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Salvian Nardocci
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St. Joseph's (Anglo-Hibenan Province:- 1842007 Nardocci, C.P., Salvian

St. Joseph's (Anglo-Hibernian Province) Newspaper Cuttngs 1888-1897 Vol . 2 This vol. was prepared by Salvian Nardocci. It contains every news item on the Passionists , no matter how small that Salvian came across. The class no and dates above were given at the time of computerisation, as the original registration and index cards were missing and no indication of such information was available either in the vol. The vol. had been handsomely rebound by the Garda Obsequies Association to commemorate the centenary of the association of the Passionists with it in 1993. (Vol. 1 is located at 28/3 class no. 6283)

Salvian Nardocci

St. Joseph's (Anglo/Hibernian) Province 1842007 Nardocci, C.P., Salvian

St. Joseph's (Anglo-Hibernian Province) Newspaper Cuttngs 1857-1887 Vol !. This vol. was prepared by Salvian Nardocci. It contains every news item on the Passionists , no matter how small that Salvian came across. The class no and dates above were given at the time of computerisation, as the original registration and index cards were missing and no indication of such information was available either in the vol. The vol. had been handsomely rebound by the Garda Obsequies Association to commemorate the centenary of the association of the Passionists with it in 1993.

Salvian Nardocci

Juniorate: Alumni: 1842007 Nardocci, C.P., Salvian: Mission and Retreats: Chronicles.

Juniorate: Alumni: 1842007 Nardocci, C.P., Salvian; Missions and Retreats: Chronicles: Jniorate/Alumni: (at Mount Argus): details of arrivals and departures at Juniorate from 02.10.1879 to 23 June, 1882, recorded by Fr. Salvian Nardocci, C.P. These entries only occupy a few pages at the front of the book, At the back many more pages are occupied by his etnry of details of early English missions and retreats together with his rough notes for later entry in his chronicles.

Salvian Nardocci

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