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Duggan, Pius, 1879-1963, Capuchin priest

  • IE CA DB/45
  • Persoon
  • 7 September 1879-29 January 1963

John Duggan was born in the village of Ballydehob in County Cork on 7 September 1879. He joined the Capuchin Franciscans in October 1899, took Pius as his religious name, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1907. Most of his priestly life was spent in preaching missions and retreats (in both Irish and English). In his early years, he also took part in the temperance campaign and gave missions in both Ireland and England promoting this cause. For several years he acted as a spiritual director for theology and philosophy students and was guardian (local superior) at the friaries in Rochestown and in Kilkenny (from 1913-6 and from 1931-4). During his years as member of the Church Street community in Dublin, he was director of the sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis and acted as Commissary Provincial of the confraternity. He died on 29 January 1963 and was buried in the cemetery attached to Rochestown Capuchin Friary in County Cork.

Baptismal name: John Duggan
Religious name: Fr. Pius Duggan OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 7 Sept. 1879
Place of birth: Ballydehob, County Cork
Name of father: Timothy Duggan
Name of mother: Sarah Duggan (née Connell)
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 1 Oct. 1899
Date of first profession: 4 Oct. 1900
Date of final profession: 25 Sept. 1904
Date of ordination (as priest): 16 Mar. 1907
Date of death: 29 Jan. 1963
Place of burial: Cemetery, Rochestown Capuchin Friary, County Cork

Christen, Bernard, 1837-1909, Capuchin priest

  • Persoon
  • 24 July 1837-11 March 1909

Edouard Christian was born in Andermatt, a mountain village in the canton of Uri in Switzerland, in 1837. He was the fourth child (from a family of thirteen) of Joseph Maria ‘Sebastian’ Christen and Karolina Danioth. He spent his early years helping his parents on their cattle farm. On 5 October 1855, he entered the Capuchin novitiate at Lucerne and took Bernard as his religious name. He made his solemn profession on 8 October 1856. He then undertook his clerical studies and was ordained to the priesthood on 29 July 1860. In 1876 Fr. Bernard was elected a General Definitor (Councillor), in which role he successfully renewed and updated the philosophical and theological studies of Capuchin clerical candidates. He also worked tirelessly to tighten up regular observance among the friars of the Capuchin Order. At the General Chapter of 1884, Fr. Bernard was elected as Minister General. Under his leadership, Capuchin missions were once more placed under the direction of the General Minister. He was also instrumental in the revision of the original 1530 Constitution of the Capuchin Order. Under his administration the number of friars began to grow, studies were reorganised, missions were given a new lease of life and the number of Capuchin jurisdictions increased. Fr. Bernard was also the first Capuchin General Minister to visit North America. He served as General Minister of the Capuchin friars from 1884 to 1908. His ceaseless work for the renewal of the Order was recognised by both Popes Leo XIII and Pius X, with the latter naming him Titular Archbishop of Stauropolis in 1908. He died the following year (11 March 1909) in the Institute of the Sisters of the Holy Cross in Ingenbohl, Switzerland. He was buried in Lucerne.

Guy, Benvenutus, 1860-1927, Capuchin priest

  • Persoon
  • 4 May 1860-9 November 1927

Baptismal name: James Guy
Religious name: Fr. Benvenutus Guy OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 4 May 1860
Place of birth: Trim, County Meath
Name of father: Patrick Guy
Name of mother: Bridget Guy (née McMahon)
Ministries: Founded the Church Street Catholic Boys’ Brigade in Dublin March 1894. He also acted as the organisation’s first president. He left the Capuchin Order, moved to England, and was incardinated into the Diocese of Middlesbrough in 1899. He served as a Chaplain to the Forces during the First World War.
Date of death: 9 November 1927
Place of death: Halifax, England

Ruth, Carthage, 1923-2010, Capuchin priest

  • Persoon
  • 6 March 1923-26 December 2010

Baptismal name: James Ruth
Religious name: Fr. Carthage Ruth OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 6 Mar. 1923
Place of birth: Enniscorthy, County Wexford (Diocese of Ferns)
Name of father: William Ruth
Name of mother: Margaret Ruth (née Dobbs)
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 3 Oct. 1941
Date of first profession: 4 Oct. 1942
Date of final profession: 4 Oct. 1945
Date of ordination (as priest): 16 June 1949
Educational attainments: BA (1945)
Missionary activities: Travelled to the Prefecture of Victoria Falls, Northern Rhodesia (later Zambia), in February 1950. Later, he undertook missionary work in the Archdiocese of Cape Town in South Africa. Returned to Ireland in 1971.
Date of death: 26 Dec. 2010
Place of death: Bon Secours convalescence home, Mount Desert, Cork
Place of burial: Cemetery, Rochestown Capuchin Friary, County Cork

Quinn, Salvator, 1918-2000, Capuchin priest

  • Persoon
  • 21 February 1918-15 August 2000

Baptismal name: Hugh Quinn
Religious name: Fr. Salvator Quinn OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 21 Feb. 1918
Place of birth: Ardkeen, Portaferry, County Down (Diocese of Down and Connor)
Name of father: Patrick Quinn (Farmer)
Name of mother: Elizabeth Quinn (née Dynes)
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 3 Oct. 1938
Date of first profession: 4 Oct. 1939
Date of final profession: 4 Oct. 1942
Date of ordination (as priest): 20 June 1946
Educational attainments: BA, 2nd class hons, University College Cork (1942)
Missionary activities: Travelled to the Prefecture of Victoria Falls, Northern Rhodesia (later Zambia) on 29 Nov. 1946; Guardian, Christ the King Mission, Maramba, Zambia; Vicar General of the Diocese of Livingstone, 1950-72; Secretary to Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea, Bishop Adrian Mung'andu and Bishop Raymond Mpezele in Livingstone.
Date of death: 15 Aug. 2000
Place of death: Raheny, Dublin
Place of burial: Dardistown Cemetery, County Dublin

Hayes, Albert, 1915-2005, Capuchin priest

  • Persoon
  • 18 October 1915-13 August 2005

Baptismal name: Daniel Hayes
Religious name: Fr. Albert Hayes OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 18 Oct. 1915
Place of birth: Moycarkey, County Tipperary (Diocese of Cashel)
Name of father: James Hayes (Farmer)
Name of mother: Margaret Hayes (née O’Brien)
Date of parents’ marriage: 23 Feb. 1914
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 26 Oct. 1934
Date of first profession: 27 Oct. 1935
Date of final profession: 27 Oct. 1938
Date of ordination (as a priest): 29 June 1943
Educational attainments: BA (1939)
Missionary activities: Travelled to Barotseland, Northern Rhodesia (later Zambia), on 10 Feb. 1945. Returned to Ireland in 1973.
Date of death: 13 Aug. 2005
Place of death: Kilkenny
Place of burial: Foulkstown Cemetery, County Kilkenny

Kelleher, David, 1912-1995, Capuchin priest

  • IE CA DB/182
  • Persoon
  • 28 January 1912-21 Nov. 1995

Patrick Kelleher was born in Coolea near Ballyvourney in County Cork on 28 February 1912. His early schooling was in Coolea National School and in the Capuchin College in Rochestown in County Cork. He was received into the novitiate in Kilkenny in October 1929 and took David as his religious name. He undertook a formidable course of academic studies obtaining a Bachelor of Arts (1933) and later a Master of Arts (1934) from University College Cork. He was solemnly professed as a Capuchin friar in St. Bonaventure’s in Cork in October 1933. Following three years of theological studies in Ard Mhuire Friary in County Donegal, he was ordained to the priesthood in October 1937. He was sent to Rome after his ordination and spent six years at the International Capuchin College from 1937 to 1943, taking a Doctorate in Theology and a Licentiate in Scripture from the Pontifical Gregorian University. He also obtained a Diploma in Library Science from the Vatican Library. His time in Rome coincided with the difficult years of conflict in Italy during the Second World War. He returned to Ireland in 1943 and he resided in Ard Mhuire Friary for the remainder of his life, teaching dogmatic theology and liturgical and spiritual theology (1943-72). Aside from his pastoral work, he served as guardian (local superior) of the Ard Mhuire community for two terms and was the local vicar for eleven years. He also served on the Provincial Definitory (Council) from 1955 to 1958. He also retained a life-long interest in promoting the temperance cause. He died on 21 November 1995 and was buried in the cemetery attached to Ard Mhuire Friary in County Donegal.

Baptismal name: Patrick Kelleher
Religious name: Fr. David Kelleher OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 28 Feb. 1912
Place of birth: Coolea, Ballyvourney, County Cork (Diocese of Cloyne)
Name of father: Daniel Kelleher (Farmer)
Name of mother: Johanna Kelleher (née Mullane)
Date of reception into Capuchin Order: 3 Oct. 1929 (at Kilkenny)
Date of first profession: 4 Oct. 1930
Date of solemn profession: 4 Oct. 1933
Date of ordination (as priest): 10 Oct. 1937 (Ard Mhuire Capuchin Friary, County Donegal)
Educational attainments: BA (1st class hons.) and scholarship, UCC, (1933); MA, UCC, (1934); Doctor of Sacred Theology, (1940); Licentiate of Sacred Scripture, (1942).
Leadership positions: Provincial Definitor (Councillor), 1955-8; Custos General, 1958-61
Date of death: 21 Nov. 1995
Place of death: Ard Mhuire Capuchin Friary, County Donegal
Place of burial: Cemetery, Ard Mhuire Capuchin Friary, County Donegal

Griffin, Colman, 1886-1971, Capuchin priest

  • IE CA DB/54
  • Persoon
  • 16 January 1958-24 August 1971

Thomas Griffin was born in the town of Doneraile in County Cork on 16 January 1886. He joined the Capuchin Franciscans in February 1903 and took Colman as his religious name. Having took his solemn vows in July 1908, he was ordained to the priesthood in May 1910. He subsequently pursued further theological studies at the International Capuchin College in Rome and received a Doctorate in Divinity (DD) from the Pontifical Gregorian University in the Italian capital. On his return to Ireland in 1914, he taught as a professor in theology in the Seraphic College in Rochestown, County Cork. He spent the greater part of his life teaching friars dogmatic theology both as a professor and as a director of students and master of novices. He held many senior leadership positions in the Order in Ireland and was several times guardian and vicar of various Capuchin communities. He was chosen as the first guardian (local superior) of the new Ard Mhuire foundation which was established in County Donegal in 1930. He was appointed superior of the newly established Raheny Hostel in Dublin in 1946. Fr. Colman was elected five times as a Provincial Definitor (Councillor) and served four terms as Provincial Minister (1937-40, 1940-3, 1949-51, 1952-5). He died in Raheny on 24 August 1971 and was buried in Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin.

Baptismal name: Thomas Griffin
Religious name: Fr. Colman Griffin OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 16 Jan. 1886
Place of birth: Doneraile, County Cork (Diocese of Cloyne)
Name of father: Humphrey Griffin (Farmer)
Name of mother: Anne Griffin (née Carmody)
Date of reception into Capuchin Order: 19 Feb. 1903
Date of first profession: 19 Mar. 1904
Date of final profession: 31 July 1908
Date of ordination (as priest): 29 May 1910
Education attainments: BA (Royal University of Ireland, Cork, 1908); Doctorate in Divinity (Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, 1914)
Leadership positions: Provincial Definitor (Councillor): 1925-8, 1928-31, 1931-4, 1934-7, 1946-9; Provincial Minister: 1937-40, 1940-3, 1949-51, 1952-5; Custos General: 1943-6, 1955-8.
Date of death: 24 Aug. 1971
Place of death: Raheny, Dublin
Place of burial: Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin

Kelly, Timothy Jerome, 1926-1999, Presentation Brother

  • IE PB P/733
  • Persoon
  • 31 July 1926-19 January 1999

Born: 31 July 1926, Lehanmore, County Cork
Entered juniorate: August 1939, Coláiste Muire, Douglas, Cork
Reception: 6 August 1943
Professed: 12 August 1945
Died: 19 January 1999
Interred: Blessed Edmund Rice Cemetery, Mount St Joseph, Cork

Murphy, Theophilus, 1928-2006, Capuchin priest

  • Persoon
  • 11 April 1928-6 October 2006

Baptismal name: Edmond Murphy
Religious name: Fr. Theophilus Murphy OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 11 Apr. 1928
Place of birth: Newmarket, County Cork (Diocese of Cloyne)
Name of father: Edmond Murphy (Farmer)
Name of mother: Ellen Murphy (née Riely)
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 2 Oct. 1946
Date of first profession: 4 Oct. 1947
Date of final profession: 4 Oct. 1950
Date of ordination (as priest): 23 May 1954 (Holy Trinity, Cork)
Educational attainments: BA, 2nd class hons. (1950)
Missionary activities: Travelled to Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia (later Zambia), on 31 Aug. 1954. He returned to Ireland on 6 Oct. 2006.
Leadership positions: Regular Superior, Zambian Mission, 1973-6, 1976-9, 1985-8. He served as Administrator of the Diocese of Livingstone from 1984-5. He also served as a Parish Priest and Diocesan Consultor in Livingstone.
Date of death: 6 Oct. 2006
Place of death: Holy Trinity Capuchin Friary, Cork
Place of burial: Cemetery, Rochestown Capuchin Friary, County Cork

Resultaten 161 tot 170 van 282