died (suddenly) in Elk on 12 June 1947.

Baptismal name: Edward Patrick Holmes
Religious name: Fr. Anthony Holmes OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 1 Nov. 1886
Place of birth: Kirkwall, Orkney Islands (Diocese of Aberdeen)
Name of father: Michael Holmes
Name of mother: Catherine Holmes (née Hennebery)
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 8 Sept. 1906
Date of first profession: 17 Sept. 1907
Date of final profession: 21 Jan. 1912
Date of ordination (as priest): 5 July 1914
Missionary activities: Travelled to the United States mission in Sept. 1915
Date of death: 11 June 1947
Place of death: Elk, California

Herlihy, Agathangelus, 1911-1968, Capuchin priest

  • IE CA DB/173
  • Person
  • 11 March 1911-5 June 1968

John Brendan Herlihy was born in the village of Knocknagree in County Cork on 11 March 1911. He joined the Capuchin Franciscan Order in October 1928 and took Agathangelus as his religious name. He studied in Rome and was later ordained to the priesthood in Letterkenny, County Donegal, in June 1935. In the following year he volunteered for missionary work in Africa. He initially worked in the missionary territory in the Prefecture of Victoria Falls in Northern Rhodesia (later Zambia). In the 1940s he was appointed guardian (local superior) and parish priest of St. Mary of the Angels Friary in Athlone just outside Cape Town in South Africa. On 9 September 1958 he arrived in New Zealand and was appointed the first guardian of the community at 186 Glenmore Street in Northland, a suburb of Wellington. He was also the first Capuchin priest in St. Vincent de Paul Parish (now Otari Parish) in Northland-Kelburn in Wellington. He was diagnosed with cancer and died in Wellington on 5 June 1968. He was buried in Karori Cemetery, Wellington

Baptismal name: John Brendan Herlihy
Religious name: Fr. Agathangelus Herlihy OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 11 Mar. 1911
Place of birth: Knocknagree, Couny Cork (Diocese of Kerry)
Name of father: John Herlihy
Name of mother: Catherine Herlihy (née Sullivan)
Date of reception in the Capuchin Order: 5 Oct. 1928
Date of first profession: 6 Oct. 1929
Date of final profession: 6 Oct. 1932
Date of ordination (as priest): 23 June 1935 (St. Eunan’s Cathedral, Letterkenny)
Educational attainments: 1st class hons., BA, 1931
Missionary activity: Travelled to the Prefecture of Victoria Falls, Northern Rhodesia (later Zambia), on 31 Oct. 1936; Travelled to Wellington, New Zealand, on 21 June 1958
Leadership positions: Appointed first discreet of the Victoria Falls Mission, Northern Rhodesia, on 28 March 1946; Appointed second discreet of the Livingstone Mission, Northern Rhodesia, on 24 Nov. 1950 (re-appointed on 6 June 1954).
Date of death: 5 June 1968
Place of death: Calvary Hospital, Wellington, New Zealand
Place of burial: Karori Cemetery, Wellington, New Zealand

Henebry, Richard, 1863-1916, Catholic priest

  • Person
  • 18 September 1863-17 March 1916

Richard Henebry (Risteard de Hindeberg) was born on 18 September 1863 in Portlaw, County Waterford, the fourth of six children of Pierce Henebry, a farmer, and Ellen Henebry (née Cashen) of Clogheen in County Tipperary. At the age of twenty-one, Richard Henebry entered St. John’s College in Waterford to study for the priesthood, where Canon Patrick Power (1862-1951) was among his contemporaries. He subsequently won a scholarship to finish his studies in St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth. He graduated from All Hallows College in Dublin in 1892. Henebry briefly served on the English mission before he was offered the inaugural Chair of Celtic Studies at the Catholic University in Washington in 1895. The Ancient Order of Hibernians, an Irish American Catholic organization, had funded the chair and Henebry was proposed by classmates Canon Patrick Augustine Sheehan and Fr. Michael Hickey for the appointment. To fully prepare for his role Henebry was given special leave to go to Germany to study, again with effective lobbying on his behalf by Hickey and Sheehan. He studied for his doctoral degree in Celtic philology in Freiburg and Greifswald with the acclaimed celticists Rudolf Thurneysen and Heinrich Zimmer.

Henebry took up his appointment at the Catholic University in Washington in 1898 only to be relieved of his duties within two years. Though he was suffering from ill-health, Henebry had also seemingly fallen out with his colleagues and superiors in Washington. A diagnosis of tuberculosis forced him to spend a year recuperating in a sanatorium in Denver, Colorado. While in America, he edited and translated a large part of the life of Colum Cille by Manus Ó Donnell which he published in ‘Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie’ (1901-05). Following his return to Ireland, Henebry taught Irish in a variety of places in the Waterford area, notably during the summers from 1906 at Ring College (Coláiste na Rinne), which he had helped establish in 1905. Various diocesan appointments followed within Waterford and Lismore, before he put his name forward for the Chair of Irish Language and Literature at University College Cork (UCC) in 1909, again an inaugural position.

Henebry remained at UCC until his death in 1916, but it was not a wholly successful appointment. His efforts to embed his model of Irish language teaching in the university were met with resistance, from students and others. His efforts to establish an archive of Irish traditional music were also thwarted, and his continuing ill-health compromised his own ability to achieve these objectives. During his lifetime, Henebry was recognized as a leading linguist, and his works on the Déise dialect of Irish were widely acclaimed in academic circles. Pedagogically (and perhaps culturally) an enduring part of his legacy was his role as a teacher at, and supporter of, Coláiste na Rinne, in the Waterford Gaeltacht. In addition to his language instruction, Henebry also taught Irish traditional music to any students who were interested. He also relished his role as a contributor to various papers and periodicals, however the longest of his musical works published during his lifetime was a booklet, ‘Irish Music: Being an Examination of the Matter of Scales, Modes and Keys with Practical Instructions and Examples for Players’ (1903). Henebry died on 17 March 1916 in Portlaw, County Waterford, and was buried in Carrickbeg near Carrick-on-Suir. Henebry’s analytical monograph, ‘A Handbook of Irish Music’ (1928), published by University College Cork, appeared posthumously, and was edited by Professor Tadhg Ó Donnchadha (1874-1949), his successor in the Department of Irish in UCC.

Heffernan, Enda, 1932-2001, Capuchin priest

  • Person
  • 17 March 1932-25 April 2001

Timothy Heffernan was born on St. Patrick’s Day (17 March) in 1932 in Turner’s Cross in Cork. He joined the Capuchin Franciscans in October 1949 and took Enda as his religious name. He was ordained a priest in St. Eunan’s Cathedral in Letterkenny, County Donegal, on 30 May 1957. Soon after his ordination he travelled to the Western United States Mission. He was initially a parish priest in St. Mary’s Church in Ukiah, California. For many years, he was later a teacher and Dean at St. Francis High School in La Canada, California. In April 1979 he became the first Minister Provincial of the newly established Province of Our Lady of Angels in the Western United States. Following the completion of his term as Provincial Minister in 1985, he served as Novice Master in San Lorenzo Seminary in California. Later, he moved to San Bonaventura Friary in San Francisco where he took up the ministry of retreat director. He subsequently moved to St. Francis Friary in Burlingame. He suffered from ill-health in his final years, and he died on 24 April 2001. He was buried in the cemetery attached to San Lorenzo Seminary, Santa Inés, California.

Baptismal name: Timothy Heffernan
Religious name: Fr. Enda Heffernan OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 17 Mar. 1932
Place of birth: Cork
Name of father: John Heffernan
Name of mother: Margaret Heffernan (née Morey)
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 3 Oct. 1949
Date of first profession: 4 Oct. 1950
Date of final profession: 5 Oct. 1953
Date of ordination (as priest): 30 May 1957
Educational attainments: BA (1953)
Missionary activities: Travelled to the United States Mission in 1958
Leadership positions: Appointed Vice Provincial, Western United States Mission on 28 Mar. 1977; Appointed Minister Provincial of the newly created Western United States Province on 18 Apr. 1979.
Date of death: 25 Apr. 2001
Place of death: San Lorenzo Seminary, Santa Inés, California
Place of burial: Cemetery, San Lorenzo Seminary, Santa Inés, California

Healy, Angelus, 1875-1953, Capuchin priest

  • IE CA DB/23
  • Person
  • 26 February 1875-20 August 1953

Patrick Healy was born on 26 February 1875 in Graiguenamanagh, a small town on the border between Counties Carlow and Kilkenny. He entered the Capuchin novitiate at Rochestown in County Cork on 7 July 1894 and took the religious name of Angelus. He took his solemn vows in December 1897 and was ordained a priest in February 1902. Fr. Angelus cultivated a life-long interest in the history of the Irish Capuchins. In 1904, he worked alongside Fr. Stanislaus Kavanagh OFM Cap. (1876-1965) in transcribing autograph copies of two seventeenth century histories of the Irish friars by Nicholas Archbold ‘The historie of the Irish Capucins’ (1643) and Robert O’Connell ‘Historia Missionis Hiberniae Fratrum Minorum Capucinorum’ (c.1654). The original texts had been brought from France to the National Library of Ireland in Dublin for copying. Fr. Angelus was considered an authority on the history of the Irish Capuchin Province, and in 1919 he was chosen as a witness in the beatification cause of two seventeenth-century Capuchin martyrs, Fr. Fiacre Tobin OSFC (c.1620-1656) and Fr. John Baptist Dowdall OSFC (c.1626-1710). He also held several important administrative positions in the Irish Province. Three times he was elected as definitor (or counsellor), from 1910-3 and from 1922-5. He also held the position of Vicar-Provincial and was elected Custos General in 1913 which enabled him to attend the General Chapter of the Order in Rome. He was appointed Guardian of the Church Street Friary and was, at various times, Master of Novices, editor of ‘The Father Mathew Record’ periodical, and director-general of the Total Abstinence Association. Fr. Angelus never considered himself an academic historian but throughout his life he worked assiduously to assemble a vast corpus of documentary records on the history of the friars in Ireland. His ‘Pages from the Story of the Irish Capuchins’, published in 1915 to mark the tercentenary of the arrival of the first friar in Ireland, offered a concise introduction to the subject. ‘The execution of a more scholarly work’, he claimed, demanded ‘more patient research than he could ever command’. Known as an able missionary and preacher, he was also acclaimed as the ‘Guardian of the Reek’ in honour of his long association with the annual Croagh Patrick pilgrimage in County Mayo. His association with Croagh Patrick (also called ‘St. Patrick’s Reek’) lasted from 1906 to 1949, during which he climbed the mountain forty-two times missing only two years, in 1919 due to a railway strike, and in 1922 due to the Civil War. He died at the Presbytery in Westport Parish at the foot of Croagh Patrick on 20 August 1953. He was buried in the Capuchin plot in Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin.

Hayes, Francis, 1866-1946, Capuchin priest

  • IE CA DB/4
  • Person
  • 12 April 1866-19 November 1946

Thomas Hayes was born in Cork on 24 April 1866. He was the son of Patrick Hayes and Anna Hayes (née Treacy) of Chapel Street in the city. He was received into the Capuchin Order on 30 July 1882. He took Francis as his religious name upon joining the Capuchins. He was ordained a priest in Holy Trinity Church, Cork, on 30 July 1882. Soon after his ordination, he was called upon to assist in the administration of the Irish Capuchin Province. He was appointed guardian (local superior) of the Capuchin Friary on Church Street in Dublin and was twice elected Provincial Definitor (1893-6, 1904-7). He was appointed Provincial Archivist on 20 August 1907. He later became Rector of Rochestown Capuchin College, and for many years taught both philosophy and theology to novice-students of the Province. In 1919 he was chosen as a witness in the cause of the beatification of two seventeenth-century Irish Capuchin martyrs, Fr. Fiacre Tobin OSFC (d. 1656) and Fr. John Baptist Dowdall OSFC (d. 1710). Throughout his life he retained an interest in uncovering and transcribing documentary records relating to the history of the early Irish Capuchin. He died in Rochestown Friary, County Cork, on 19 November 1946 and was buried in the adjoining cemetery.

Baptismal name: Thomas Hayes
Religious name: Fr. Francis Hayes OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 24 Apr. 1866
Place of birth: 22 Chapel Street, Cork
Name of father: Patrick Hayes
Name of mother: Anna Hayes (née Treacy)
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 30 July 1882
Date of first profession: 5 Aug. 1883
Date of final profession: 4 Oct. 1887
Date of ordination (as priest): 1 May 1889
Leadership positions: Provincial Definitor: 1893-6, 1904-7
Date of death: 19 Nov. 1946
Place of death: Capuchin Friary, Rochestown, County Cork
Place of burial: Cemetery, Capuchin Friary, Rochestown, County Cork

Hayes, Albert, 1915-2005, Capuchin priest

  • Person
  • 18 October 1915-13 August 2005

Baptismal name: Daniel Hayes
Religious name: Fr. Albert Hayes OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 18 Oct. 1915
Place of birth: Moycarkey, County Tipperary (Diocese of Cashel)
Name of father: James Hayes (Farmer)
Name of mother: Margaret Hayes (née O’Brien)
Date of parents’ marriage: 23 Feb. 1914
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 26 Oct. 1934
Date of first profession: 27 Oct. 1935
Date of final profession: 27 Oct. 1938
Date of ordination (as a priest): 29 June 1943
Educational attainments: BA (1939)
Missionary activities: Travelled to Barotseland, Northern Rhodesia (later Zambia), on 10 Feb. 1945. Returned to Ireland in 1973.
Date of death: 13 Aug. 2005
Place of death: Kilkenny
Place of burial: Foulkstown Cemetery, County Kilkenny

Results 161 to 170 of 282