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Authority record

Connolly, Clement, 1875-1963, Capuchin priest

  • IE CA DB/21
  • Person
  • 30 November 1875-20 April 1963

John Connolly was born in Bagenalstown in County Carlow in 1875. He joined the Capuchin Franciscans at Rochestown Friary in County Cork in February 1892. He took Clement as his religious name upon joining the Order. He was ordained on 7 February 1902. He spent the early years of his priesthood teaching at Rochestown College before moving to Kilkenny and later to Holy Trinity Friary in Cork. For some years he was principally engaged in preaching missions and retreats throughout the country and in 1910 he was formally assigned to the missionary staff of the Irish Capuchin Province. Following the Provincial Chapter of 1922, he was assigned to the United States mission. He served initially in the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Abbottstown, Pennsylvania, before moving to the west coast. He returned to Ireland in July 1925. On his return, he was assigned to the Capuchin community residing on Church Street in Dublin. He was appointed Vicar of Holy Trinity Friary in Cork in 1933 and was reappointed to that office after the Provincial Chapter of 1934. He continued to reside in Cork until his death on 20 April 1963. He was buried in the cemetery adjoining the Capuchin Friary in Rochestown, County Cork.

Baptismal name: John Connolly
Religious name: Fr. Clement Connolly OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 30 Nov. 1875
Place of birth: Main Street, Bagenalstown, County Carlow
Name of father: Michael Connolly
Name of mother: Elizabeth Connolly (née Moloney)
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 7 Feb. 1892
Date of first profession: 20 Mar. 1893
Date of final profession: 25 Dec. 1897
Date of ordination (as priest): 23 Feb. 1902
Missionary activity: Travelled to Abbottstown, Pennsylvania, United Sates in Dec. 1922; Returned to Ireland in July 1925.
Date of death: 20 Apr. 1963
Place of death: Cork
Place of burial: Cemetery, Rochestown Capuchin Friary, County Cork

Collins, Ignatius, 1881-1961, Capuchin priest

  • IE CA DB/52
  • Person
  • 10 August 1885-21 October 1961

Patrick Joseph Collins was born on Cotter Street in Cork on 10 August 1885. He was the son of Captain Jeremiah Collins, an employee of the Cork Harbour Board, and his wife Honora Collins. He was educated at the Capuchin College in Rochestown, County Cork and he joined the Capuchin Order in 1902, taking Ignatius as his religious name. He graduated with a BA in Philosophy at the Royal University in Cork in 1908. He was ordained a priest in Kilkenny on 29 May 1910. By all accounts he was an outstanding scholar, and he was awarded a Doctorate in Theology and Philosophy from the Gregorian University in Rome in 1914. In May 1915, he responded to the call of Cardinal Francis Bourne, Archbishop of Westminster, seeking Catholic priests to act as chaplains in the British armed forces. He was sent to France in August 1915 and acted as a chaplain with the 69th Field Ambulance Corps. During the First World War his division served on the Western Front participating in many major offensives including the Battles of the Somme and Messines. In October 1917, the division was transferred to the Italian Front. In January 1918 Fr. Ignatius was awarded the Military Cross and was promoted to the rank of Major. Following the cessation of hostilities, he was demobilised (in 1919) and he initially returned to Rochestown Friary in Cork. In 1922 he was elected guardian (local superior) of the Capuchin Friary in Kilkenny. He ministered in Kilkenny for the next twenty-one years. In 1943 he was transferred to the Church Street Friary in Dublin and was appointed Vicar of the community. He remained a member of the Dublin fraternity until his death on 21 October 1961.

Baptismal name: Patrick Joseph Collins
Religious name: Fr. Ignatius Collins OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 10 Aug. 1885
Place of birth: Cork
Name of father: Jeremiah Collins
Name of mother: Honora Collins (née Cowhig)
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 24 Aug. 1902
Date of first profession: 17 Sept. 1903
Date of final profession: 31 July 1908
Date of ordination (as priest): 29 May 1910
Educational attainments: BA (RUI) 1909; PhD (Louvain), 1914; MA (RUI) 1915
Date of death: 21 Oct. 1961
Place of death: St. John of God’s Hospital, Stillorgan, Dublin
Place of burial: Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin

Christen, Bernard, 1837-1909, Capuchin priest

  • Person
  • 24 July 1837-11 March 1909

Edouard Christian was born in Andermatt, a mountain village in the canton of Uri in Switzerland, in 1837. He was the fourth child (from a family of thirteen) of Joseph Maria ‘Sebastian’ Christen and Karolina Danioth. He spent his early years helping his parents on their cattle farm. On 5 October 1855, he entered the Capuchin novitiate at Lucerne and took Bernard as his religious name. He made his solemn profession on 8 October 1856. He then undertook his clerical studies and was ordained to the priesthood on 29 July 1860. In 1876 Fr. Bernard was elected a General Definitor (Councillor), in which role he successfully renewed and updated the philosophical and theological studies of Capuchin clerical candidates. He also worked tirelessly to tighten up regular observance among the friars of the Capuchin Order. At the General Chapter of 1884, Fr. Bernard was elected as Minister General. Under his leadership, Capuchin missions were once more placed under the direction of the General Minister. He was also instrumental in the revision of the original 1530 Constitution of the Capuchin Order. Under his administration the number of friars began to grow, studies were reorganised, missions were given a new lease of life and the number of Capuchin jurisdictions increased. Fr. Bernard was also the first Capuchin General Minister to visit North America. He served as General Minister of the Capuchin friars from 1884 to 1908. His ceaseless work for the renewal of the Order was recognised by both Popes Leo XIII and Pius X, with the latter naming him Titular Archbishop of Stauropolis in 1908. He died the following year (11 March 1909) in the Institute of the Sisters of the Holy Cross in Ingenbohl, Switzerland. He was buried in Lucerne.

Cashell, Vianney, 1927-1973, Capuchin priest

  • Person
  • 14 September 1927-20 July 1973

Maurice Cashell was born in Tralee, County Kerry, on 14 September 1927. He was received into the Capuchin novitiate in Rochestown, County Cork, in 1944. He took Vianney as his religious name upon joining the Capuchin Franciscans. He completed his philosophical studies in University College Cork and his theological studies in Ard Mhuire Friary in County Donegal. He was ordained to the priesthood in October 1952. Following his ordination, he was sent to Rome and later to Louvain for further studies. Shortly after his return to Ireland, he was assigned to a special ministry in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1965. He was transferred to the American Vice-Province in 1970 and was initially posted to San Buenaventura Friary in San Francisco helping in retreat ministry. During this time, he successfully applied for the position of philosophy teacher at San Francisco State University. However, he died before he could take up this academic role. His death (due to an un-diagnosed heart condition) occurred whilst he was giving a retreat to religious sisters in San Diego in California. He was buried in Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery in Colma, San Mateo County, California.

Baptismal name: Maurice Cashell
Religious name: Fr. Vianney Cashell OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 14 Sept. 1927
Place of birth: Tralee, County Kerry
Name of father: Maurice Cashell
Name of mother: Nora Cashell (née Leen)
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 3 Oct. 1944 (Rochestown, County Cork)
Date of first profession: 4 Oct. 1945
Date of final profession: 4 Oct. 1948
Date of ordination (as priest): 5 Oct. 1952 (at Ard Mhuire Friary, County Donegal, by William MacNeely, Bishop of Raphoe)
Educational attainments: BA, 1st class honours (1948); MA, 1st class honours (1948); PhD, Louvain (1958)
Missionary activities: Transferred to Vice-Province in California, United States, on 22 Sept. 1970.
Date of death: 20 July 1973
Place of death: San Diego, California, United States
Place of burial: Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Colma, San Mateo County, California, United States

Carroll, Marcellus, 1908-1980, Capuchin priest

  • IE CA DB/167
  • Person
  • 1 July 1908-18 November 1980

Angelo John Carroll was born in Dublin on 1 July 1908. He joined the Irish Capuchins in October 1927 and took Marcellus as his religious name. Soon after his ordination in Letterkenny in 1935, he volunteered to work as a missionary friar in South Africa. Aside from a short spell in Livingstone in Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) between 1939 and 1942, Fr. Marcellus spent most of his life in ministry in Cape Town. Upon his arrival in South Africa, he was put in charge of the mission at Matroosfontein, a multiracial residential area just outside Cape Town. After his sojourn in Livingstone, he returned to Matroosfontenin where he served as parish priest until 1963. He then became parish priest at St. Mary of the Angels Parish in Athlone, another suburb of Cape Town. He remained here until 1968. In January 1976 he was transferred to the Parow Parish as Associate Pastor. In May 1976 he made his way to Regina Coeli Parish in Belgravia in the Athlone suburb where he worked as assistant pastor. In his twenty-five years in Matroosfontein, Fr. Marcellus succeeded in building up a thriving parish and he was well-known for giving numerous missions and retreats throughout South Africa. He was plagued by ill-health in his later years, but he continued to minister in the Cape Town mission until his death on 18 November 1980. He was buried in the Capuchin plot in Maitland Cemetery in Cape Town.

Baptismal name: Angelo John Carroll
Religious name: Fr. Marcellus Carroll OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 1 July 1908
Place of birth: 79 Dalymount, Dublin
Name of father: Angelo Carroll (Umbrella Manufacturer)
Name of mother: Teresa Carroll (née Jordan)
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 3 Oct. 1927
Date of first profession: 4 Oct. 1928
Date of final profession: 4 Oct. 1931
Date of ordination (as priest): 23 June 1935 (Letterkenny, County Donegal)
Educational attainments: BA (1931)
Missionary activities: Travelled to South Africa in 1935
Date of death: 18 Nov. 1980
Place of death: Cape Town, South Africa
Place of burial: Maitland Cemetery, Cape Town, South Africa.

Carroll, Finian, 1903-1971, Capuchin priest

  • IE CA DB/135
  • Person
  • 15 February 1903-17 September 1971

John Joseph Carroll was born near Nenagh in County Tipperary on 15 February 1903. He joined the Capuchin Franciscans in September 1921 and took Finian as his religious name. Having completed his philosophical and theological studies, he was ordained to the priesthood on 29 June 1929. Shortly afterwards, he volunteered for missionary work in the United States. His first assignment was in the Parish of St. Mary of the Angels in Ukiah, California. He remained assistant pastor in Ukiah until 1933 when he was assigned to Our Lady of Angels Parish in Burlingame, California. In August 1939 he was appointed pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish in Elk, California. In the following years he had many assignments, moving between California and Oregon and ministering in various Capuchin foundations. From July 1939 to July 1943, he was pastor at Mission Santa Inés, Solvang, California. He then moved to St. Joseph’s Parish in Roseburg, Oregon (1943-4). From 1944 to 1950, he was assistant pastor in Ukiah California. He then served as custodian at the Capuchin Friary in McKenzie Ridge, Oregon (1950-2). In 1952 he was appointed pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish in Fort Bragg, California. Here he was successful in building a new church and rectory and relocating the parish hall to the new property. In 1956 he moved to the Parish of St. Francis of Assisi in Los Angeles and was appointed pastor. He immediately began raising funds for the construction of a new church. By the time he retired from the parish in 1964, the new church was completed and was open for services. In 1969 he was transferred to Mission Santa Inés in California. This was to be his last appointment as his health had begun to decline. In September 1971, he returned to Ireland to celebrate his Golden Jubilee as Capuchin Franciscan friar. He suffered a heart attack on 16 September 1971 in Nenagh, County Tipperary. He was buried in the Capuchin plot in Foulkstown Cemetery in County Kilkenny.

Baptismal name: John Joseph Carroll
Religious name: Fr. Finian Carroll OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 15 Feb. 1903
Place of birth: Belleen, Nenagh, County Tipperary (Diocese of Killaloe)
Name of father: Hugh Carroll
Name of mother: Julia Carroll (née Slattery)
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 18 Sept. 1921
Date of first profession: 15 Oct. 1922
Date of final profession: 29 Dec. 1925
Educational attainments: BA (NUI), 1925
Date of ordination (as priest): 29 June 1929
Missionary activities: Travelled to the American mission custody in 1929
Date of death: 17 Sept. 1971
Place of death: Nenagh, County Tipperary
Place of burial: Foulkstown Cemetery, County Kilkenny

Results 231 to 240 of 282